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Photobucket O' Trash!

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Every few months P-bucket seems to have some problems. So far, they've always had them cleared up in a few days.

I haven't seen the logic in transferring hundreds of photos to another site that may have its own issues....and IF you transfer all your photos, everything that's om P-bucket NOW will disappear from all of your earlier posts.

Simply too much hassle for me at this point in time. I'd rather let them get their stuff figured out, as they always do, than reinvent a wheel that only fails occasionally.

You make a valid point, while I say I want use a different photo hosting site( I have accounts on other hosting sites) I really dont see my self doing it,  that is a lot of work transferring photo's( I have three different PB accounts ) ,  I would rather spend that time doing something else.

I agree with you to a point about the image links that will no longer be working, on older post's, I would say for post's/threads within a year, sure, I wouldnt want those links to stop working , but anything older than a year, cant say I would have any cares to give if the links stopped working,  nothing I have posted is of that importance.

In fact, every new year I delete the pervious year's WIP folder, again, I am not doing anything that great that needs to be saved

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I complained to PB how fast the free mousepads disappeared and suggested they need some inventory control.  I got a message back with a code to get a free mousepad.  I thought that was very nice of PB.  Then I went to order the mousepad and their system wasn't working.   Figures, huh?

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I don't know about you guys, but on MY computer, apparently many photos stored on P-bucket are NOT showing up anywhere on the forum.

I first noticed the problem looking at some other folk's WIP threads, and then checked my own.

Photos gone as of about 9:28 AM.

Yup. Looks like the WHOLE site is down this time, photo storage access, and everything else...although the little maintenance kitty does come up. Awwwww....how cute.

I also checked my photos on google, and only the low-res versions come up.

PS. And to all y'all who think this hot hip happenin' "cloud" carp is a good idea...well, when you give up control of your data to a third party, if it goes away...what do you do?

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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At Photobucket site I get a message that they are down for service , will be back soon . 

The typical problem with P-bucket is that users can't log-on or upload photos during site "maintenance" or "upgrades".

It's frustrating, but the older photos have always continued to display properly on the forums they were linked to.

This is something entirely different.

I've NEVER seen ALL the photos disappear from ALL the threads on this and every other forum before.

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Just more reasons I think I would like to be able to pay to just link photos directly to the forum from my computer......... I have 5 or 6 pages of attachments to the forum and have only used 1/4 of my allotted space.

You can do that, but eventually you "will" run out of space.

Then you have to go back & start deleting something.

Been there, done that.



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I don't know about you guys, but on MY computer, apparently many photos stored on P-bucket are NOT showing up anywhere on the forum.

I first noticed the problem looking at some other folk's WIP threads, and then checked my own.

Photos gone as of about 9:28 AM.

Yup. Looks like the WHOLE site is down this time, photo storage access, and everything else...although the little maintenance kitty does come up. Awwwww....how cute.

I also checked my photos on google, and only the low-res versions come up.

PS. And to all y'all who think this hot hip happenin' "cloud" carp is a good idea...well, when you give up control of your data to a third party, if it goes away...what do you do?

I noticed that there were problems again yesterday.

On another forum, I had posts that were missing some photos & not others.

Just more fuel for the fire & another reason why I started this thread.



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Photo Bucket Status

Third party... not telling us anything we don't know

This is from Photobucket's Facebook page...at abuot 5:00 PM, EDT:

26a0.png Update: During the planned maintenance last night, we encountered an unforeseen issue. Our team is continuing to work on resolving that issue, and we will provide another update as soon as possible. Rest assured that your information and content is safe. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and continued support.

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This is from Photobucket's Facebook page...at abuot 5:00 PM, EDT:

26a0.png Update: During the planned maintenance last night, we encountered an unforeseen issue. Our team is continuing to work on resolving that issue, and we will provide another update as soon as possible. Rest assured that your information and content is safe. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and continued support.

Looks like Photobucket better stock up on those free mouse pads!

Do I need to add anything to my argument about Photobucket being a POS?

I believe they made my point for me.



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Looks like Photobucket better stock up on those free mouse pads!

Do I need to add anything to my argument about Photobucket being a POS?

I believe they made my point for me.

I'm disappointed too that P-bucket is continuing to have difficulties, but few things in life work perfectly all the time, and VERY FEW people do consistently first-rate work on ANYTHING.

It's easy to bash somebody who's not doing whatever they do well (as I seemed to be doing to an inexperienced model builder recently), but there are sometimes extenuating circumstances that bystanders have no way of knowing. 

P-bucket's "unforeseen issue" could be they they've been hacked well and thoroughly by vindictive associates of the guy who was imprisoned within the last couple of days for hacking P-bucket for profit.

Or they could have hired an IT staff based on PC quotas rather than ability.

It could be a lot of things...and for as long as I've been using P-bucket, I have had remarkably few problems...far fewer in fact than I've had with a lot of other computer and web-based products.

I really think we might give them the benefit of the doubt, at least for a few days, and see if they can get their ducks all walking nicely again.

I'd much prefer to see Photobucket get their problems sorted than have to waste hours and hours uploading photos to another site that's probably just as potentially unstable. :D


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I'm disappointed too that P-bucket is continuing to have difficulties, but few things in life work perfectly all the time, and VERY FEW people do consistently first-rate work on ANYTHING.

