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Everything posted by Gloozalot

  1. I am lucky that my kits do not suffer from warped body panels or parts. I have seen examples in the past that were. One other point of this kit is the Don Greer box art. Notice that the corner of the building has GM2000 on it. Take a look at the G5 Corvette from its introduction and count how many styling points you see from the Astro I. I find this whole concept and everything about it very interesting given the fact this car was built in 1966-67 and shows just how on top of the game Larry Shinoda was as a designer. I would love to see this kit return in some form.
  2. Yes, the parts count is a little small but it is one of my all time favorite kits. I still have the original I built in '67 and a couple of unbuilt kits stashed away somewhere. You did this old kit justice with your clean build, I love it!
  3. Howdy JR! I remember that 90 winner like it was yesterday. I think I drooled on it at the contest table more than once. I never get tired of seeing your Indy rides or anything you build for that matter. I kinda miss those SWC days but my fingers and hands do not let me build much anymore. Great work and I am always watching on the side.
  4. My live-in the past 11 years. Her name is Anthrax.
  5. It looks like a half-hearted attempt at a Dennis Frings Copy----the cheap way. In my area of Podunkville USA, it also looks like a Chester Stevens Special. You would have to be from around here to understand that I guess. It does not remotely look like anything Howe ever produced and I would bet it was fabbed up by some unknown in a backyard shop.
  6. Shucks, I vote for Walter White's Pontiac Aztek or any other Heisenberg driven auto. The Blues Bros. car is ok but it should come with a half a pack of Lucky's.
  7. I missed this one until now. Well shucks, now I guess I gotta spend some $$$ cause now I want one too! You keep this up and you gonna need a display case the size of a Fruehauf trailer. You are doing some clean work so keep it up and I will keep lookin' at em--------and wanting the ones I don't have when you build em! Keep on Glooin'.
  8. Michelle, forget the V6, it wasn't offered in a 76 Caprice. The only engines I ever saw in that year Caprice was the 350, 400 and 454. Mom bought a brand new, 1976 Caprice 2dr. coupe with a 454. It handled like a river barge and got about 12MPG---8 with the air con on. However, it rode smooth as glass and at 4300 pounds would have been a real Toyota killer at an intersection. Nice job on the Land Yacht and the color is spot on. Gee, have I seen that kit before?
  9. Forget about the swamp cooler, tell me more about the Kaiser.
  10. I agree with Rex, you crank out the kits pretty quick, it takes me longer than that to get em out of the box!!! Nice clean build, good work----and glad you enjoyed the kit!
  11. First car I ever drove was a Murray Champion pedal car. I learned to steer the real thing while standing in the seat of a 55 Chevy Bel Air. First car I drove alone was a 59 Bel Air and I took my drivers test in a 64 Impala SS. First ride I owned was a 55 Studebaker Pickup.
  12. Thanks Tom. I'll trade with ya anywhere, anytime!
  13. Great trade with Zen. I'll trade with him anytime!!!
  14. OK Supertex, with what you told me, I guess I'll forget about "Bill" and pick "Don and Roy". I guess I was kinda different from everyone else back in the good old days, when the fuel stuff pulled up to run is when I would go for a dog and coke. When the stockers pulled up, I got as close to the line as I could just to watch the launch and see the driver try to rip the shifter outta the floor on the first shift. I saw one of those brothers once later on in a funny. That was the only time I ever saw either one in person. Keep Glooin' and I'll keep watching.
  15. You feel ok Supertex? I had to look through this twice just to make sure it was you building a squirt racer. I knew it was the right guy though, when you scratch-built the entire half of the engine-----only you. Like always you got me trying to guess which car this is so.........is the car gonna be white? and was the driver named Bill? I'll keep watching 'cause no telling what you might scratch build next. I'm still waiting for you to scratch build some air---------I figure you already got an idea how, you just haven't figured out what to use.
  16. When I first heard about this kit I stuck some cash back to get one. Then, when I looked at what was in the box, I used the money to buy a new Mr. Coffee. When and if their second kit comes out, I'll buy a new toaster.
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