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Ryan S.

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Everything posted by Ryan S.

  1. The build is looking good so far. I remember building one of these back in the day as well. I think I brush-painted the body with Testors green. I like that motor, especially with the tunnel ram. Will look right at home in this one!
  2. I just looked any mine says the same: May/June 2010.
  3. Not my haul, but we saw this on the highway last year sometime. Why buy a trailer for you little pony, when a pickup bed will do! Pretty funny to see.
  4. I got mine yesterday and it was in perfect shape. I didn't have as severe of problems with the back page being mangled, but mine had been coming slightly torn or wrinkled up. It's been getting better over the past few issues. Also, kudos to getting the issues out in the month on the cover as well. This has been greatly improved over the last couple issues. So far #168 is a great issue. Lots of good reading!
  5. I haven't hauled too much crazy stuff, and don't have any other pictures other than this. When I used to manage apartments, we had to replace some doors. These 5 wouldn't fit in the back of my Trailblazer, so we strapped them to the top. That's my coworker marveling at our accomplishment. We made it, but should have used better tie-downs.
  6. Turned out great. All your hard work paid off. Such a sweet 'lil truck.
  7. I can also recommend the above. The vinyl is really nice and easy to work with.
  8. Looking really good so far. That yellow really pops!
  9. Glad to see this one back! Paint looks great so far, sweet job with the fade. What's the color? Glad to see this one back! Paint looks great so far, sweet job with the fade. What's the color?
  10. I just got a can of the Mirror Chrome spray myself. I plan on doing some tests with it next week to see what I like best as a base coat etc. I'll post my results when I get them done. I was encouraged by some of the other pictures that were posted by other members. So, we'll see.
  11. The Foose kits have a lot of potential is they are fairly faithful to the renderings. I'd hate to see them be reissues with different wheels and decals. I'll be getting the coronet for sure, specifically for the wheels if they are like the picture. I've got a project they'd be perfect on!
  12. Picked up some paint recently. The red is going on the Challengum, I just need to figure out agood base coat for it. Also going to do some spoon tests with the mirror chrome from spaz stix. Should be fun.
  13. Pretty Merc. Looks great in green and those flames are spot on! Very nice.
  14. MAD distributors are all that I've been using. Check them out here: http://www.madmodeling.com/store/index.php?app=ccp0&ns=catshow&ref=distributors&sid=24q7fz5827slm66b503z9j4fe69j47zu Detail master makes some nice ones too, with some photo etch goodies, but I think they are more race like for my uses. Search around on ebay for different wheel types then google search them for other retailers. Aoshima is one brand and there's others. Places like Modelhaus have a selection as well. Hope this helps some.
  15. I gotta say, I really like the idea and use of the razor blades up front on this one. Makes a lot of sense to just slice and dice your way through a zombie horde.
  16. I like to mix Testors steel with a little gold. I just eye-ball the mix until I think it looks right.
  17. This is why Deloreans shouldn't be parked next to NSX's overnight at the yacht club. You'd come out to one of these in the morning. Cool thing about the video, was filmed not to far from where I live.
  18. Looks pretty good. Nice job on the fade with the spray cans. Any chance you could get an outside picture or at least one in the sun to really show off the color transition? The red looks pretty dark in your photos.
  19. Looks great. I really like the 2-tone. The wheels look really good detailed and accented with the black. Good call on that!
  20. Does the Spaz Stix mirror chome lay down pretty well out of the spray can? I don't have an air brush so having an aerosol based option for chrome would be really nice. Also, has anyone used any of their other paints? I see some of the candy colors that I'd like to try.
  21. Nice job! Love the red. Did you make the grill? It's a nice touch.
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