It's easy to bash somebody who's not doing whatever they do well (as I seemed to be doing to an inexperienced model builder recently), but there are sometimes extenuating circumstances that bystanders have no way of knowing. 

P-bucket's "unforeseen issue" could be they they've been hacked well and thoroughly by vindictive associates of the guy who was imprisoned within the last couple of days for hacking P-bucket for profit.

Or they could have hired an IT staff based on PC quotas rather than ability.

It could be a lot of things...and for as long as I've been using P-bucket, I have had remarkably few problems...far fewer in fact than I've had with a lot of other computer and web-based products.

I really think we might give them the benefit of the doubt, at least for a few days, and see if they can get their ducks all walking nicely again.

I'd much prefer to see Photobucket get their problems sorted than have to waste hours and hours uploading photos to another site that's probably just as potentially unstable. :D


We could give them the benefit of the doubt, but the whole point of their existence is to do one thing & one thing only.......store photos.

I'm not the type to throw something over board because of one indiscretion, but this has been building for me for a long time.

I've probably wasted hours on Photobucket waiting for pages to load & tip toeing through all of the adds.

Plus it's propensity to completely freeze up my computer nearly every time I use it is pretty much more than I can, or will withstand.

I probably will not remove my photos & yes, I will probably check back from time to time to see if they've gotten their act together, but in the meantime, I see no reason to patronize a service that basically doesn't work.



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We could give them the benefit of the doubt, but the whole point of their existence is to do one thing & one thing only.......store photos.

I'm not the type to throw something over board because of one indiscretion, but this has been building for me for a long time.

I've probably wasted hours on Photobucket waiting for pages to load & tip toeing through all of the adds.

Plus it's propensity to completely freeze up my computer nearly every time I use it is pretty much more than I can, or will withstand.

I probably will not remove my photos & yes, I will probably check back from time to time to see if they've gotten their act together, but in the meantime, I see no reason to patronize a service that basically doesn't work.

As I said earlier, I understand your frustration.

BUT...once I started running Chrome on a Win7 machine (with a blazingly fast cable connection), installed AdBlock, and got the big $2.99/month service from P-bucket, I've only had the standard occasional problems you get with anything online.

I get fast uploads, NO ads. and up until about 24 hours ago, my photos have always been online on the forums where I've posted them.

I don't post anywhere as much as I used to when the paid service was justified (I had a lot of models and other work on a lot of forums), so I probably don't use P-bucket now as much as some of you. Still, until now, it's been relatively trouble-free from my perspective.

And I find if my model car photos don't get posted every time I have a batch ready to go, nobody much cares...including me. :D


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The longer we use the Internet, the more problems we will encounter. The more complex the websites get, the more bugs will show up. Also since the security is sorely lacing on most sites, hackers will eventually break in and create more problems. Then there are the DoS attacks which happen, causing more problems.  It is just part of the online experience.

Isn't Flicker part of Yahoo (which recently admitted to a large data bread after they were hacked)? Give it some time and Flicker will have problems too.

Best way to handle photos relating to forum posts would be to host the photos locally on the forum. But that requires server space which most forums don't want to manage or can't afford. So we are at the  mercy of the free photo hosting sites which will from time to time go offline.

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UPDATE: From what I've been able to ferret out (and frankly, it wasn't all that hard to find) Photobucket was apparently hit with a DoS attack back at the end of April of this year. I would assume a fair bit of their downtime since then has been an ongoing effort to harden the site against future attacks.

There were also widespread DoS attacks on the internet several days ago, and this particular problem with Photobucket (the offline-disappearing-photos-today) MAY have something to do with that.

ALSO...a hacker was sentenced yesterday to 29 months in prison after having been convicted of hacking Photobucket for profit. His smarmy little buddies MAY have something to do with the ongoing problems at P-bucket lately.  http://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/photobucket-hacker-sent-to-prison/d/d-id/1327379


Blame the cyber criminals and malicious little bastards who think doing stuff to disrupt other peoples' lives is fun and funny.

Blame also the widespread lax attitude of internet developers towards real security, and the beyond stupid "internet of things".

It looks like the hackers behind this week's DoS attacks used thousands of almost security-free internet-connected consumer devices to overload a main internet "switching" provider. Article HERE:  https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/oct/25/ddos-cyber-attack-dyn-internet-of-things

Tell me...just WHY do people think their toasters and fridges need to have internet access?

And IF they are going to be "connected", why are they not provided with reliable security features that deter hacking?

Stupid, that's why.

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Good internet snooping Bill.  I'l bet you are right.  The funny thing about that article...

"His accomplice Athanasios Andrianakis was earlier given five years on probation including 15 months in-house detention during which he must work for Photobucket for no pay."

Would you want this guy around your company??? :blink:

I was watching news commentary last night that said the US is expecting Russian hacking to interfere with the election this coming week. The government minion interviewed said the US had the best Internet hacking abilities and would be able to bring Russia to their knees electronically, including disabling the Kremlin, their power grid and other important systems.  I want to see them do this!   Although I'd much rather see us send a guided missile right into the hacking source! 


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