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Coca Cola Kits ?

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19 hours ago, Tom Geiger said:

It's like this....

Round 2 puts out Coke kits they complain.

People complain that kids aren't getting into the hobby, so Revell brought out some simple kits for kids, and they complain!

Revell chases the youth market with the Foose kits, and they complain.

Revell rises from the ashes and opens up a brand new operation to serve the US market, and they complain that new kits aren't out that same week.

Any manufacturer comes out with a long requested new kit, and they complain!

See a pattern here?

Where's that 'Like' button?!?!

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12 hours ago, alexis said:

So. Can we now get a 1994-95 Ford Ranger with Coke Markings? If that is what it takes to get one, I'm all for it. Or a Ford Explorer? Or, Heck, the long rumored Bed Buggy?

AMT's 1996-97 Ford Explorer full-detail glue kits are pretty common on eBay. They also did the '96 Explorer as a Snap-Kit.  From what I've read, they didn't sell very well when new, so not sure a re-issue will ever happen. Maybe if Round 2 threw in some police markings and equipment along with the Coke decals...


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2 hours ago, alexis said:

Yeah, Cop Cars always seem to sell. The 'Exploder" would be a great Police Car kit.

Very true, and just about any of the Round 2 kits could get the police car treatment.



Any number of old Fords would work for cashing on Mayberry nostalgia


And of course, I'm just fine with a reissue of the Gangbusters Lincoln.


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On a truck kit, something that might have a business logo on it in any case, i'm cool with the Coke decals. I bought the '55 Cameo. Whatever. On a passenger car like the '57 in Greg's OP, I take offense and it would be a no sale for me.

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23 minutes ago, Jantrix said:

On a truck kit, something that might have a business logo on it in any case, i'm cool with the Coke decals. I bought the '55 Cameo. Whatever. On a passenger car like the '57 in Greg's OP, I take offense and it would be a no sale for me.

You do know you don't have to use the decals, right?

Unless they actually engraved "Coca-Cola" onto the body, I don't see a problem.

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2 hours ago, Richard Bartrop said:

You do know you don't have to use the decals, right?

Unless they actually engraved "Coca-Cola" onto the body, I don't see a problem.

I like to use decals. They are a big draw for me when I'm selecting a kit. If a model comes with some cool hot rod decals, flames, scallops, etc., I'm into it.

So if model #1 has great decals and model #2 has bad decals, the decision is easy. Unless I have a project in mind that specifically requires model #2, as I mentioned, I bought the Coke '55 Cameo, but normally I'll pass it by.

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I dont mind if the put coke decals on some kits.
Its not like they have you sign a contract forcing you to use the decals before you get the kit.

But from the sound from the complaining from many it would probably be best if those kits were never released again and stayed forgotten in a corner in a warehouse forever.
But then those that complain now would complain that kit X,Y&Z has not been out since the 60's-90's and should be released again.
But then to their horror they INCLUDED coca cola decals and the kit is ruined and will not buy it.

Would it be the same complaining nomatter what company had made a deal with them?
What if the us army,marine, airforce and what else you have sponsored them would it still be the same complaining? (i know that is not likley to happen but just an example)
Ford model T delivery would look a little out of place in digital cammo and any other markings.
(I would buy one anyways because i like the car, and thats why i buy kits. If i dont like the car/truck/whatever i dont buy it even if it have cool decals)

I would much rather that a kit that has not been out for a long time be released again after they found the molds and made any repairs to it if it needed them.
Then have them forgotten just because some people flip out because the decals that you dont even have to use.

Yes everyone has their own opinions and mine is that this complaining that round2 do some kits with coca cola decals is starting to get annoying, its a new thread almost every week..
Sorry for the rant but this whole thing i ridiculous...


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Even with these Coca Cola branded kits and the revenue they will generate I don't think we will see an all new tooling automotive kit from Round2 any time soon...I hope I'm wrong but that's my gut feeling.

I don't mind if they do Coca Cola branded kits now and then as I most likely woun't use the decals anyway, if it's a kit I want I'll buy it regardless.
But it gets a bit boring when 15-16 of their announced kits the last couple of years are Coke branded...plus the Coke decal parts pack...so it doesn't make me jump up in the air of joy when I hear Chad say " and we have the so and so kit with Coca Cola decals, vending machines and dolly" in the videos...especially when I already have the kit in question from an earlier release.

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I may do some joking around about the Coca Cola stuff, but the re-issues are certainly welcome to a lot of model builders, for various reasons. Some for nostalgia...some so they can build umpteen versions of the same kit...some so they can build a certain kit for a friend or family member. 

I have some older issues of Coca Cola kits in the stash, that just might be built without the Coke stuff on them. One is a '57 Chevy, and I have the old Chevy pickup kit that won't be built with the Coke stuff, as I have already been there, done that!

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