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Everything posted by SCRWDRVR

  1. Nice!!! I like it, I remember when he ran that car...
  2. I’ve been there a bunch of times over the years as I’m sure you figured, I liked it better as asphalt also but it’s great because they is almost no bad places to sit.... I ready want to go to Richmond
  3. I'm happy with the blue just seems I can't find anything that makes me happy for the red, I think it's because I see one color and know that's not right. I've seen the Petty cars over the years (mostly late 80's and 90's) in person and those never seemed as bright as I hear it should be but definitely brighter than the pictures you see. i honestly don't need it to be perfect but I do want it to be reasonably close but that large swing in color almost makes it impossible to find something that I'm satisfied with. Yeah that is what makes it hard to make me happy with a color choice, I can't decide what makes me happy with it... It's funny that you saw it at Dover since that's were I live LOL...
  4. There is definitely a difference looking at the two you can see it, I think I'm going to get some of the Chevy engine red when I get a chance. I was a painter for quite a while and believe me I understand about the different shades and ultimately like you said it's up to me. I want it close but I don't need it exact which is why I will use the Chevy engine red. I get it on the Petty colors, that Petty Grand Prix I started was done with what Testors called Petty blue t the time (early 90's) and isn't to bad but the Petty Red that I bought the same time wasn't even close it was more like a florescent orange and probably the reason I lost interest in the kit.... You can definitely see a difference there, it is amazing how different colors are from photos and in real life
  5. I would think if it was the same formula it would have the same number but anything is possible, They build the same cars and just put different emblems on them LOL....
  6. Thanks I will look for the Hugger Orange...
  7. I will try the Chevy Engine Red first (more in my price range) I can always stripe the body if I don't like the out come. Thanks for the info, very helpful...
  8. That would make sense from what I understanding, kind of puts it in perspective..... thanks
  9. Nice!!! Mine is molded in red but I just want to paint it for some reason. The Petty Charger looks good too, I have the 1/16th Petty Grand Prix I just haven't been able to bring myself to finish....
  10. Cool I will check those out, thanks
  11. Perfect, thanks for the info....
  12. I'm getting ready to start on this kit, any suggestions on what color to use? I'd prefer it be spray paint....
  13. Wow! Awesome tips and awesome work guys. I’m hoping to get my printer up and going today to give it a try.... I’ve got a few other projects on the list today so I’m hoping to get to it.....
  14. Nice, I like the options, I want to make some personalized plates and seems this will be a pretty easy job. Just have to get my printer up and running lol....
  15. I realize Acme is probably the easiest way to make plates but what I'm looking for is the ways people go about printing and applying them on the cars. I saw someone mention just printing it but then how would you apply it? Glue it? Mod Podge? What do you all do?
  16. Great tip, I never thought of that. I have a Paasche air eraser I use for etching glass and I've never thought of using it for something like that...
  17. So sad, I'm sorry for your lose. I will keep you and his family in my thoughts and prayers....
  18. I got the same one, I’ve never done a bike before so for the price had to try it... Started right after I got it home...
  19. Here is what I got today on my journey to Hobby Lobby.... everything was on clearance except the bottle of paint
  20. My only patriotic paint job, but it’s not paint it’s vinyl and on my real 1:1 truck lol
  21. I hope so I actually made the drive today I’ll post a pic after I get home of what I got. I got some kits and some tools that were on clearance too
  22. I wish I just had a HL around here, closest one to me is over an hour away...... ☹️
  23. I know I would like to see a version of the Mustang and Camaro even if it’s on the old chassis....
  24. Interesting, Hybrid race cars? that would be a huge change....
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