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Posts posted by bigmikevee

  1. Hey Richie,

    Welcome to a really great place, you will really like it here, lots of great people, always a lot of help when you aren't sure what to do, my skills have gone up 1000% since I joined the forums.

    Try Micro-Mark for a polishing kit, they have one that starts at 2400 and goes up to 12000 grit, easy to use soft foam pads. Very, very fine grits, just take your time, polish the plastic under running water, or rinse the pads every fews second, start with the 2400 grit and work your way up, just take your time, don't polish too hard, keep the pad wet and let the pad do the work, it will take a few minutes, but you will be amazed at the results. Also works great for polishing out paints too.

    Enjoy the forums and good luck fixing your windshield. Jump back on if you get stuck, lots of people happy to help.


  2. Hey John,

    Sure looks good from where I'm sitting, you have nothing to be sad about, you've just got one fine & unique car right there. It seems like we are a bunch of very detail-oriented and self-critical modelers, and that is why we are all having fun and improving. But, in my humble opinion, it's gotta be fun, and when done, be cool. If you can answer yes to those two questions, then nothing else matters. I am glad you posted, like I said, sure looks good to me, and I am also standing in line if you decide to gicve it away!! :)


  3. Hey Brett,

    Glad you okay, the Willy's looks great, I agree with the gang, that is one of the coolest rides from that time hands down, who knew back then what an important car it would be today? Yours looks great, can't wait to see more, thanks for posting.


  4. Hey gang,

    I was just added as a friend here by someone, and also added someone else as a friend. I was just wondering if there is some benefit to adding friends, or is it just a communication bonus? Still, it is a pretty cool feature, and like in real life, you can't have too many good ones!! Oh and to all my friends, if you have any models that take up too much room, I will, as your friend, take them off of your hands...for free....I promise.


  5. Hey Donald,

    Allright!! Looks good, what a good feeling, right? It will take your cars to a whole new level, everybody was helpful, that's why I love this place!!

    Okay, a small tip that seems to help me...before I put on the foil, or even before I paint, I take the back of an exacto blade and trace over the area where the foil will go, just go over it slowly and lightly a couple of time to slightly deepen the path your sharp blade will follow. Worth a few minutes extra time to create a little groove for the blade, seems to keep the lines where they belong and makes the cuts that much more exact.

    Have fun and congrats!!


  6. Mitch,

    Hey buddy, take it EZ. Functionally illiterate is not the same as dyslexic. I don't understand, if you don't like it, why are you reading and posting? Leave the man alone, Phils' hoodscoop looks good to Phil, is that so bad? I hate when these type of things start monopolizing a topic, the problem with people who have disfuncions/and/or/handicaps is that they might not even know the error of their ways. I think the other members trying to help may be beneficial, but what if Phil doesn't see the errors? How much should be slung his way when he, in my humble opinion, is just trying to share his hobby and his work, with us? If this is the best he can do, then God Bless the man. As stated before, if you don't like it don't read it. All I may state is the obvious.

    Anyone who takes the time to sincerely build and post here should be welcomed with open arms. This hobby need all of us, and no matter how great or how little the talent, if you take the time, it is a good thing. Even the ugliest model in the world had someone finish it, step back, and go "AAALLLLLLRRRIIIGGGHHHTTT!!! Even if it was me. :unsure:

    If this is Phil's idea of a joke, well Phil....go to your room and read a dictionary.

    Mitch, like your cars!!


  7. Hey Jim,

    First of all, welcome to a great place, glad to have you join us, you will have fun here. Your car looks great, that era in cars and drag racing was, to me, the best of all, and your car sure does bring back memories. Thanks for posting, can't wait to see what you build next.


  8. Hey Gang,

    Normally I won't even comment on things like this, but.....perhaps Phil is doing the best he is capable of. My brother, who was very, very smart, was very, very dyslexic, and had the exact same problem as Phil. Hey, if he takes the time to post, and has his pedal to the metal, so to speak, cut the man a break!!

    Phil, keep up the good work, just keep doing what you can, and those that don't like it don't have to read it.

    As always, fighting for the underdog.


  9. Hey Donald,

    You are in the same boat as me, trying to make good models and learn from the gang here. Now that you have got the hang of the basics, do what I did. Get some bmf and put it on after you have sanded and prepped the model, but before you paint it. Then take it off and put on again.....and again.....and again. Just cut out strips to frame in say, a windshield, and repeat, repeat, repeat.

    Doing thin strips is not that expensive, the ultra-brite foil has poor adhesive, everything else is fine. Now, jump in, experiment, and have fun.


  10. Hey Chris,

    Bob's last post was right on target, the 150 is a great airbrush, but has a couple of quirks. Always start spraying off to the side of your model, and don't release the paint until you have passed the other side, as starting/stopping on your work can make it "spit", for lack of a more sophisticated term. Also, and this comes straight from the good folks at Badger, once you depress the trigger to start the air, leave it depressed, then just draw back to control flow of paint, when done, let trigger go forward, but keep the air flowing the whole time you are painting. Use the air to keep the tip from clogging and also, get in the habit of making a couple of quick passes over your project the second before you start the paint flowing, it knocks off that last little bit of dust, and makes a bit of a difference. Takes awhile to get used to holding down the trigger, but once you get used to it and see the benefits (plus less dust bunnies) it will become second nature. Now, go have some fun!!


  11. Hey Chris,

    I have a 150, not to contradict Shane, but it is dual action. If you can get a schematic, make sure all parts are there, also make sure needle is seated properly (far enough forward in the brush). Badger is great about customer service and manuals if you need either. Shane is right about the trigger to a point, pushing down is air only, slowly pulling back mixes paint with air, try to keep the trigger depressed to keep the air always flowing (and also to blow last little bit of dust off of what you are getting ready to paint) and draw back to add paint as needed. Try just shooting water on a piece of cardboard to get used to flow and pattern. There is also a Teflon bearing that may not be seated correctly, I just had mine re-done last year, send it off the Badger and they will service it, has lifetime warranty. Hope this helps a little.


  12. Wow, we've got Grumpy and Cranky, as I sat reading this one of my Godsons (who are visiting for a couple of days) told me I was Grouchy. Man, it sure is a lot of work being a grown-up, having all these nicknames to keep track of. Well, back to the forums.



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