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Everything posted by Snake45

  1. "The Lawnmower Man" is a short story by Stephen King, first published in the May 1975 issue of Cavalier and later included in King's 1978 collection Night Shift. --https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lawnmower_Man#References You should be able to find a paperback copy of Night Shift in the bargain bin of any used book store or Goodwill joint, and the story shouldn't take you more than 20 minutes to read. If you can't find one, let me know and I'll see if I can find the time to find mine from 40 years ago and send it to you.
  2. Bill: I never had one. Never saw one. Have never seen one in the flesh to this day. First I ever heard of it was in a 1967 Car Modeler magazine where someone used a Sizzler frame to make a funny car frame for a (IIRC) '66 Skylark named UFO.
  3. You can go nuts on this kit, but you'll be replacing pretty much everything but the body, and maybe the wheels and tires. Me, I'm just gonna pimp-slap mine together and have FUN with it, exactly the way I did in 1967.
  4. Wasn't hard to find. Apparently OOP, but commonly available and reasonably priced. EXCELLENT book, well worth any amount. I've had mine since it was brand new (1978). https://www.amazon.com/Excalibur-III-Mustang-Aircraft-National/dp/0874746353
  5. First saw it in the late '70s at NASM in Wash DC. It's now at the NASM's Dulles annex and looks better than ever. NASM used to publish an entire book about the history and restoration of this airplane. Dunno if it's still available, but I have a copy from back in the day, and it is EXCELLENT. Well worth tracking down a copy if you have to. More later. I have kind of a busy night going on now. Drive on! https://www.thisdayinaviation.com/tag/excalibur-iii/ http://static.thisdayinaviation.com/wp-content/uploads/tdia//2012/05/North-American-Aviation-P-51C-10-NT-Mustang-44-10947-NX1202-Blaze-of-Noon-N1202-Excalibur-III.jpg
  6. This is a true story, and happened this morning. The Lovely Mrs. Snake heard it all, and can testify. Setup: This is the time of year when, if you are an American over 65, you will get many, MANY phone calls trying to sell you "Medicare supplemental insurance." The tipoff that these are sales calls are the word "Medicare." NO ONE from Medicare will ever call you for any reason. If you need to talk to Medicare, YOU have to call THEM (and probably wait on line for hours, but that's not what I'm here to tell you). ANY mention of Medicare IS a sales call. The vast majority of these are recorded robo-calls, but every now and then one will be a real live person, which I take as an opportunity to have some fun. Okay, here we go. CALLER: (In very slight Indian accent) "Good morning, Richard, this is Carol with Medicare Assistance. How are you today?" ME: (In happy, upbeat mood) "Hi, Carol, I'm doing great! What are you wearing?" CALLER: (After a few seconds) "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you, sir. What did you say?" ME: (Still happy and upbeat) "I said Hi, Carol, I'm doing great! What are you wearing?" CALLER: (After a pause of a few more seconds) "Sir, that is NONE of your business!!!" ME: (Still happy and upbeat) "Hey, YOU called ME!" CALLER: "F*** you!" (Click) I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. Feel free to try this yourself. You'll be glad you did!
  7. Brudda, Fabulous! I am impressed. You know your stuff, or at least where/how to find it. I have that book, too. It's pretty nice. BTW, I saw that red #46 P-51C just last week. Yes, the real one--it still exists and it looks magnificent! Drive on!
  8. You are doing FABULOUS so far! The fuselage fuel tank on a P-51D/K (behind the pilot's seat) is black. And the floorboards are plywood. Does this kit include both types of propeller, or just the Aeroproducts prop? If the latter, you're pretty stuck with building it as a K model. If it also includes the much more common Hamilton-Standard prop, you can build it as any of the many thousands of Ds.
  9. When you come up with a name that includes all that...let me know. Oh yah, got that too. Reminds of the guys we call "sexual intellectuals" (well, that's the polite term--I can't post the other versions): Knows 87 exotic oriental lovemaking techniques, but doesn't know any women.
  10. Thanks for your concern, Mark, and your kind words. I'm doing great--better every day now, in fact--just haven't been doing much modeling at all. Last project I finished up was a couple months ago now--it was a Snake-Fu on a "glue bomb" model airplane, first job like that I've done. (Yah, that's right--Snake-Fu on a Plane. ) I should take some pics of that thing and post it here sometime soon. It turned out pretty cool. Model on!
  11. Beatcha to it, my friend. I posted all these 3 hours ago. Good stuff!
  12. Interesting! Digiorno is good stuff. I eat one of their Rising Crust Three Meat pizzas every week. I'm willing to give this a try, if I see them at Walmart between now and Thanksgiving. Thanks for posting this!
  13. For a second there I thought you were going to get into BIG trouble. Pretty sure I would have.
  14. They say Jesus will find you wherever you go, But when He'll come looking for you, they don't know. --The late great prophet Warren Zevon, "Gorilla You're a Desperado," Bad Luck Streak in Dancing School, Warner/Elektra/Asylum 1980
  15. I like where you're going with this. The '57 gasser body is horrible, for all purposes unbuildable. The '62 body is much better except for the headlight area. I've considered trying to bash the front end of the MPC '60 with the rest of the AMT '62, but lack the ambition to actually DO it. Good luck with your project, and drive on!
  16. Did not know(or remember) that. I don't think he was a regular on Night Court, prolly more of a recurring guest star or something. I remember him mainly from I'm Dickens He's Fenster, and as Gomez on The Addams Family.
  17. Guess that makes John LaRoquette the Last Man Standing, huh. Also checking out today was Matthew Perry, Chandler Bing of Friends, at 54. Now I am sad.
  18. Just for lack of anything else to watch, I decided to go back and re-watch this entire season again (also, last year I was in the hospital for a good deal of it and didn't get to see all of it, or ANY of it as closely/carefully as I would have liked). I'm almost through it (I think I have 3 more episodes to watch). I'm SO glad I decided to do this. This was some of the best television I've ever seen on any subject, scripted or "reality." If somebody had written it all as fiction, it couldn't have been any better. I'm being impressed by the outstanding sportsmanship and mutual respect being exhibited by ALMOST everybody (there's a few bad eggs anywhere, I guess). Murder Nova did a stellar job as Racemaster, and JJ had the best comeback/Cinderella story I've ever seen. I also very much appreciated the sportsmanship and plain old decency of Ryan Martin, Scott Taylor, Axman, and a few others. What an amazing show! If you haven't seen it, it's on the free app Discovery Go.
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