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Dave Van

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Everything posted by Dave Van

  1. I really doubt the MPC and SLIXX sheets will line up exact......the flag may be OK but getting the lettering....really hard. Congrats to SLIXX for doing the sheet.
  2. Other hobbies.........too many..........but a few...... My real Pony cars.....66 Mustang, 68 Mustang and 73 Javelin Real trains Model trains Hot Wheels. I was a kid tester for Hot Wheels before they came out......hooked ever since. Custom IMSA Cougar Hot Wheels.
  3. Built balsa model planes with Dad at 4 years old. Once in SoCal we switched to cars.
  4. Down with a SQL DB error. The kind of issue I used to fix in my real job. I contacted the ADMIN but no info. After they removed the real racing section I noted usage went way down. I really hope they have not just shut it down.
  5. Let's just say.....continue to buy......and you will be blown away by what is planned......good times in the hobby for sure!!
  6. Thanks to you for my Torino fix....I was about to go crazy!!!
  7. I got mine today. First this........... The following is MY OPINION ONLY. Does not mean you are wrong or I am right. I have wanted a 1974-76 Gran Torino kit since 1974. I love movie and TV cars. I love 70's era NASCAR racers which this kit lends itself to. SO........ I like it. Now that I can hold it in my hand and see it from the angles I am most familiar with....I think it's better than what comes across in photos only. It is a difficult car to get correct.......and there are not any manufacture provided data files to use. Given all the constants around this kit I think they did a good job. Simplified?? A little. But the suspension, downed by some, is pretty well done. The front has fine detail that is complete other than spring detail which I will never miss up inside those control arms! The rear is about the same. Includes shocks. Again no 'spring' detail......but a nice, sturdy assembly that is EASY to alter for ride height if you want.....super easy and still maintain it's sturdy assembly. Parts count is a nice compromise between a snap kit and a high detail multi-version glue kit. There are a few very minor body issues....most of which will disappear when I convert to a racer.....and even when I build the S&H version or the 'Dude's' four door and maybe a mild stock version........when completed.......I feel I'll be happy with the results. So after wanting this car for 40 years.....and a wait of a year after it was to be out......I am happy with it. NOT everyone will be. That's OK.....the Revell 29 Ford has not blown me away like it has some....good for them. And if the long wait has blinded me to it's warts.....I'm all the happier....ignorance is bliss I guess. And from what I hear from folks in the wholesale biz....it looks like Revell will be happy too. THANK YOU Revell for doing this car. I have 7 of them.....may need more!! I give it a B+......Separate bumper guards and molded in white....an A.
  8. That really makes backdating it to a73 easy!! I may see the difference more when I get mine.....but sorry.....will not dull my excitement for the kit. I really doubt that 99.999% of buyers will notice......and at the rate of sales....Revell will not loose sleep either. Just IMHO ONLY.....not a slam or general insult to any!!!!
  9. I see the issue in the lower body. I'd say once built I'll never notice it. Not an excuse if it's really that off.....need to see myself compared to JoHan....most of my builds will be race cars.......heavily modified any way. I know this shot is dark....but the lower body is not as noticeable post build......we'll see.
  10. Nice work....... I just bought a wood Spanish Galleon kit....very intimidating kit.
  11. If it means we get either I'll vot with you on the 78!!! Same logic....I had a real 77!!
  12. I like the kit........we need more like it. Here is my spin.....inspired by the film 'Cool hand Luke'.......
  13. I like your mods. I just painted covers silver.
  14. I myself ordered the wrong part......but the wrong parts were so nice I was OK with them!!!! I just re-ordered the correct parts. I place these parts and service up there with the best. thx
  15. Just a thanks to Chuck for all the info. mine will not be here for a few days but I have wanted to see a production kit for over a year!!! I am lucky enough that my want for this car is blinding me from all the 'warts' others see.....I am happy to have this car in plastic.
  16. Thanks Chuck.....it looks good to me.......I'll have to see if a 72 front clip will match up well. Another movie car I found.......
  17. Agreed.....with the somewhat simple rear suspension altering the 'spring' post should be easy. And it may be a while before V2 comes around....
  18. Thank you Sir. That rear shot is great......looks like a 72 rear bumper may go in easy.......add a 72 rear roll pan....mod the S&H chassis........start of a 73 and a 72 notch.......again thx PS Tamiya silver will kill the red in one good coat......my Bill Elliott car will get said treatment.
  19. NO damping here!!!! to each his own........I will bet they sell a TON of them....the true goal. And I'm helping....got 6 coming...for a start!
  20. You the man Chuck........one more request???? 3/4 front and rear body shot??? Want to see how hard it will be to fit a 72 rear bumper to body.
  21. I myself don't care WHY people are buying the kit......as long as it sells!!!!! And when I say 'rumor' on the sales.......I know for a fact how well pre-orders have gone.....I just can;t say how...... I told Revell a long time ago they would be surprised how well this kit will do. I am more often wrong on picks for new tools.....but this one I knew would be good. Wait until some get built!!! (and not as the S&H version)
  22. I think it's a little more than S&H demand...... The fact that this car was the first NASCAR Cup ride for folks like Bill Elliott and DE Sr, raced the 24 hours Le Mans and can be the basis for other builds is driving sales. I'll be building a Big Lebowski Torino among 6-7 others.
  23. RUMOR has it........the pre-orders are way up on this kit....so there is a demand for American 70's era cars.....hope we get a 77 Thunderbird out of this tool.......it'd sell even better.
  24. You are right....it's as if it time traveled from the 1980's Monogram shops.....not a bad thing really. thx!!
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