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Found 21 results

  1. Here is a selection of Holmes wreckers with the General Motors style sculpted body sides. I am noticing differences in details, such as the light bars and the sculpting that loops up and over them.
  2. From a long-gone listing. Sorry images aren't larger. Note the cropped pickup bed sides.
  3. I had several kits and projects going a few months ago, then took a leave of absence to remodel my house. I never liked the yellow wheels or the graphics on this model, so my first mods were to change that. I removed all of the graphics and painted the wheels black. I'll make new water slide decals for the finished wrecker. I saw another wrecker on eBay pretty cheap, and a 1:24 resin dump body and thought it would be cool to make a 1953 dump truck. Last night I got the first wrecker disassembled, and that was no easy task! Getting this all put back together will be a challenge to say the least.
  4. Here's a brief preview of the forthcoming 1/25 AMT Peterbilt wrecker, kit #1133: http://www.collectormodel.com/round2-models/4837-coming-off-the-shelf-its-gonna-be-a-big-rig-summer/?fbclid=IwAR3_9siETrkKBdq1pSzGPCeT4UzbtmB34h3ExptHvO6UsN7Uz6REkmDC4YY#sthash.Ixurapxs.zAcZVCZ4.dpbs Round2 created all-new, pad printed Firestone 10.00-20 Transport 110 tires, which are included with this release, and I'm guessing will be what are included inside the "Big Rig Truck Tire Parts Pack", AMT PP-23?:
  5. Resto-modding this Hot Wheels Ramblin Wrecker from my childhood. I had previously painted this when I was about 10 and decided to do a full custom for now my son.
  6. Hi these are some trucks that I've done from the Dukes of Hazzard tv show, my favorite show as a kid!
  7. This was an old built 53 Ford kit I had that needed something done to it. I changed it to a 55 by sticking in a y-block & changed the grill. I built the Manley style working wrecker boom & body from Plastruct & evergreen styrene. I like doing junkers, I know it's not as cool as the pristine models that are done but they're fun to do.
  8. GMC Astro wrecker using the wrecker body from the Peterbilt kit. I grew up in Iowa where we had what was called "Farmer's CO-OPs". They sometimes had their own wrecker/service vehicles, and this is loosely modeled after one that I saw. The chassis is lengthened and the sleeper removed. A tool storage box sits between the cab and wrecker box, and a single exhaust is utilized. Only the left fuel tank was used and it was shortened as well as having a removable cap attached to a chain. The dash from a Titan90 I built is shown (though not yet finished), but the dash for this received the same treatment.
  9. Hi, I started this a while ago. The cab was an ebay buy but it was bad so I cut the back off & made it a crew cab. The cab has been sitting around for years & I finally figured I'd do some work to it. I stretched the frame & built the body from scratch. I have more pictures but I can't load them, something about the size of the picture or something. I'm not a computer person at all. This & ebay is about all I can handle. Anyway I'll get some more pics as I go & hopefully I'll be able to load them.
  10. Hey, all. Here is a scratch built 41 Ford COE wrecker I've been working on. It's a Flintstone resin cab on wooden frame rails. Bed parts are from an old AMT 1967 Chevy pickup kit, and wheels from a Moebius truck wheel pack. Curbside model - no engine or chassis. Lots of parts box stuff. The boom is Evergreen channels and sheet styrene. HO scale slot car gear in the winch, and tiny jewelry chain holding up the boom. Bed rail is music wire. Wooden push bumper used with slices of tires to protect chrome bumpers back in the day. Paint is Krylon ivy green, splattered with random squirts of red oxide primer sprayed from two feet away. When that dried, I shot spots of Dullcote, and dropped real powdered rust from Brillo pads on it while it was wet. Yes, I save our rusty Brillo pads for this purpose! The idea was to be a truck that was found in a field, neglected for years, but someone was still able to make it run. I had a lot of fun building this one! Comments welcome!
