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Swearing and cussing on the board

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Poopie!!! I loove to swear! I was planning on swearing on the forum later, but I guess I snooze, I lose! Seriously, I teach middle school and the proliferation of obscene language is outrageous. I don't let my students use a couple of common words (cr*p and s*ck) and words that are too close to swearing. It makes them think about what they are saying, before they say it. Good job, Gregg!

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Guest promodmerc
He He, isn't English great!


Speachless: heres how.

Look at something amazing(one of Bill Geary's models :( ), stand there with mouth open like a fish, then slap hand over subsequent hole in face sharply.

Gob= slang for mouth

So gobsmacked is the action of smacking he hand over ones mouth while looking at or hearing something amazing, a little over the top etc, really just another way of saying " I cant believe it"

Other sayings mainly by teenagers include; "get out of my face" "take a chill pill" "stop dissing me". It's a whole new world out there isn't it. :(


Well that's one we can use to replace the "sentence enhancers" :(

Anyone that has seen the Sponge Bob Square Pants episode where Sponge Bob & Patrick discover a word written on the dumpster about Mr. Krabs will know what I'm talking about. :(


Here is a youtube link of the episode.


Edited by promodmerc
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Rules is Rules and I will do my best to abide by them, and not use George Carlins seven words :)

Yeah, it's amazing how depending on the context, how people, even the most buttoned down people, can swear. I've been in corporate meetings where things got heated and it was a colorful as anything on HBO.... same with happy hours.

I normally try and be professional and precise and avoid slang or profanity in my daily conversations, but in certain contexts of stress or frustration, I can be as colorful as Gene Hackman or Tony Soprano :)

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I am going to be going through posts and threads and cleaning up and/or deleting posts where there are swearing, attempts to swear or cuss, using *&^%$ in place of swear words.

Come on guys, this is a clean site.

You want to cuss, that's your right, but I will not stand for it here.

I pay the bills, and like Mark says, it's my sandbox, and them are the rules.

Keep it clean, and it will be a lot more family family, and will see more and more new posters and builders here.

Okay, I pau.....

Very good idea and I support it 100%.

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If I ask this:

"what is the opposite of Progress? Congress?"

will I get in trouble for starting a Political Debate?

Oh, I love it. Gallagher and his diatribe on language and how we put word together. Apartment owners who are strapped for cash need a plan. So they need some money (dough) and they need a scam to get their renters to cough up more money, (aka a con). Thus, a condo!

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Iz "FRACKING" a Cuss Word? Just wanna know 'cause I like tha sound of it? I mean it made it past tha TV Censors, didn't it?

Edited by zebm1
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Jeez Gregg, every pre teen today who watches prime time tv has a working vocabulary of words I wasn't allowed to use till I moved out of mamas house.

Ya gonna remove objectional signature pics too. :D

How bout graphic decals on builds :D ???

Guess I'm just numb to it. th_BadWord.gif

I don't wish to sound rude, but I have children and one is a 12 year old who is a member of this site. It is true that some prime time programming has questionable language, but these programs are always marked with various warnings and, of course the well known "PG-13, etc, and not all pre-teens watch these programs. On this web site, and it is a great place for anyone who models, there are no warnings on posts, it wouldn't be feasible to even try. The printed word is much stronger than the spoken word. This is another thing to take into consideration.

I'm not naive, I know children hear bad language at school, on the telly, and other places, but that doesn’t make it right. Bad language isn't allowed in my house and such language shouldn’t be re-enforced on what I feel is a family oriented web site. So, I agree with Greg. I don't see a need in using a vulgar word to make a point.

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....... I could be wrong, but i thought i read where gregg recently said enough. No matter what we do, we have to re-read our posts as to not offend someone..... I can understand this, I wasn't the one whio started the tyraid in question, but i slipped, and have now had my hand smacked for it.......

...... so with that said, lets move past it, realize and accept we are dealing with a public forum, and gregg needs it to be relatively clean, in short lets just use common sense vs. talking with the guys at clubhouse, or on street corner.

...... as for words used since we moved out of parents house, yes i agree, my thirteen yr old has a vocabulary that when he slipped once, i glared at him, and he covered his mouth so fast and apologized he knew he had done wrong...... then his mother tried to tell me the rules of disciplining son, and washing his mouth with soap as the NUNS in parochial school had done to me when i was younger then him.... and then of course the smack and foot from my father was far worse when i got home that night, oh did it hurt

and as we have junior modelers here, gregg is right, so guys i say again common sense please, and lets not dwell on this to avoid getting gregg upset

bill d64

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I don't wish to sound rude, but I have children and one is a 12 year old who is a member of this site. It is true that some prime time programming has questionable language, but these programs are always marked with various warnings and, of course the well known "PG-13, etc, and not all pre-teens watch these programs. On this web site, and it is a great place for anyone who models, there are no warnings on posts, it wouldn't be feasible to even try. The printed word is much stronger than the spoken word. This is another thing to take into consideration.

I'm not naive, I know children hear bad language at school, on the telly, and other places, but that doesn’t make it right. Bad language isn't allowed in my house and such language shouldn’t be re-enforced on what I feel is a family oriented web site. So, I agree with Greg. I don't see a need in using a vulgar word to make a point.

Kids are sponges, they learn from us a lot better than most would think. When my son was about 2 I lost something I had spent about 3 hours working on when the computer decided to have a little glitch, I slammed the key board and shouted a word that starts and ends with the same letters as Fire Truck. I get home the next day and my wife tells me that while I was at work our son climbed into the computer chair, slammed his hands on the desk, and perfectly repeated my cry of displeasure. That quickly taught me to clean up my act, at least when kids are around. :rolleyes:

Gregg, I don't think I've been guilty of anything more scalding than %#@& but I'll be sure to keep it clean from here on out.

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