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What is the point...


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Me... I am here because we can share tips..information..help each other...learn from each other...and see what all everyone has found or their work let alone the friendships I have gained over the years with others here.  Is it not good to be with a bunch of others that love the same life of building..?  Id say yes.  Everyone here has something to offer others can learn from no matter what age or skill level they are at....we all had to start somewhere.  Me I even just enjoy seeing what is still out there from the past and present others find...good for the memories of much better days.  We all in our own way are craftsman and artist...we create works of art in our own way or best we can.  

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Me... I am here because we can share tips..information..help each other...learn from each other...and see what all everyone has found or their work let alone the friendships I have gained over the years with others here.  Is it not good to be with a bunch of others that love the same life of building..?  Id say yes.  Everyone here has something to offer others can learn from no matter what age or skill level they are at....we all had to start somewhere.  Me I even just enjoy seeing what is still out there from the past and present others find...good for the memories of much better days.  We all in our own way are craftsman and artist...we create works of art in our own way or best we can.  

Nicely put!

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I think of this as an expanded model club that meets 24 hours a day, every day. You can talk shop, catch up on the latest tips and techniques or just rant about anything else in the Off-Topic area. It's a place where (mostly) like minded folks can get together and show off or comment on others models. It is a place where the hobby we all enjoy is appreciated. This place gives us access to advice, parts and entire kits that we might not otherwise come across. The knowledge that is online at any given time is immense. We have everything from the old pros, that have been there and done that,  to the newest builders, that look at everything with a fresh perspective.

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I think of this as an expanded model club that meets 24 hours a day, every day. You can talk shop, catch up on the latest tips and techniques or just rant about anything else in the Off-Topic area. It's a place where (mostly) like minded folks can get together and show off or comment on others models. It is a place where the hobby we all enjoy is appreciated. This place gives us access to advice, parts and entire kits that we might not otherwise come across. The knowledge that is online at any given time is immense. We have everything from the old pros, that have been there and done that,  to the newest builders, that look at everything with a fresh perspective.

In theory, you are correct. In reality there are issues. Such as opinions, personalities, differences and most importantly the ability to hide behind a keyboard!

It is easy to type, something you would not say to ones face. Simple to argue a point or start contention while sitting in the comfort of your home.

Just looking for thoughts and conversation here, I have no agenda.


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I just enjoy it here. I have been building models for over 50 years and I love to see what other people come up with as well as hints and tips to improve my models. Same reason I subscribe to the magazine. There are many people here I never have nor will meet but I consider them friends just the same. People who share a common interest will often get together either in person or on line.

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I come here to learn, to see what other builders are doing, to find inspiration from builders whose skills exceed my own, and to offer technical advice on 1:1 subjects as well as modeling (usually learned from first-hand experience) given freely to the community in the spirit of helping.

It is also pleasant to have my own work appreciated and commented on, and I often learn something in the process of reading those comments

While I have a fairly extensive background in engineering and mechanics, there's always somebody in the world who knows something I don't, or catches me in a moment of fuzzy thinking, or saying something I remember incorrectly and get wrong...and I appreciate being corrected by anyone who actually knows what he's talking about.

The"general" section allows me to point car enthusiasts towards something they might otherwise not be aware of, and to voice opinions on things like styling and mechanical over-complication, and ALWAYS more in an effort to make people THINK rather than to try to shove my own ideas down anyone's throat.

The off-topic area also allows me to share with other members things I'm interested in...like steam engines, aircraft, alternative energy, AI, and the declining literacy rate in the developed world and what that means for our collective future and the legacy we're leaving to our children.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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In theory, you are correct. In reality there are issues. Such as opinions, personalities, differences and most importantly the ability to hide behind a keyboard!

It is easy to type, something you would not say to ones face. Simple to argue a point or start contention while sitting in the comfort of your home.

Just looking for thoughts and conversation here, I have no agenda.


This all happens in the "real world" as well. It is a much smaller percentage of people that will say things to your face. Most just hold their tongue(this rule apparently does not apply to the internet and our keyboards). The problem isn't the differing opinions or ideas. I think a portion of the conflicts start because people just cannot express themselves effectively and what they feel is a perfect explanation comes across as harsh criticism to someone else. That is when everyone jumps in and picks sides. That is also when things start to escalate into personal attacks. If we would realize that we are not always right, and do not always need to get the last word in, things would be much more peaceful. Of course, there are also some folks that just do not like each other and will fight about everything. They are few and far between though.

What happens on this board happens on every other board out there, to some degree. I am on boards for photography and aquariums and it is all the same stuff, just the names are different.

