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New Revell '48 Ford Coupe


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If that piece I see in the interior sprue is the radio, 

Isn't that too small to be a Correct Tube type radio for the Police package??

weren't they still Very Large then??


I do like this and Hope to get a couple!!

Edited by Edsel-Dan
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I have the AMT 4-door sedan, Master Caster 2-door sedan, and the Revell 4-door wagon, so I won't be buying this.  But it looks really nice.  It's nice to see Revell and Moebius taking chances on some old cars of the '40s and '50s.  It should be a good seller.  Now if we can only get a '40 LaSalle, '41 Buick, '40 Olds, '41 Cadillac ... 

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Ed Sexton told me that he only brought the parts unique to the '48 coupe I guess the rest of the parts are shared with the convertible. Also note that the hood was glued on for display purposes (I .asked).

I also want to thank  Mr. Sexton for coming to the show.

From the 30A Chopped 5 Window topic

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If that piece I see in the interior sprue is the radio, 

Isn't that too small to be a Correct Tube type radio for the Police package??

weren't they still Very Large then??


I do like this and Hope to get a couple!!


Hard to tell from the pic, but you may be right about that part being the "radio."  

And, if it is, you're probably also right about the size.  The older tube radios had larger control heads and microphones.  Miniaturization started later.  

What's funny is the '57 Ford has an oversized radio control head and this '48 Ford has an undersized control head.  They should have swapped the parts.  

On the other hand, maybe it's a marketing ploy.  They could sell the '48 and '57 in pairs for those of us who care about accuracy and scale fidelity.  Buy the pair and swap the control heads.  

Everyone else can keep using over-height beacons from Johan and grotesquely malformed sirens from Revell and misshapen spotlights from Revell and heavy radio antennas (molded the size of electrical conduit) - if an antenna is included in a kit at all.


{Oh.  Did I say all that out loud?  Sorry.} 


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Funny thing, Revell releases a stock version and every one's talkin' hot rod. B)

Well, - that is what you build hot rods from, isn't it? ;)

I don't really mean to be too abrasive, but I couldn't help myself. I guess in all of this talkin' there is a message for Revell that a hot rod version would be welcome in the marketplace. But until they see fit to release one, I'm quite happy to rod it myself.

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I'm thinking ( from seeing with my calibrated eye) the chrome looks awfully big. Maybe all the better to BMF. :P

I thought so at first glance too, but on closer examination I think what was confusing me was the close proximity of the body line along each fender directly above the chrome strip. In my first look I thought they had blown away the body line.

Edited by horsepower
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This may be old news by now, but the quarter window rear radius compared to the fender location is much different comparing the two 1:1 coupes. Just my 2 cents. Roger

I see it. I'm no '48 expert or fan, but I'm very, very good at those "Find 12 Differences Between These Two Photos" games. B)

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Not sure I understand.......are you saying the rear quarter window extends to far back???  The two dead flat photos, model and 1/1, look the same.

I see the radius at the lower rear corner as too large, but it would be easily fixed with a rattail file and 5 minutes work. Wouldn't be a deal breaker for me if I had ANY interest in '48 Fords, which I don't.

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I see the radius at the lower rear corner as too large, but it would be easily fixed with a rattail file and 5 minutes work. Wouldn't be a deal breaker for me if I had ANY interest in '48 Fords, which I don't.

Thanks Sir! I kinda see it  now.  Owning a 1/1 46 coupe....I do want one...and I'll get a few and see what they look like in hand. thx

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I'm waiting to see who tries to combine this with a '41 Woodie from AMT.  It would take a lot of body surgery and some scratchbuilt trim to make a '41 coupe, but it sure would be cool to see one done up right!  I saw a '41 Convertible at a contest a while back.  We didn't manage to find the builder, but we speculated he used the front end, frame, fenders, running boards and running gear from the AMT kit, adjusted the wheelbase and the like to fit, and grafted in the rest of the convertible body.  It also looked like he had heavily reworked the 1941 interior to fit.  It sure looked sharp!    If Revell or AMT would make a 1941 coupe, they would have a winner on their hands.  Both of the base kits are pretty nice.


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I pulled out the '48 convertible kit that I started 5 years ago and am in the process of completing it.  If Revell made the chrome trim on this coupe kit a bit deeper, and more sharply defined, than the trim on the convertible kit (and the woody) I welcome the modification.  It might be off "a little" scale-wise (just as all trim is on a scale model compared to a 1/1), but if you've ever foiled the trim on a first edition Revell '48 you'd know what I'm talking about.

This is a welcome addition to a line of really good kits.  I'm looking forward to its release, if that happens.

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I noticed that the trim on my '48 was in danger of being lost when I looked at it under the first coat of primer.  I did a little scribing along the edges of the trim before I finished painting it, and it gave me enough of a demarcation line to run my X-acto along when I trimmed my foil.  I do that when I see trim that is going to be tough to foil, especially around windows.  It helps a lot.

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