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Revell is watching your dialogue on future versions of their '32 Ford kits

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In all seriousness, Lyle, (& others), hit it on the head; the thread in question, (& what Revell is watching), is about how to further utilize their 32 Ford street rod tooling, which, (despite some comments to the contrary), is very popular, as I'm sure Revell is aware of from the sales of the different versions created from it over the past 13 years.

Maybe this thread got "off topic" simply due to the claim that Revell was watching this topic specifically. Seeing as if we can't seem to get an answer to many other suggestions or ideas posed to this company, what better way to make ALL our voices heard? MANY modelers have made suggestions to not only Revell, but many other companies regarding possible releases or re-issues and have heard nothing in return for our input. When we learn that supposedly a major model manufacturer is following a specific thread, then it's only going to be a natural thing for many to reply asking for something other than the same old same old.

And for the record, I don't see where telling Revell some of us are sick to death of seeing the same kit re-issued to death is taking this off topic. It's DIRECTLY related to the topic at hand. Alot of us are simply tired of seeing the same thing re-issued over and over and we simply brought the question up as to why not possibly look at another subject for a street rod or custom kit.

As for your awesome scratchbuilding visions and abilities, good on ya. But, not everyone has unlimited space to keep spare parts and derelict kits to possibly use one day for some one-off project. Better still, not everyone has the bank account to buy a bunch of resin pieces, or the patience to go through the hassle of scratchbuilding a model they can't get in kit form. By your post, it sounds as though those who choose not to follow the path you do makes them less of a modeler, or not even a true modeler at all. You bitch, piss moan and complain about people taking this thread off topic when you are guilty of doing the same exact thing. ;)

This argument could go on forever. In the end, some of us simply voiced our feelings in that we are tired of seeing so much effort put into 1 subject when there are so many more subjects that could be covered and gaps filled in this hobby. :blink:

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Maybe this thread got "off topic" simply due to the claim that Revell was watching this topic specifically. Seeing as if we can't seem to get an answer to many other suggestions or ideas posed to this company, what better way to make ALL our voices heard? MANY modelers have made suggestions to not only Revell, but many other companies regarding possible releases or re-issues and have heard nothing in return for our input. When we learn that supposedly a major model manufacturer is following a specific thread, then it's only going to be a natural thing for many to reply asking for something other than the same old same old.

And for the record, I don't see where telling Revell some of us are sick to death of seeing the same kit re-issued to death is taking this off topic. It's DIRECTLY related to the topic at hand. Alot of us are simply tired of seeing the same thing re-issued over and over and we simply brought the question up as to why not possibly look at another subject for a street rod or custom kit.

As for your awesome scratchbuilding visions and abilities, good on ya. But, not everyone has unlimited space to keep spare parts and derelict kits to possibly use one day for some one-off project. Better still, not everyone has the bank account to buy a bunch of resin pieces, or the patience to go through the hassle of scratchbuilding a model they can't get in kit form. By your post, it sounds as though those who choose not to follow the path you do makes them less of a modeler, or not even a true modeler at all. You bitch, piss moan and complain about people taking this thread off topic when you are guilty of doing the same exact thing. ;)

This argument could go on forever. In the end, some of us simply voiced our feelings in that we are tired of seeing so much effort put into 1 subject when there are so many more subjects that could be covered and gaps filled in this hobby. :blink:

As usual your missing the point. some people just arent happy with the effort. If you have a complaint take it up with revell in an email to them This thread isnt for that.

As far as revell not listening AGAIN ARE YOU BLIND. The 32 5 window is full of parts and options that YOU the MODELER has suggested to them. They are listening.... [Cough Hair pins cough ]

Back to the subject

Heres a few more for you guys at revell.

How about a Y block, early pontiac, or caddy motor. Heck a small block with some period speed parts would be great too. (i believe this was mentioned)

some nice Bias plys ( gotta be wide whites) :blink:

Someone mentioned some lakes pipes. YES PLEASE!!!!

Cowl steering, Most which can be borrowed from the Sprint car kits...

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First, in regard to an earlier comment about the market being saturated with 32 Fords, I would like to address it speaking from a long time modeler standpoint. I am 62 and have been building virtually all my life on and off, all kinds of models, and consider the 32 and 40 Fords and their near cousins with a degree of sanctity. There are fewer variants to the 40, but it has such beautiful lines its allure is beyond control. I thank AMT for its 3 versions, and Revell for its 2 all of which are terrific.

