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Mike C

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Everything posted by Mike C

  1. We got rid of cable about 5 years ago. Although we do have an antenna to pick up broadcast TV. But I primarily stream Netflix (the only one I pay for), Tubi and YouTube although I do have a number of free movie apps to watch too.
  2. Here's today's inbox of scam. LOL.
  3. I get that stuff all the time, "order confirmation", "we received your payment", etc. So much scam spam that it's so obvious. Multiple emails of the same thing with different return email addresses.
  4. Yeah, you're right about the misaligned winglets (actually end plates). The wing has a little warp to it. When I was building the kit I accidently broke the wing into 3 equal parts. I had to glue them putty and sand it to get it to look right. The endplates have a recess in them for the wing tip to fit into. That's why its misaligned.
  5. Yesterday I was at an IPMS contest and won a model on a raffle ticket. There were no car models left to choose from so I selected this airplane kit. It's a pretty nice kit too. I kind of chose it for simplicity but it actually has good detail and a little more complexity to it. It has a small PE sheet and some white metal parts too. Anyway, I like the kit and will probably build it one day.
  6. It's a resin kit. Frankly I like the 1/43rd resin kits better. In 1/24 I would rather do plastic kit. Here's a phot of the 1/1 car and then the model.
  7. I recently got a couple of wrist watches. I just got this new watch. It's an Invicta. I never thought I would get an Invicta as they don't have the best reputation. But why should I be a watch snob? I don't have real high end watches to begin with. My best most expensive watch is a Revue Thommen Airspeed Automatic (You can see it in a couple of posts above in my watch winder post). This watch only cost me about $58 (I noticed it just went up to $65). Anyway, it's a nice looking watch and I see Invicta does have many good looking watches in spite of all the gaudy ones that they have. So here it is. And just yesterday I got this new watch. It's a cheap watch that I got from Aliexpress for about $18. But it's a unique watch that I like. The numbers are on rollers like the old gas station pumps used in the 70's and earlier. It is a quartz movement. You can get other watches with the same exact movement in them only in a nicer case/bracelet so you can spend over $100 but I liked this instead. Even on Amazon and eBay this watch will run from $33 to $36.
  8. I used to race RC. But I raced the Nitro cars.
  9. The big white one on the left is a magnifier lamp. It has a cover that is closed over the lens.
  10. I got it from Amazon. Here's the link. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSY7HJPS
  11. I replaced an old twin tube florescent light. It's the one on the right, with two LED strips on it. I will only use it at the brightest, whitest setting but you can control the brightness and color temperature. You can easily position it around too as it has wrist joints on it and you can twist it too.
  12. I did that a long tome ago on a model. You have to be really delicate about it because what's going to be left is super fragile. But it sure looks great in the end.
  13. My Dad sent me one of these in the mail, not this exact one but pretty close. It's nothing I'm really interested in either.
  14. MY Dad always says that. His hobby is (or maybe was as he's 91 now) woodworking.
  15. I wish him well. I hope he makes a quick recovery.
  16. I recently got this from Amazon. I think it's pretty similar to the GS Hypo Cement. What I don't like about the GS Hypo Cement is the metal tube. Give it a little squeeze and it just keeps on squeezing out of the tube. This tube is plastic and doesn't keep pushing the glue out. It also has a little pin applicator in the cap just like the GS Hypo Cement. It's also a lot bigger tube. It says "Super Glue" but it's not a cyanoacrylate which is usually called a Super Glue. And for $10 you get 4.76 oz.
  17. My first time was at the same track too. I had aced my regents exam in HS and my Dad took me there. It was in 1970 I think.
  18. That's just what I was thinking about when I saw this thread.
  19. I don't think I posted this yet here. So here's a bunch of photos. It's a 1/24 resin kit, they just don't go together like a Tamiya kit. The 1/1 car: The model: In primer: Here's the interior. These 1/24 resin kits just don't have the detail of Tamiya kits. But I think it will look nice when finished. There were no decals for any of the instruments. Now here's the body freshly painted It has Mr. Finishin Surfacer 1500 White primer, I used Scale Finishes Aston Martin 5183D Sterling Green with Testor's Clear glosscoat. So what your seeing is unpolished straight from the airbrush, a Grex Tritium TS3.
  20. Looks like good advice for QAnon followers.
  21. This news story: 2 men convicted of stealing $2,095 of stuff from Kohl's argued for lesser charges because there was a sale and they had coupons https://www.businessinsider.com/kohls-thieves-argued-sale-items-should-lead-to-lesser-charges-2023-12
  22. Here's the box art: I painted it Testors Blue Angel Blue which looks pretty close to those old colors. I replaced the molded glass with flat sheet windows. The kit was missing the metal axles but I had a piece of music wire that was the right diameter to cut new axles.
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