  11. Hello everyone! I'd like to introduce you a modelcar build from Russia. I finished it a year ago. That was a 1/25 scale snap-kit by Revell with quite poor detailization. I just added some details as resin tires, mud flaps from sandpaper, antennas, steel rope on a winch, chain on a front bumper. Also carried some work on the winch itself. Headlights were replaced by new ones. I used decals from the box, but they were cut on my demand. Weathering effects were made using plaster and enamel paints. By the way there's another truck featuring on some photos - GMC plow truck by Revell, 1/24 scale, that was my previous build. Hope you'll enjoy this one! Best regards, Dmitry.
  12. Hello guys! Does anybody remember one crazy movie by Stephen King "MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE"? Here is old White 9000 wrecker from this movie.
  13. I bought this model because I love wreckers of all kind. But when researching this particular model I found little to nothing. So I decided to post this build. I don't wanna keep it stock, so I made a custom 8-10 inch lift kit by using the snow plow mounts from the Gmc snow plow truck 1/24 model. I will keep you guys updated thanks in advance.
  14. I bought the GMC Pickup (1977) single cab shortbed with the snowplow. And i made a custom trailer to it. and im geting the GMC wrecker from revell. has anyone done the revell tow truck and can show me pics or any custom wreckers (pickups no mach trucks).
  15. I just finished a nostalgia build on the original AMT Peterbilt wrecker. I opened an original box with the blue wrecker and built straight from the box as I wanted to keep this as close to the spirit of how I would have built it back in the early 70s as I could. This is one of the hardest builds that I've had in a long time; not due to quality or difficulty of the kit, but to keep myself from digressing and building it the way I would now. I'm sure that a repop is going to be coming soon, and I'll let myself go then. For now, this is my trip back to 1972. This is the box it was built from. I sure hope that the next time AMT repops this one that they use this artwork.
  16. Just finished this one its an awsome kit but the decals where a bitch but with a few choice words spoken came out pretty good
  17. My version of a flat bed wrecker started off with a louisvile ford coke truck and scratch built the rear deck using plastruct double diamond sheets Im pleased with the way it came out what do ya think ?
  18. i am trying to post a link to my latest"on the workbench"project,a 1/25th scale 1925 Ford model TT wrecker.The link is in the topic title.
  19. I am starting a new topic today in the on my work bench forum.I am building a 1/25th scale 1925 Model TT wooden cab wrecker truck with a circa 1915 Weaver Auto Crane 3 ton hand crank boom assembly.Here is the link. http://public.fotki.com/misternnk.1925-ford-model-tt
  20. hello here is my 64 chevy tow truck the cab is from the revell 64 chevy fleetside the wrecker unit is scratch made... best regards maik
  21. Hallo everybody, today i will show you my version of the Midnitecowboy, that i built in March 2010. I didn't like the Base from the kit. So my choice was a classic Ford F100 from the shelf - to give him a better style. Sure, this classic Ford is often in my collection... What was my intention for this Built? I wanted a Wrecker that - if you see it behind you in the mirror - shouts out: "Get out of my way!" I took the Kabine and Interior from the Ford, the wrecker and frame from the Kit. Also a engine from a 70 "Heavy Chevelle". There were many changes, till the parts fit together. Some working on the body, made a real heavy bumper. At last, i tried weathering on it and garnished it with some gimmicks, that i tried the first time too.. Alright, you want some pictures - enough of words: ... "Get out of may way!!" the engine: hmmm...the interior needs a clean up... ...think, the driver lives in his wrecker... ...and had even not eaten his pizza! Thats it! Some gimmicks that had stolen my time - if you want, you can go on the search in the pics... Helmet and gloves, wooden blocks, cover, remains of pizza, hemp rope, maps, empty aluminum cans, oil can 1-liter, hand oilers, starter cables, some tool, soda can, broom, fire extinguisher, colored booklet, jumper cables, beer bottles, wire, ceiling crowbar. I think I've not forgotten anything. Maybe the rag in the filler neck? The hammer, wheel crosses or battery? Missing beacon, perhaps? Fuelcan? No - all aboard Thanks for your patience - its your turn
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