But the 32 Ford. I built the first AMT and Monogram versions way back in 59 and I am convinced that was when my high blood pressure started. After all of these years, when I look at a kit, there are so many different choices - full fender or no fender, highboy or channelled, engines, interiors, chasses, frames and the list is endless. Then the body mods, like chopping the tops, lengthening, etc, and recently I just finished some body work on an old AMT 32 in which I duck-tailed the rear trunk a la boattail version that was depicted a few years ago in the sketchpad.

I never get bored with the 32, and we have seen lots of variations, and if they are good they will sell. The fact that AMT came out with a "professional version" first in the series was testament to their knowledge that 32's sell. Revell is almost guaranteed a lock in whatever they make.

For me, the last neat versions to make is the cabriolet, roadster and enclosed pickup and woody. The bodies already made available to us over the years is the roadster, 3 and 5 window coupe. phaeton, 2 door sedan, sedan delivery, speedwagon, pre-chopped top 2 door sedan, customized version, and the list goes on.

To address another post, MPC/AMT does have a 32 Chevy tool which was pretty good, but it took some work to make a street rod, as it came only in stock version.

From my point of view, from a user standpoint, this is the sunset side of another golden age of model cars. The advantage to modeler today is availability as modelers and manufacturers can draw upon the past to produce a model they would like to see. There are lots more models to make, but for right now, this is one heck of a time. Especially for the 32 Ford.

Ken "FloridaBoy" Willaman

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Give it up, Dave. The guy's clearly an idiot and seems to be intent on proving that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

One hopes that whoever at Revell is monitoring this thread had added him to their "ignore user" list.

Very true, The guy was given a golden oportunity and blew it.

I think there is plenty here for revell to see and digest for future plans for the line of 32's in the future. The options are endless as is the 1;1 subject. It crosses all fields from the rat rodder to the die hard billet rides. Kudos to you revell, KEEP IT UP.

This is definately not some reissue kit with different wheels and tires as brian has stated. brian if you havent bought one or 6 of these from your local hobby shop go drop the money and get one or 6. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at what you find. Being a street rod builder Im sure you'll find a few things in it that you can enjoy.

sometimes its best to keep quiet and be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt....

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Ya know, I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I wouldn't be that thrilled about a SBC in this kit. Now don't get me wrong, if it had the proper options, (such as have been mentioned in these threads), & the 5.0 were still kept, I wouldn't mind it, (heck with the right modern & vintage options, another 32 Ford I'd buy multiples of!! :lol:), but I'd rather see some more "interesting" choices, such as a Buick nailhead, an Olds "Rocket" V-8, or a Pontiac engine. Another engine option to explore, (& one that Revell already has a version of, with some relatively new tooling added, in their old 56 Ford pickup), would be a nicely rodded Y-Block Ford engine. Just some "sprue for thought" here. ;)

On all the bickering & complaining about the 32 Ford variants, how about an informal poll:

How many of you have bought this kit, & how many copies of the different variants?

For me, the breakdown is as follows:

Five of the three window coupe kit, (so far).

Four of the roadster, (so far).

One Speedwagon, (reissue that one & I'll buy a few more of it as well! :D;)).

Four sedans, (so far).

Zero of the five window coupe kit so far, (never fear Revell, I just had some other kits & supplies I wanted/needed a bit more that I bought on my last hobby shop trip, I am going to buy two-three of them on my next trip, which will be next weekend!! :lol:).

That's fourteen kits of the five variants I've bought so far, with more to come!


