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Everything posted by southpier

  1. always interested in this vintage chevy. when i was about 6, the family went without a car for almost a year. you know when you're so poor you don't know you're poor? anyway, Dad picked up one of these humdingers for $50 or so, and that was better than walking! things got better from there, but i left a soft spot for early 50 chevies. carry on ....
  2. hope you're seeing a doctor. that's sounds not so good.
  3. he's active on TRaK. user name is krassandbernie email lowcab36@epix.net but the website seems kaputski
  4. i realize this would blur the difference between engineering and art.
  5. i agree ^^^. i don't know how practical it would be, but i'd like to see a design category in the forum. i understand some threads discuss this, but there are enough serious modelers here who could offer guidelines or criteria. a perfect example is the engine proportion comment (above). i think scale difference can be used to advantage.
  6. are you going to Masscar sunday? http://www.masscar.com/uploads/2/0/9/1/20913414/flyer2015.pdf someone said it was going to be the last show???
  7. i don't know if my pictures are any good, so maybe the info isn't really valid. i've got a 5 or 6 year old Sony cybershot camera - maybe 130$ new - can't remember. i still haven't read the manual. i use autofocus and flash goes when it's needed. i sometimes use auto-correct when the picture has been loaded into the computer machine. if what i'm photo-ing can be fit on a table, i use the autotimer feature and an 11$ tripod (ultra-pod) from amazon. these photos are definitely no "velvet Elvis" es, but they are legible.
  8. sorry for so many posts in a row (not really) but i don't usually follow post '52 vehicles. catching the last 5 or 6 pages was a chuckle i needed with my second cup of coffee. i remember the AMT version from '60 whatever of the '57 Ford. i think it had those upholstery decals and especially a little dog you could put on the package shelf. i'll bet if Revell included that dog, no one would ever even look at the other parts of the car. woof!
  9. yeahbut ... i'll bet the reply was written by the marketing department. if the kit got that far in any country it would be too late to do anything but halt production and retool. guy was a bootlicker.
  10. i like the wood grain going front to back rather than up & down. been quite a project to follow but the "stick-to-it-ivness" is definitely paying off.
  11. well .. the contest was your idea, so i think you should structure the rules the way you see fit. i'm not in the sights ...... right?
  12. yah; hit that one outta the park
  13. anyone have a good source & part number for the Plastruct elbows? i've spent hours trying to order these and the Plastruct website is just too darn complicated. thanks
  14. not to make an administrative nightmare for someone whose initials are LDO, but if it became a contest, there should be a published list of acceptable (& available) aftermarket parts & suppliers. this way no one can say "he won because of parts i didn't know were around yet" - 'cause ya know sumbuddy will!
  15. that's flippin' genus (sic)!!! ps: i'm stealing that idea for fan belts
  16. after all that, try using Google Chrome. the first week will seem awkward, second easier, and by the third week you won't know how you got along without it. videos play more better (yes, i said that), it searches faster and helps you in ways you never thought possible. i believe, and still can't believe it. time to move into the '90s, man.
  17. open your IE browser to the Forum Home page, then: Internet Explorer > Menu Bar > Tools click Tools and you'll get a pulldown menu from the pulldown menu select Compatibility View settings (it's about halfway down) there will be a pop-up box click the button ADD and then Close your screen will flicker - don't freak out i always sealed the deal by refreshing the screen with the f5 key but it may not have been necessary; did make me feel better for some reason.
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