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63 vette amt real junk

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13 minutes ago, johnfin said:

This model is such junk, and they re-popped it the same way. Did they forget to show the engine mounting in the instructions? Engine really doesnt fit.


Try building the old AMT Chevy Rescue Van. It will make you think that the Vette aint so bad after all. I think that they are going to reissue this blob of plastic again too. It will probably have COKE decals, and a $40+ price tag this time!

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I hear you, and you are right, some of the old AMT kits are pure junk. Some say we should just be thankful for the kits. I agree to a point also. I am glad to have some of these old kits even if they are bad. But I have given up complaining about them and now I have a 3D printer and taught myself to create what I need to fix the faults in the kits. Some are just so bad it is not worth it, so I just don't buy them. 

There are always reviews of every kit out there. HPI Guys workshop is one of my favorites, but there are any options. I am very into trucks and there are so few options there, that I just have to accept what is and fix what I can. 

If a kit is really bad, I don't build it. This is a hobby and should be fun, if a kit is no fun, it goes into the parts box to donate to other projects. 

So, as I see it we have a few choices. Build it as is and try to have fun. Don't buy it in the first place. Or, take it as a challenge and fix it however you can. 

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I just checked the one that I bought off Kijiji. I think I paid $10 or $15 bucks for it? It is not a great kit, but not the worst either.😕 It is a VERY basic kit with a one piece molded interior and one piece under carriage. Other than that, the kit seems to have a nice look, so I will build it anyways as a curbside. I think the worst part is the instructions. 
Here is a good thread with lots of input on this kit. Seems it’s pretty well liked.


Edited by NOBLNG
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Not enough details or scale realism? If it's not above the OP's skill set he could bash it with the Revell '67 Vette and whatever small block he'd prefer. Then it would only be partial junk, kinda junk, a little junky, sort of junky...

Edited by Phirewriter
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Got to love kits like this and the folks that support kits like this cause that's what makes them "real" modelers in there in head.  $15-$20 kit sure acceptable for its age etc and not this specific kit, but when they reissue junk and slap a $35-$40 tag on it than yes the complaints are valid and justified.  Like saying the OP might be in the wrong hobby cause he says the kit is junk is crazy.  But to each there own if you if you wanna take the time to modify or retool a kit to build it as its suppose to be than you do you.  Lot of us aren't going to waste that kind of time or effort or paint or materials to do so cause at the end of the day it's just plastic, and there's better kits to put all said materials and effort into.  It's not that alot of kits are old and or bad, but the prices aren't reflecting the quality we're getting.  But i guess be happy and except what you get long as we're still getting kits as old as half the members here, and this is why I've never gotten this kit even when its at hobby lobby with 40% off sale.  

But classicgas you did do the kit justice and i respect that so hats off to ya.

Edited by Dpate
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With kits of this vintage, you have to ask yourself which is more important to you, the journey, or the destination. For me it's the journey or the process of building. For others it is all about the destination or final product. These are not always mutually exclusive. Sometimes you have both, sometimes not. LOL

Edited by Bill Eh?
added thought
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36 minutes ago, Dpate said:

 ...Lot of us aren't going to waste that kind of time or effort or paint or materials to do so cause at the end of the day it's just plastic, and there's better kits to put all said materials and effort into...

Those of us with well developed modeling skills, and who understand that achievement in life sometimes takes a little effort, can make something great from this kit.

Others can't, or choose something easy. Fine.

But that doesn't make the kit "junk".

EDIT: And in this time, there are plenty of online reviews folks can research so they won't go home with a kit they're incapable of building.

But of course, that takes effort too.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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11 minutes ago, Bill Eh? said:

With kits of this vintage, you have to ask yourself which is more important to you, the journey, or the destination. For me it's the journey or the process of building. For others it is all about the destination or final product. These are not always mutually exclusive. Sometimes you have both, sometimes not. LOL

That's what i was gonna say lol.  Sometimes the journey and destination wont be good at all.  Sometimes the journey is good until you realize you hit a roadblock and no matter you do trash is trash, and sometimes the the journey is awesome along with the destination when it all comes alive. Especially when your 1/24 or 25 scale car has a better clear coat than your 1:1 haha.  

But seriously though i love this hobby and what it's all about, but if something is trash it is what it is i keep some parts and trash the rest or use for test dummies for paint.  I wont ever let a kit make me quit the hobby.

Edited by Dpate
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Everyone looks at (and sees) things differently. I don't think the AMT 63 Vette is that bad. I built one in the 60s when I was a kid, and while I don't really remember how it went together, I do remember finishing it, and it looked pretty good for a build by a 10-12 year old kid. I have one in the stash that I plan to build someday, and it looks fairly good to me. The OP thinks it's junk, and that's his opinion, which is his right to have. I'm not going to beat him up, and act like he doesn't know how to build a model just because his opinion is not the same as mine.

I just built the AMT Chevy van (Rescue Van) and in my opinion it is the worst excuse for a kit that I have ever seen. It has an engine, but you have to cut the hood open if you want to see it. It has some rescue type equipment, if you want to cut the rear doors open to see them. It does not have any interior door panels, so if you want any interior details (window cranks, door handles, etc.) I guess you have to scratch build those too. the parts fit is terrible, the instructions are terrible, and I'm pretty sure that this kit was not issued in the early 60s, so you can't use that for an excuse, it's just a terrible kit.

If anyone thinks that the Rescue Van kit is a good kit, that's OK with me, I DON'T CARE, it's not going to change my mind about it because I have the right to an opinion, just like everybody else.

Some people here seem to bash every new kit that comes along, no matter how good the kit is, but when anybody else voices their opinion about some old worn out reissue that they just wasted 40 bucks on they get told that they have not got the well developed modeling skills that you have.

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