I'm with you on the engines Mark, I'd almost prefer to see older, Non-Chevy/Ford "Small Block" engines or even some of the new stuff that has come out of Detroit like the Northstar/Aurora V-8, LSX, Ford Modular motors, and/or Gen3 Hemi's offered as well with both EFI and Carb intakes ;) Body wise, about the only one I wouldn't buy is the 5 window......mainly because I don't care much for how that window arrangement looks for some odd reason, be it a classic car or a modern extended cab pickup. Even though I'd almost prefer to see the resources be used for a new kit or used to fix problem kits like the Cuda AAR, the afore mentioned B400 would atleast be something that has yet to be brought to market in plastic (maybe even die cast and resin too!), but can still be easily based on this existing kit too so it's not going to be as severe a retooling as the Cuda would probably need to make decent. Just my $.02

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I'd like to see a hot rodded flathead, SCOT blower, hilborn injectors. An Ardun Head option with a 6 carb intake would be cool. Limefire headers, white wall pie crust cheater slicks. Actually, I really want a '34 tooled by the same team that did the '32. You might as well chop it for me and save me the trouble. At least the '32 P'up will be easy to slice.

Edited by samdiego
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I respect this thread has been started here on beloved MCM....but since this kit is solely a "hot rod" kit , I would like to invite you to ask the members of Traditional Rod and Kustom in scale. 849 members , almost all of them build hot rods! Keep the windows open, but open them wider and you will get more air. B) With all respect to everyone, this is a general interest forum so you will be getting opinions from people who build other kits than hot rods. (absolutely no offense meant towards anyone) TRaK members have really good ideas for what would be cool in a hot rod kit, namely wheels, tires, engines etc....It's nice to have the kit available, but honestly there are a lot of parts that get tossed into the parts boxes. The 302 engine IMHO dates the car, put a more realistic choice in the kit please Revell! Olds Rocket, 392 Hemi, 427 Ford ....just some thoughts.

I read a lot of places and agree that the tires in the 5window kit are not very easy to work with and not very nice looking. The Rat Rods series '29 Ford kit has some VERY desirable tires and wheels in it.....combine those in the latest 5window kit and you have it! :lol:

I also would love to see those headlights included from the previous "look what's coming" photos of the red 5window.


EDIT: Revell....check this link to see what people have been doing with their '32 Fords


and these...



Edited by awbcrazy
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Cool links Bob! Thanks for posting those....TIM


EDIT: Revell....check this link to see what people have been doing with their '32 Fords


and these...



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How about putting in a IRS rear end to update the chassis to todays stuff. Also a IFS to add, or even redo the chassis to a more updated one. Not every one likes the old stuff and it kind of gets old having the same thing for the chassis every time they release a 32.

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I joined this forum specifically for this thread when I saw the link to it on TRaK (which I only just found recently as well). I almost didn't,because about 3 out of 5 pages are just a bunch of whiny babies fighting over stupid ######,they can say what they want in reply,they know it's true....I agree with Lyle here,I'm almost embarrassed by their stupidity-y'all need to realise,opinions are like bungholes...EVERYBODY has one,and all will stink to somebody anyways :lol:

But,if Revell is listening,I want my voice heard as well. Firstly,they are my favorite manufacturer by far,and most of my purchases are from them. I have bought a few of the 3 windows (2 still unbuilt), 1 of the roadster (all I could find,I'd like a few more),and two of the Speedwagons (1 built,1 waitting),and I finally placed an order for the sedan and 5 window this week.

I for one love these kits.

As stated earlier,the tires could be better in the 5 window (haven't received it yet,but how many threads on how many forums are about this wonderfull kit?),I will probably swipe a set from one of my '29 Rat Rod kits,or order up a set from the Modelhaus.

1)Engine options other than the modern 5.0L (EG: as mentioned already,Nailhead,old Hemi,Olds Rocket,A good Flattie with lots of speed parts,etc)

2)As already posted,a more traditional suspension option,possibly mounting to the same location as current parts with both in one box

3)"Z'd" frame option

4)Pre-chopped top

5) Vickey or P/U (tho personally I would prefer a closed cab to chop)

6)More "Ratrod" parts options

7)2 'n 1 or even 3'n 1 options

8)Over the frame headers

9)Quick-change rear axle

10)some kool finned drum brakes as an option

I haven't built a Hotrod,other than the Revell Merc in my signature (give me a few minutes ;) ) for a few years,but am just about to give a go at the Revell '32's I have,and definately wouldn't mind some more in the pool!

Revell,you have done an OUTSTANDING job (not just with this series of kits),keep up the great work,and I'll continue to be a very happy customer for life :D

Edited by Olskoolrodder
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Maybe I missed someone saying this already,but I think a Buick Nailhead engine with over the frame headers would be a great addition to these kits. Split wishbones for the front suspension would be another detail I would like to see.

