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Jordan White

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Everything posted by Jordan White

  1. Am I the only one who still built models while discovering girls? (Editor's note: not simultaneously of course!)
  2. He's a great driver. Him and Pastrana have attended the Lake Superior Performance Rally here in Houghton for the past several years. Was able to snag a pic with him last year!
  3. Yeah I've been following along, and it looks awesome! I built up the whole kit already, but I've been wanting to rebuild the Ramcharger to go with another couple builds of mine.
  4. What about the Revell Dodge Ramcharger that was part of the old Gone Fishing kit?
  5. My 1991 Ford F-350 with matching bass boat and scratchbuilt trailer.
  6. I'm only 22, yet I sometimes forget where I just set my X-acto knife or my tweezers!
  7. Yeah I should have specified that I figured it started after the upgrade. Could be something to do with the new "preview post" icon.
  8. Could possibly be IE8. Doesn't happen in IE7 nor Firefox. Could of course be something completely different.
  9. 2 Questions: 1) Whoever else is having this problem, are you using IE8? 2) Is your browser open in the full screen, or only partial screen?
  10. Isn't happening to me. What browser are you using? I'm assuming it has something to do with the "post preview" icon popping up.
  11. That's why I have a bookmark straight to my main album. At least on mine there are the other album links on the left side of the screen, so if I want to easily change albums I can.
  12. It's showing up for me as a smaller box that is showing the pic at 21% of full size. What internet browser are you using?
  13. It's part of the roll cage that goes over the roof of the car. I think it's mostly the larger demo derbies that allow them. Similar to 051 in the last picture.
  14. There's a way to decrease the picture size when uploading into Photobucket. What photo hosting site are you using?
  15. Yeah I figured there would be some variances, which is why I described the majority. Was yours built sort of between model years? I do know that there were some '69 models with trim to the the front wheel well.
  16. Love it! Love the monochrome look, love the wheels, love the car in general!
  17. How are you trying to post your pics? Right from your computer or from a photo hosting site?
  18. Looking good so far! One suggestion I'd make (if you'd want to change it) is using square tubing for the front lift. It's easier to make a straight cut, plus it would look more like a real lift. Otherwise (if you haven't planned on it already), fabricate a skidplate with sheet styrene.
  19. When I did my '81, I just used the front suspension from one of the '90-'91 Chevy Pickup kits ('90 C1500 stepside in my case).
  20. Since the models are covered, I'll cover the real cars. The major difference is the side moldings. The '68 had a molding that flowed off the corner of the grille, and continued down the side of the car. Majority of them with this molding had black painted rockers. '69 Got rid of the side moldings. '68 Had side marker lights with the engine callout, the '69 was just the lense, and the '68 had a mesh grille whereas the '69 had the split grille similar to the '70. '68: '69:
  21. Somehow I forgot about my 1969 VW Baja Bug! Completely redid the interior, added new wheels and tires, and rebuilt the engine. With lights on:
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