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Everything posted by GeeBee

  1. Humbrol manufactured the paint for Revell back when Revell had their production facility here in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, UK for their kits,, that was many years ago since there was a Revell GB.
  2. Humbrol paints are now made in the UK by a company called Rustins, the quality went down the pan when they were being produced in China
  3. Revell is a synthetic enamel, and totally different to Humbrol, i do use both, but i prefer Revell enamels, they brush real nice and thinned with lacquer thinners they airbrush superbly, I've still got a few tins that are labelled Car Metalics which I picked up while working in Germany in the 1990's, never seen them for sale in the UK.
  4. Hycote actually makes the paint for Halfords, the only difference is the size, Hycote branded paint comes in slightly larger cans and is usually much cheaper.
  5. I've added a few more since these photos were taken, I'm back home for a week next month, hopefully I'll find time to get some modelling done....
  6. The GPO, (General Post Office) was our national telephone company used Land Rovers that would have been painted GPO green at the factory, they became British Telecom and painted yellow, before being privatised, all the armed forces used them, and again would have been painted by Land Rover, to have Land Rover to paint a different colour, you'd have to put in a good fleet order, but most smaller orders would have been painted and signwritten by an outside company, these days all company vans are just wrapped or vinyl graphics. Artic white could only be ordered as part of a fleet order, for police etc,
  7. Yes, white was available for Police vehicles, not Limestone, which is more cream than white. Other fleet colours were available for MOD, coastguard etc, other countries that built Land Rovers from CKD kits had a few colours that the Solihull factory didn't offer, Australian and New Zealand had a few interesting colours that were available on the Range Rover in the UK
  8. Looking forward to seeing this one finished, great work so far
  9. Seeing these food vendors vans makes me want to get back to Japan quicker than I planned, Japanese food is certainly different, but I could just eat a bowl of Oden right now.....
  10. One colour missing from that colour chart is Russet Brown, which was only available on the County models, the V8 was a different animal to the standard 109" version and getting pretty rare these days, you can't build the Revell kit as a V8 Stage One without a lot of work.
  11. This will show you what you're missing from the original kit, https://public.fotki.com/drasticplasticsmcc/mkiba-build-under-c/amt-instructions/automotive-cars--pi/chevrolet/1951-1960/amt-57-chevy-bel-ai2/
  12. https://ipmsuk.org/calendar/scale-modelworld-2020/
  13. A few detail improvements, but nothing that you'd notice, the 6 cylinder engine didn't change, the engine was a detuned version as used on the Rover P4 110, so paint it in either of the 6 colours available for the Land Rover, Sand was only used on Left hand drive (Export models) Roof panels and wheels were always painted in Limestone, interior was always black vinyl. I'd love Revell to re-release this later as the County model, the only difference being cloth interior and body stripes and a few different colours
  14. You're going to enjoy building the Land Rover, it's a nice kit to put together, I'm hoping those AMT Belvederes make it to this side of the pond....
  15. The Revell version was 1:25th scale and was a snap together kit, the Airfix TR7 was originally a Gunze Sangyo tooling
  16. Taken earlier this evening via the security cameras, that's the one by my office/Hobby room, while sitting in our flat in London, the Internet is a brilliant invention, unfortunately I won't be back home for a while, so modelling has been put on the back-burner until I can get something sorted down here.
  17. looking good, I'll be following this build, hopefully I'll get back to mine one day....
  18. Thank you for your kind words, depending on if you get the Revell Germany or the U.S version, which I haven't seen the instructions, the Revell Germany instructions got a few things wrong, just use the Internet for reference and you won't go too far wrong, the part listed for left hand drive transmission tunnel, throw it away, Land Rover never actually made a left hand drive gearbox layout, they were a little tricky to drive as the 4x4 and high/low range selector levers were a little out of reach, they also got the parking brake lever mixed up on the instructions, again using the Internet for reference will show you which side it should be fitted. But as for building the Land Rover, it's a superb kit to put together.
  19. Yes you use it neat, around 30 minutes should see the chrome and the lacquer underneath completely stripped, i wouldn't worry about it melting the plastic, it won't, just use a plastic tub to put it in, as it etches glass and completely dissolves aluminium. I've had a bodyshell soaking in the stuff for around a week before (Yes,I forgot about it) and the plastic was fine, although the paint had totally disappeared.
  20. That's some impressive work you're doing on this, looking forward to seeing more progress on it.....
  21. Back in the mid 90's I went all out building trucks in 1:24th scale and a few in 1:25th, in the end I just ran out of room to display them, these days I stick to cars in that scale, although I do have a few of Revell's London Routemaster buses to build, this is the only built truck i have left,which actually won model of the month in Truck Model World magazine.
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