I'm down for a NAILHEAD TOO!!! BTW....... What kits have the Nailhead? Never had one...... Want one. Nevermind, I'll just start a new thread.

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Hey, why don't we just start a poll?? We could make a list of what everyone is looking forward to seeing and put together a voting poll to keep the whining down a bit.

Wait......... could we do a poll where you could vote on more than one thing? Maybe that aint the greatest way to do it afterall.

Edited by abedooley
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They did Abe, A few years ago Revell repopped four of the engines, (small block Chevy, Pontiac "421", Ford "427", & a mid 50's Caddy mill), & they sank like a stone sales-wise both according to Revell & from all I saw at local hobby shops & swapmeets, plus from all the hobby shop owners. How bad did they do as to sales? So bad that Revell, which was going to reissue the Parts Pack motorcycles next in the series, dropped the whole idea. While I loved the engines & bought multiples of all but the SBC, (I have enough SBC's from other kits/sources), I was really looking forward to the bikes, so that was a huge disapointment.

People can argue until they cows come home & they are blue in the face over the subject, (& we all have about it here), but the bottom line is simple & has been proven countless times in the over 40+ years that the Parts Packs, (by Revell, AMT, or anybody), have been offered: They simply do not move for the manufacturers. They've been reissued by both Revell & AMT, & Revell tooled up new van & pickup parts packs in the 70's that also sank. I can recall a vendor at a contest/swapmeet in 2001 selling one of the 70's parts packs, (which should have been considered somewhat collectible), for $4.00 & saying he was glad to finally be rid of it! This is one example where the sales figures don't lie, the parts packs just don't sell. I think AMT's way of reissuing them, as limited editions under their old "Blueprinter" & "Buyer's Choice" series, as well as the limited edition repop Stevens International ordered last year might do better for them saleswise than regular mass marketing of them does.


Thats why I ususally don't open my mouth about what is out, what is not, what was re-popped and how long ago. I knew they had been re-popped, but thought it was an early to mid '90's re-pop. I HAVE NO IDEA whats what when it comes whats out, whats not, when it was out, how long, if its a retool, new tool, old tool, or a re-pop. :D Thats why I usually pay close attention to these threads. Gotta learn somehow. I have seen plenty of the parts packs at the shows/swap meets and have been looking for a nailhead pack for awhile and that is the only one I haven't seen plenty of. We had our annual model show/swap meet Sat. and seen a guy that had about 4 or 5 and never got rid of them. It makes sense after reading your post. I have a very small collection of spare engines, but thats only because I've bought a few kits for parts.

Thanks for the informative info Mark.

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I REALLY wish Revell would bring their accessories pack back again. Especially the engine packs! I know they have the molds laying around the shop. (shouting at Revell) WHATDAYA THINK REVELL?? WANNA JUST SLIDE THEM INTO A PRESS FOR OLD TIMES SAKE?? C'MON, YA NOW YA WANT TO.

Well, Revell did, what about 1999-2000???? And guess what? As BluesmanMark stated, they were such sales dogs (those gorgeous engine kits) that hobby shops were glad when the last ones left their stores after months, even years of tying up money, they were so glad to get rid of the fleas, the shed fur, and their incessant barking. There were that poor a seller for most stores, and for Revell-Monogram as well.

It was a case of Deja Vu, in that in many ways, most of the Parts Packs, even their vaunted motorcycle kits, gatthered more than their share of dust in the halycon model car boom of the 1960's, with AMT, Aurora, even Monogram with their 1/8 scale accessory packs for the likes of the Big T and Big Deuce discovered as well. 15-20 yrs after they were first released, there were still hobby wholesalers stuck with full, unopened cases of them in their warehouses.

The rule of thumb here? "If something doesn't sell well at all, don't make more of them!"


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I think the 32 kits are great kits. They go together well with little to no effort, they are well engineered and the detailing is excellent. So what is the next logical step for this tooling? Most likely a truck but like previously stated, it would take some retooling in the chassis and other areas.

