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Mr. Can Am Garage

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Everything posted by Mr. Can Am Garage

  1. Johan's ancient kit in some pretty vivid colours. This paint scheme was suggested by a friend who knows much more about the classic cars than I'll ever know. I was hoping to have this finished by Saturday the 14th so that I can bring it with me to MassCar but due to a couple of complications, I'm not going to make it. The new finish date is April 21 for my local show.
  2. From what I've heard, it's going to be snow from North of me to about the NH/Mass border which means I ain't making that drive. Turns out it was a rear axle wheel bearing. Not as bad as brakes but still expensive enough to stop me from coming. Just short of $150.00 plus I've gotta have my coolant flushed ($115). My service manager recommends a new thermometer and there's a CV joint boot to be replaced. No long distance shows for me this spring, assuming it ever happens....
  3. You mean to say that's on top of the 4 to 8" inches that they're predicting for my area tomorrow? Dang! When will winter even end?
  4. I wouldn't count on me being there now. 1:1 car issues. It appears (won't know for certain till tomorrow) that my rear brakes need to be replaced. There goes any extra money I had. No long distance shows for me this spring. Sigh.
  5. Like I said on HHMB, it depends on the weather for me. A 5 hour drive in the rain (or snow) isn't exactly fun.
  6. Considering it. About a 5 hour drive for me from Canada.
  7. You would be hard pressed to find a better paint straight outta the rattle can IMHO. If I had the time, I'd show you just how nice a Tamiya sprays black paint job can be.
  8. Here's a thought - Could we combine the '70 parts with the body and etc. from the '71 kits? That would be one way to skin this cat so to speak.
  9. That's what I got except mine didn't come from Home Depot. It came from Canadian Tire and I paid a little more but that was prolly due to the difference between the American and the Canadian dollar.
  10. Technically, there one isn't really on the workbench as I'm just working on the paint job. Chris had wanted to see what colour I was going to paint mine so here it is: Revell's '06 Ferrari 575M Superamerica in Tamiya Sprays Yellow.
  11. I'm leaning towards Fly Yellow or as close as I can get to it with a can of Tamiya. I've seen the 550 in yellow and it looks pretty good to me.
  12. I've had mine sitting on my desk for a few days now and it's finally ready for primer. Real nice kit IMHO although I wonder if Revell Germany is considering offering the base Maranello in the future.
  13. I thought he might be that breed. We had one some years ago. Runt of the litter. He was pushing 33 pounds and he wasn't fat. Just BIG! Tigger used to lay in the middle of the street and stop traffic. No one wanted to run over a cat that big.
  14. Neat! Finally found them North of the border so mine's as good as ordered, at least once my ISP's email is working again.
  15. That's how it was at Cottrel's Gulf and that station is part of my inspiration for Jackson's Texaco.
  16. After a consulting session, it was decided that 5 foot should be added to the depth of the bays and 2 foot should be added to the outside bay. So. That means it's roughly 57' (in scale) wide. 30' (in scale) deep at the work bays. Or 28" wide and 15" deep.
  17. Haven't see the kit north of the border yet but I will be getting one.
  18. You take it right George. I've got a whole mess of stuff from SEL Ltd. and I can foresee getting some stuff from Chris.
  19. About 10 years ago, MRC released this garage kit. The details are real nice but the building it's self is way too small to be realistic. So that was why I build the original Jackson's Garage which eventually turned into The Can Am Garage. Well, it's time to get back to basics and Jackson's Texaco is going to be it. It's being built to serve two purposes - One as a photo backdrop for exterior shots and Two - As a proper diorama that I can take to model shows/contests. Original sketch for the exterior photo backdrop concept. This is the general layout for the finished diorama. This gave me some general dimensions to work with when I started drawing up the actual building plans. First rough one. These two show the final building plan. I was talked into making the final plans full size. Yeah, it was a pain to do but it'll make construction of the building much easier. The 'Vette is in one bay and the lift's in the other. Jack's on the curb outside while Jackson is checking out his office. It looks as though my dimensions are right on. Cool. My plan is work on this off and on over the next year with the general plan to have it finished and on display at NNL East (Parsippany, NJ) in March of '08.
  20. Has it been that long already? Congrats guys! BTW, the current issue has to be one of your best at least as I'm concerned.
  21. The only one I've ever heard of was Revell's 1/32 plastic kit.
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