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Harry P.

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Everything posted by Harry P.

  1. I knew it! Panel lines and door handles looked iffy... plus I know about Amalgam models... I used plenty of them to fool you guys back when I was still doing ROM!
  2. What's even scarier than that model? The fact that it was entered in a contest!
  3. The gold deuce is by Tim Kolankiewicz, and the Volvo with the bikes on the roof is by Bob Downie. Both models were featured in the coverage of the NNL Southern Nationals that appeared in the January 2016 issue. So how in the world did those two models wind up on the cover of the February 2016 Contest issue? When selecting the models to appear on the February 2016 Contest Issue cover, by mistake I clicked on the NNL Southern Nationals folder which was in my January issue folder of materials, and pulled those two images into my February Contest Issue cover folder. Not sure how that happened exactly, other than to say that when you're dealing with dozens of contest files and hundreds and hundreds of contest model photos, sometimes you make a mistake. I literally clicked on the wrong folder, and wound up with two models that had already appeared in the January issue mistakenly appearing on the February cover. In the world of magazine publishing we have a technical term for a situation like that. We call it "I messed up."
  4. I can't comment on the mechanicals, but visually that car's graphics look like they were designed by a 12-year-old.
  5. Wouldn't work. They are two different types of wheels. A hubcap won't fit on the fronts.
  6. Sounds like a very ambitious project. Good luck!
  7. That turned out real nice! Crisp and clean. But I would have gone with body-color mirrors.
  8. I don't have a HT card, but I got the "$7 off a $35 purchase" email anyway!
  9. Ordinarily I would replaced the kit's plastic floorboards with real wood, but in this case the floorboards are molded in a fairly convincing "wood" color, so I thought I'd try to work with the kit piece and see what I can do to improve it... I stained the piece, added a black wash to bring out the joint lines, and finally gave it all a coat of matte clear. The finished product looks passable as "wood," and was much easier than scratchbuilding a new frame and floorboards of real wood.
  10. Skipping around here and there... holes had to be laid out and drilled for some missing rear deck details. It's kind of hard to see, but I also had to scribe in some missing panel lines...
  11. And we have the winner of this week's oldest "Back from the Crypt" thread... It's only been 9+ years. Seems like just yesterday...
  12. Looks like something is interfering with the hood end engine cover, keeping them from closing. Up front, can you lower the spare tire? Or maybe even cut the bottom of it off (it won't show) to allow it to sit lower, thus allowing the hood to close completely.
  13. That turned out really nice! Also my favorite generation Camaro as far as styling goes. Waaaaaaay better looking than the monstrosity that passes as a "Camaro" these days!
  14. How do you plan on building the body? What material? What process?
  15. Fishing line is nylon, polyethylene, or several other materials, but never styrene.
  16. You could have used thin styrene rod. It comes in sizes that small.
  17. Last post before you bumped it back up was 18 hours ago. So who's still bangin' away?
  18. Next time you may want to try Spaz Stix spray instead of Alclad. Spaz Stix holds up pretty well to some handling; it's not as fragile as Alclad. Example of "chroming" with Spaz Stix over a gloss black undercoat:
  19. Beautiful model, great detail. And I love "Fido" the fire dog!
  20. Beautifully done. The paint is spectacular; the model is gorgeous.
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