Maybe make it more along the lines of the big deuce, (tall and skinny)when it comes to wheel/tire combos for instance. The fact that there are different engine options in each version to me makes the kits worth it! The possibilities just for the engines alone.................................. And it's not like I don't have a big enough parts box to cobble something unique together if I wanted to. I've got the roadster kit with the Johan pro stock 429 Boss engine for instance.

New suspension choices would be good, as also previously stated.


Actually, '32 Ford pickups, both roadster and closed cab, used the very same chassis as passenger cars, so a pickup would be as easy as a new cab, pickup box, possibly new fender/running board unit (pickups had wider rear fenders to mate up the the very parallel bed sides), the appropriate interiors, and new hood sides.

Doing different rear suspension parts (IRS for example) likely would mean a new chassis unit, which may or may not be feasible, depending on how the originall tooling was designed. Some model kit tooling is designed so that the molds for some parts, notably wheels, can be removed, and replaced by new and different ones, but many parts are tooled into the solid steel mold bases--very difficult to change out, and often, the addition of more than a few small parts is often not feasible, due to space limitations in the mold bases themselves.


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I would love to see a more modern type of tubular k-member frame with a modern suspension and optional vintage suspension/drivetrain set-up. Now, before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, remember what I said in one of my previous posts.

"I HAVE NO IDEA whats what when it comes whats out, whats not, when it was out, how long, if its a retool, new tool, old tool, or a re-pop."

I also do not claim to know whats already in any of the other 32 kits since I only have the latest 32 Sedan kit. Which I am in LOVE with. :lol: There are SO MANY choices when it comes to customizing one of these kits. It all depends on your own building skills/confidence/preference/wallets. I'm a gearhead, so, I like basically ANY style hotrod/ratrod as long as it is not a trailer queen. I have always had a problem with the ppl who only drive their cars on or off the trailer. I believe that once a car is turned into a trailer queen you take away its soul! AND A CAR WITHOUT A SOUL IS JUST A PILE OF SHEET METAL AND PAINT.

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The one problem, though, Art, as Lyle Willits pointed out earlier in this thread is that while '32 pickups did use the same chassis as the passenger cars, the trucks didn't have the gas tank underneath, like the cars did. Rather, the gas tank was behind the seat, as I'm sure you already knew. That would mean Revell would have to do some retooling to its Deuce chassis in order to remove the tank.


Under the seat perhaps, but there is NO ROOM behind the seat in that closed cab for a gas tank! Check the fit of the interior in a '34 Ford pickup kit, you will see what I mean, the back rest of the seat is hard up against the back of the cab, in fact, the bolts holding the wood that this mounts to come through the back of a '32-'34 Ford pickup closed cab. This is why the '33-'34 cab has that extra raised beltline molding across the rear of the cab, due to cracking problems with the '32 cab unit.

But I stand by my original statement in this thread, ALL Ford pickups from 1925 through 1941 used passenger car frames and suspension systems, the only difference being the number, and thickness of the spring leaves.


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The one problem, though, Art, as Lyle Willits pointed out earlier in this thread is that while '32 pickups did use the same chassis as the passenger cars, the trucks didn't have the gas tank underneath, like the cars did. Rather, the gas tank was behind the seat, as I'm sure you already knew. That would mean Revell would have to do some retooling to its Deuce chassis in order to remove the tank.

Bah... they could just leave it there, and leave it up to the modeler to remove it. Kind of like how on the old AMT S-10 you had to file off the side moldings yer dam self to make the SS version of the truck. A '32 Ford pickup done to Revell standards? I'm in no matter whether the tank is in the right place or not!

I'd really like to see an issue of the '32 include an I-beam style axle in place of the tube axle, and perhaps a buggy spring/quick change setup in back. I was very happy to see the hairpins as an alternative to the four-links in the 5-window kit!

Also, what's stopping Revell from including a set of whitewall tires, like the ones in every issue of the '29 pickup and '31 Tudor I've ever had? They'd have been a natural on the recent Tudor version of the '32, and they'd look unbelievably badass on the 5-window. (Just picture the blue box art model with whitewalls... yeah.... :lol: THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!

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Forgive my ignorance here as Im not a tool and die maker but to delete tank couldnt tooling be made to "drop" in the mold to delete the tank.

I know Im making it sound easier than it would be. Just thinking... ;)

some big and tall w.w would be a great addition. But man they GOTTA be bias ply.....

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