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This all happens in the "real world" as well. It is a much smaller percentage of people that will say things to your face. Most just hold their tongue(this rule apparently does not apply to the internet and our keyboards). The problem isn't the differing opinions or ideas. I think a portion of the conflicts start because people just cannot express themselves effectively and what they feel is a perfect explanation comes across as harsh criticism to someone else. That is when everyone jumps in and picks sides. That is also when things start to escalate into personal attacks. If we would realize that we are not always right, and do not always need to get the last word in, things would be much more peaceful. Of course, there are also some folks that just do not like each other and will fight about everything. They are few and far between though.

What happens on this board happens on every other board out there, to some degree.... and it is all the same stuff, just the names are different.

Yup, model trains, 1:1 aircraft and cars, AI, physics and engineering...name it and you'll find "issues...such as opinions, personalities, differences and most importantly the ability to hide behind a keyboard!"


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I like all these answers. I'm here for all the reasons I'd belong to a an all day model club.

Regarding opinions, I feel the opposite of "hiding behind a keyboard." I find myself being more careful about how I say things than I would face to face... and that's not an inconvenience. Being a cyber friend is not as fulfilling as face to face but it's still rewarding.

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The biggest reason fro me to be here is to be around people that like the same hobby. Well as close to being around as we can on the net. The other reason have already been stated above. 

James just try and ignore the people typing for an internet argument. Sometimes they are just having a bad time at life and just need to vent or be right for once. If you have to respond type it in and let it sit for a half and hour or so. If you still think it is ok hit enter. 

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I like all these answers. I'm here for all the reasons I'd belong to a an all day model club.

Regarding opinions, I feel the opposite of "hiding behind a keyboard." I find myself being more careful about how I say things than I would face to face... and that's not an inconvenience. Being a cyber friend is not as fulfilling as face to face but it's still rewarding.

I too find it difficult to not type how I feel. Sometimes ready a message two or three time so as to not be mis understood. 

And this post has nothing to do with my experience here on this forum. It was however posted to have dialogue about your being here.

Edited by James2
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I place floor where is car in water sky only bolts with mayonnaise deliver wiring last over by flat airplane visiting with zoo order refuse but Mr. Wilson sled of fire bowl note Chihuahua paste choose electric fish wings equals reward kitchen flush signature cross east counted open before conspicuously pending have steps during retain lamp quilt trade phone course retail cook twelve master furniture jelly team dollar.......... Just my opinion ...... or in a nut shell to see , learn , ideas , and see how much money I will be spending for new releases.......

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I'm here because I enjoy it. showing others what I've done, making NEW friends, and trading parts with others that need or want and get something in return I need or want!!! Learn things new or learn how to do something differently to reach the same goal and or get a higher outcome of what ever task in the build.

Plus I enjoy the interaction of others with the same interests I do, in this case, model cars & trucks, ideas, building, painting, you name it, its nice to be in "like" company.....

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I crave attention! Actually just like the forum to see what others are building,share thoughts, and tips, etc. I've learned a lot by being here and the forum have pushed me to do things I would have otherwise been content with. Years ago, there were only bi-monthly mags to look at and only a handful of models in them each month, only one show (Jacksonville) each year and I rarely had time to attend. I was completely out of modeling, spent all my time in the 1:1 world, this forum is what got me back into the hobby in 2012 A and I've really enjoyed it. Though we sometimes have some trash talking (and what forum doesn't have it!), just a great group to read about and learn from.

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I place floor where is car in water sky only bolts with mayonnaise deliver wiring last over by flat airplane visiting with zoo order refuse but Mr. Wilson sled of fire bowl note Chihuahua paste choose electric fish wings equals reward kitchen flush signature cross east counted open before conspicuously pending have steps during retain lamp quilt trade phone course retail cook twelve master furniture jelly team dollar.......... Just my opinion ...... or in a nut shell to see , learn , ideas , and see how much money I will be spending for new releases.......

EEP OPP ORK ORK....!!!:wacko:

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Yup, model trains, 1:1 aircraft and cars, AI, physics and engineering...name it and you'll find "issues...such as opinions, personalities, differences and most importantly the ability to hide behind a keyboard!"

Can I get a AMEN...... much of this behavior is school yard fodder..... A few here could use a good old fashion play ground butt kicking



Edited by jwrass
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I come here because I like model cars. The inspiration from here and other sites I use to challenge myself to improve and I dont have the option to find any of this local to me (I live on an island in scotland and "models are for kids/toys/pointless" is the attitude I get when I talk to my friends(delete as appropriate)) If it wasn't for the forums I would probably have given up by now. I have to say though, I have made some good friends from the forums which probably is the most important part of the hobby to me and the models are now just a bonus

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