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Everything posted by GeeBee

  1. So just over 2 months since I've touched this one, so as the weather was warm enough to get myself into the garage to airbrush, i thought i would get cracking with the Golf, masked up the wheel arches, and airbrushed them matt black, using VHT matt black, decanted so i could apply it with the airbrush.
  2. Welcome aboard, those are some real nice models you've built there.
  3. Very nice, brings back happy memories of being at the start of the Lombard rally back in 1978, my dad was working for Lombard Noth Central until he retired, the sponsors, of the rally, I got a VIP pass, and could go anywhere i wanted, meeting all the rally drivers, it was a terrible day weather wise, very dark and raining but that didn't spoil the day, still got my high vis jacket from the day.....
  4. Cheers Gareth, Luckily Amerang, the UK importer and distributors for Amt kits let me have 2 of them, I was going to use the other to convert into a 4 door using a resin body, I'm still trying to find one, there available in either white or red plastic, seems they are like hens teeth to find this side of the pond. I'm pretty sure this is the same kit, just an earlier release, https://www.ebay.com/itm/164300838004
  5. I love Testors paint, but when there stored in my tool cabinet, it's impossible to see what colours are where, so I spent a little time putting a small blob of paint on each lid, problem solved....
  6. Very nice build, great work on sorting out the gap.
  7. Bulkhead fitted along with the inner wings, all the parts were fitted to the bulkhead sometime ago, a little epoxy and UV resin got it fitted into place, the bodyshell fitted without any problems, a little epoxy resin applied on the locating pins on the front chassis legs and held in place with a few spring clamps while the epoxy cured.
  8. Thanks David, Painting and BMF are probably the two most things I enjoy doing on a model, I knew something influenced my choice in the colour scheme.
  9. Glad to be back at the building bench, got the windows fitted using UV resin ,hopefully I'll get the bulkhead fitted today and the body can be fitted onto the floorpan
  10. This arrived this morning, not a model, but it will help me get some modelling done while I'm living in the smoke, I'm planning on bringing some models and tools back down with me in a week or so, there's no way I could do any detail work without one of these.
  11. Looking forward to seeing this build progress, I've got a few of them in the stash, which I really want to start soon.
  12. That turned out real nice, funny enough when I was doing the BMF on mine I forgot to do the riocker panels, just when I thought I'd finished the foiling.......
  13. Drop Lawrence Yang an email, he's the president of the company, I'm sure he'll help you out. wjyang95@ka-models.com
  14. There is, Hobbyworld USA imports Zero paints into the US http://www.hobbyworld-usa.com/Store/index.php?id_category=1123&controller=category
  15. Great build, I've lost count how many times I've watched Back to the Future
  16. It isn't, I'm back up in the Midlands for a week in 10 days, I'll be cracking on with it, then hopefully I'll be bringing some modelling stuff back down to London, I've just ordered a magnifying lamp today, it's the same as I have back home, I'm lost without it, I wouldn't be doing any detail work without it.
  17. It's looking superb, can't wait to see it finished
  18. Richard Petty blue is available from Zero paints and Gravity paints in Spain
  19. What a super little model, just the right amount of sheen on the paintwork, every time you look at it you spot even more little details, what's not to like ?.....
  20. That turned out real nice, not one I'd build though, I hate applying decals.....
  21. I'm using Both Humbrol and Revell enamel paints, I'm more than happy with the quality of the Humbrol paint these days, I also use other products made by Rustins, (the company that manufacturers Humbrol paints) there quality is 1st class, Humbrol paints are as good as they used to be before the Chinese got their hands on them,if not slightly better
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