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Changes at Model Cars Magazine

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Sure glad you're getting a handle on the whole back thing, Gregg. Sounds miserable. 

I particularly want to thank you for the update. It's a rare thing that a magazine is so transparent about what's going on. It proves you're one of the guys and not just some stiff with a corner office and a column. Frankly, I couldn't care less what issue is in my mailbox, I don't keep a calendar of those things. I just enjoy reading the mag and participating in this online gathering of grown up kids. Glad to hear everything's only going to get better. Have a great year my friend.

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I'm very happy that you're doing so well!!!  Looks like I might just have to get myself a subscription instead of hoping it's not sold out when I get to the city to visit the hobby shop.  Looks like everything is on track.  Thanks to you, Gregg, and all the other fine folks who make this endeavor possible!!!  Unfortunately, some do not grasp the complexity of what you're dealing with!!!  The mag and forum exude excellence!!!???????

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GREGG, Sure glad this recent surgery has been a great help to you. Back issues are such a hindrance especially when in pain.Thank you for all you do for the magazine. Great news on the future of the magazine. It will be great to receive them in plastic pouches, if it's late, no problem, at least we can get it in one piece. Thank You Very Much.

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I'm very happy that you're doing so well!!!  Looks like I might just have to get myself a subscription instead of hoping it's not sold out when I get to the city to visit the hobby shop. 

I used to buy Model Cars Magazine at the hobby shop. And just like you, it was a hassle to make sure I got the issues.  So I subscribed and I don't have to think about it at all any more... I come home one day and BAM! there it is!  My favorite part is that we know most of the writers.  I swear I hear their voices as I read the articles!   :D

It would be really cool if everyone on the board subscribed as a thank you to Gregg for providing this great place to hang out!  (hint, hint)

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Hi Gregg,

it´s great to hear that your back is getting better!

For me it is no problem that the magazine is late. As long as the content is interesting. And that´s what it is!!!

And by the way, I always receive my copy in an nice and tidy paper-envelope:D

Please keep us informed what happens to the foreign subscribers and keep up the good work!

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Happy New Years as well.I don't know if you get the time to see to much on this thread. .I know your  busy beyond words.but here goes.I'm grateful to you for making this mag so amazing.I look forward to it ever time.with the website and all it has on it I personally thank you for all you do and have done.please don't quit. so many of us enjoy and need an want it.so please keep going.I know about health problems. ...boy do I know.I'm not worried about late...I just want to to keep coming,so I have it to read and look and learn.so please keep going.before my health changed for the worsed.I mixed sound.no matter when 5K people was happy..there was always a couple of people wanting a level raised or lowered.people never see the same thing....even when there looking at the same thing. I for one are happy with the mag and website. .keep going..please.I hope your health gets better and all the other hiccups in the mag and website get worked out....take care...Chris 

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I got my copy of Model Cars #199 November 2015 in the mail this Monday and the magazine came in a transparent plastic bag this time.
The magazine is great as usual but I wasn't that impressed that they put the address lable sticker on the front of the magazine cover in the lower right corner, they could at least have put it on the back cover, or preferably on the plastic bag itself...earlier I got my magazine in an envelope and the address lable was on the envelope and not on the magazine itself.

Edited by Force
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Heh, we learning still.

All the input is what we need to make this better than ever before.

Gregg glad your doing well. I know back issues is not something to take lightly.

Maybe you can answer this questions. What about foreign subscribers. Willing to subscribe if possible to do foreign subscriptions.

What about back issues???

Don't you read what I said before? Back is doing so much better :-)

I know, I know, what a punk, not what you meant.

Darryl and I, or Jairus, haven't decided which one loses yet, will have to go to Denver to pick up all the back issues, copies, files, thingees, and futnots (you know, those what not's you forgot about).

If only the snow would stop....


Thanks, Christopher, I really do appreciate the support and kind words.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Did anyone else get their copies in a poly bag? Or was it only the lucky guys overseas? (foreign).

I have the digital versions available through Magzter.com and will be again trying to get to Zinio.

I also found out some major problems/misteaks I did along the way.

The new printer did a booboo, they sent the dealer copies in envelopes, and they got destroyed.

We are fixing that.

I will be in Denver next next week, and will fix everything else.

Let me know on the poly bagging for US subscribers.

My copy (here in paradise) had the label on the front cover, no bag.


Slot Cars was sent with poly bagging, so there was a mix up.


I am doing all the invoicing, billing, accounting, bookkeeping, forms, filings, taxes, and coffee runs, by myself, so I am still learning along the way

I'm trying to get the renewal system set up.

I also want to get it set up so I can have email notifications sent to those with email, so you can print and mail in a renewal, or just do the renewal online.

I'm tyring to get this sorted out.

I thought I had a setup, with a service, but all they did was take my money and not do anything, not happy.

If anyone knows of a subscription service, let me know.


What a blast this all is.

I'm serious.

I really like the business side of this, and I'm learning a ton.

If it wasn't for Darryl backing me up, Harry doing those fantastic layouts, and a lot of you guys offering your help in one way or another, this mag could very likely have seen it's last issue last year.

But, it won't

It will go on for at least another 17 years.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I recently subscribed, my first issue #200 showed today in a very nice durable plastic sleeve. No damage by mishandling from the post office. What a great magazine, I can not believe I have never seen one before in all my years of modeling - but then again I have always lived in remote locations.

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Yes, and I hate to sound mean, but with the poly-bagging of the magazines, we will not be doing any replacement send outs from now on. Before, with GBP, the cost of the machine, 125K, would not make financial cents, with only 20-25 copies being replaced each issue, and now, with the added cost per printing of the bags, there is no way we can afford to send out ANY replacement copies. 

Also, for any asking about their renewals, I am still working on that.

If your sub expired after 199, no worries. You will still receive the magazine. I have not purged the list/database.

But don't take me for a fool, and not renew, and expect to receive free magazines.

I will hunt you down and knock on your door!!!!

This is just me being generous, and not wanting to have anyone miss their subs because they didn't get a renewal in time.

Use your last issue or two from Golden Bell, and that had the expiration date/issue on the label. 

I will be going to an Issue # expiration, so that with my always late schedule, you won't be confused by the date expiration.


I pau for now...


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Any updates on being able to purchase back issues yet?



We sent 2000 pounds of back issues to here in Hawai'i. Slow boat...

Broke da bank....

I have a few back issues, 197-200, but that's it for now.

Have to wait till they get here, and then get a huge truck to get the pallet from the dock.

Maybe two weeks, not sure.

Anyone volunteering?

No, I not going pay your way here.... :-)


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I recently subscribed, my first issue #200 showed today in a very nice durable plastic sleeve. No damage by mishandling from the post office. What a great magazine, I can not believe I have never seen one before in all my years of modeling - but then again I have always lived in remote locations.

Mahalo, Sean!

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