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Mr. Can Am Garage

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Everything posted by Mr. Can Am Garage

  1. Beautiful! Almost enough to make me wanna build one.
  2. Odds are you can get it over the 'net on your computer. I've been known to listen to at least two different local radio stations on the 'net. One AM. One FM.
  3. Beautiful! That 's so drool worthy yet I don't know if I can part with $50 Canuck for it.
  4. Just wait till Tim Ahlborn sees this thread! He knows EVERYTHING as it applies to scale model Peterbilts.
  5. It's real easy. All you need is some solder of the appropiate size/guage, pliers to make the sharper bends and a muffler (or two) from the car/truck kit. This was my first time out doing this. This '67 Impala is being built as a replica of a car owned by my American LHS owner back in the day. The kit comes with a BIG (427) V8 and dual exhaust. His car had a 327 and a single exhaust BUT (and there's always a but, isn't there?) his single exhaust was oversize and it came that way from the factory. He expected me to build an appropiate exhaust out of aluminum tubing that he graciously applied but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to build one from solder even if I hadn't tried that technique before. So. After two tries for the forward part, one try for the connector pipe and the rear pipe, this is what I got. The kit comes with both a muffler and a resonator but I'm pretty sure the 1:1 didn't have a resonator so the model's not going to have it regardless. I've still gotta add hangers and a tip but I'm impressed with what I accomplished in say a half hour of work.
  6. Now you can with this free (yes, I said FREE) download. http://www.fototagger.com/
  7. Figures that you'd have them in "the center of Canada". No such luck out in the boondocks nor by mail from Canada.
  8. Ditto! What's so bad about snapper? Albion could be a bit of a head scratcher though. (It is a 1:1 truck manufactuer, right?)
  9. Depends on what you wanna do with it. I use sandpaper from 320 grit on up to 1,000 grit. I use polishing pads for polishing paint and they start at 2,300 grit (IIRC) and go up to 12,000 grit.
  10. Way to go Izzy! Once you get the knack of it, it's easy and fun!
  11. It sure does build up nice. This is from an original issue from some years ago.
  12. Ya know...there was a Peterbilt in the movie. Just haven't found it as an avatar yet.
  13. Came across these on another board that I'm a member of. What you see is what I got. If you wanna use them, it's fine by me. Just make sure your use a copy from your photo host.
  14. That's not what I meant and you know it Lyle! Allow me to rephrase - my then current Minister officiated at Sly Stalone's marriage.
  15. Polly S ELO (Easy Lift Off). You can get it from your local hobby shop and it's made to work on model plastics. Can't get much safer (for the plastic) than that. Got some wheels stripping as I type this.
  16. My Mom literally bumped into Donald Sutherland at a grocery store in my hometown. One of my cousin's has shook Keifer Sutherland's hand at a local movie theater back in the '80's. My then current Minister (back in the '80's) married Slyvester Stalone at MY Church. Is there a reason for all these celebs. in my little (maybe 15,000 folks back then) hometown? Yup. The scenery. Honestly.
  17. Currently - No but you might find one of the two versions that All American Models offered back in the '90's on eBay. Both were made to be used with a Revell '93 Caprice donor kit.
  18. And if they don't have it, odds are they can get it for you.
  19. Didn't Ever's Toy Store sell model paint? You might try Model Empire too. Both are online.
  20. First she dresses up, then she dresses down. You just never know what Katie will do. Nice job Brian!
  21. I can't speak for the others but I've never seen that one George. Very nice!
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