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Rob Hall

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Everything posted by Rob Hall

  1. My house has two furnaces and even if I keep both at 68, some rooms are warmer or colder than others. My office gets really warm as does the bathrooms, my bed room and hobby room each on the cooler side.
  2. 'qwertyuiop' is the top row of letters on a standard keyboard.
  3. I would figure the number of people that would be something with the Bond branding to be much higher than the # wanting a stock DB5...this will got all the non-modelers and casual modelers that are Bond fans that collect Bond memorabilia.
  4. Have to have a different body, lots of different parts w/o the Bond gadgets.
  5. From my understanding, the new Charger will be available in ICE and EV versions. I suspect the ICE versions will have the Pentastar V6 for base and the Hurricane twin-turbo straight 6 for performance models (this is the engine that is replacing the Hemi in various Ram and Jeep models). Will be interesting to see what comes..
  6. 'Trouble' is a great 1981 single from Fleetwood Mac guitarist Lindsey Buckingham from the 'Law and Order' solo album.
  7. True. Didn’t even notice what thread it was. Haha
  8. Paid for livin' the remote life.. I've been a remote tech worker for almost 7 years... It's great. I work 40 hrs a week with a lot of scheduling flexibility and get paid quite well w/ unlimited PTO, no commute, working out of my home office unshaven, wearing sweats and hoodie, often using Door Dash or Uber Eats to get lunch or dinner, get groceries delivered via Amazon/Whole Foods. I can't complain...I've worked hard for 25 years to be able to do this..I don't miss having a commute and a cubicle. 43% of the people in my company (incl. the CEO, CIO, and CTO) are remote.
  9. There is a nice 3D printed mid 80s Chevy crew cab dooley available--a nice piece (design by Andy Bezrodny, printed by Andy Lesiak). A regular kit would be nice not likely to happen.
  10. Huh? Not remotely. Revell and MPC have always been two different companies. The MPC kit was based on the full detail annual, while the Revell kit was a snap kit from 1980.
  11. It came out a couple weeks ago and was posted here somewhere... with all the delays, who knows when the Dec. stuff will be out.
  12. Not me..I have 3 on preorder from them. They will show up when they show up.
  13. 8F, partly sunny and windy here in NE Ohio..supposed to warm up to 14F this afternoon.
  14. Yeah... wind and freezing rain here outside Cleveland so far w/ the current storm..just a few flurries, nothing accumulating yet..
  15. The coldest I can recall was -19F in Ohio in January 1994. Close to that was in Colorado in January 2007, -17F. Hottest I recall was 119F in Phoenix on my birthday in 2015 or 16. I don’t care for extremes in temps. From about 40 to 80 is where I’m most comfortable.
  16. Lulu just strolled in my office, wagging her tail. She and her siblings are almost 11 months old.
  17. So if they are showing up now at W-M, hopefully the usual online vendors will get their stock soon and ship the preorders...
  18. Didn't get more than some rain and light flurries here outside Cleveland..been a pretty mild winter so far. Have enjoyed my hot tub quite a bit.
  19. After my Mom passed in 2016 (I was still living in Arizona, 2000 miles away), my schizophrenic older brother lived in her house for 6 years, wouldn't let my sister or I access the house (we went to court and through probate, she had no will, we divided her estate 3 ways), and it wasn't until after he passed with no will in 2022 (when he was living in the house w/ no working heat, water, or sewer) and cleaned out the mess he'd made that we realized anything of hers that had been valuable (jewelry, etc) he had hocked or destroyed. We did find some of her and our Dad's mementos that hadn't been destroyed, salvaged what we could. Was a sad mess and he ruined a lot of good memories of the family home, but glad it's behind me.
  20. Model Roundup has more detail in the footnotes also: 12-27-23 Update: We understand the kits may have landed at Round2's West Coast Receiving and Distribution hub in Seattle. The kits have to clear customs and then ship to Distributors. The Distributors then ship to us and we ship to you. We estimate we should have these to ship in mid-late January.
  21. Nah, not out just yet...I've seen one build but that was from a YouTube personality that got an advance copy. Model Roundup has them for preorder..I have 3 preordered from them.
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