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Forgiveness or Permission

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The reason I ask this question is because when I stopped by my LHS today to pick up just one can of paint I came across two new Tamiya kits. They were the new Aston Martin and the new Mercedes Benz kits. While looking at them both my inner demons were like just get them and ask for forgiveness later. Knowing that this would land me in the dog house my better judgment came over me. I put them back and and walked to get my paint and leave. I think that next time I should just stay away from the model section.

So my question to you guys is which way would of you gone Forgiveness or Permission?

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Oh hel no, I'da just gone ahead an got 'em! As long as I got the money to spend, yeah, I'da probably got 'em both. Don't worry about askin for permission to buy one, with all you do, you DESERVE one (or two!)laugh.gifbiggrin.giftongue.gifwink.gif (although, in SOME cases, it just may be WISER to ask!)laugh.gif

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I strive to stay single so I don't have to do either! Something else you can do, just keep buying more and more kits. Soon you'll have so many that they won'tbe able to tell if a kit was just bought or if it had been sitting there already! LOL

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I don't worry about either. My wife supports my hobby. I'm a very lucky man. :o


Ditto! My wife thinks it's a cool hobby and business and knows that I am responsible with our money. Most of my model car friends who know her thinks she should be cloned!

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My wife and I have a standing policy to at least run it by the other if we're going to spend more than a $100. Less than that usually doesn't get questioned. It's worked well for us for the last 10 years.

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My wife and I have a standing policy to at least run it by the other if we're going to spend more than a $100. Less than that usually doesn't get questioned. It's worked well for us for the last 10 years.

I would ask for permission. Makes the time in the dog house less (now, if I can figure out how to get my modeling stuff in the dog house, we might have a win win situation).


my wife and i have the same agreement and it has worked well for 8 years. I thought we were the only ones that did this. It's cool to know others have the same set up.


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I have an ex-wife because asking permission and I didn't get along too well (and she was a cheating........). "It is better to ask forgiveness than beg for permission" and "It is better to regret the things you HAVE done than to regret doing NOTHING at all" seem to fit better with life.

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Oh hel no, I'da just gone ahead an got 'em! As long as I got the money to spend, yeah, I'da probably got 'em both. Don't worry about askin for permission to buy one, with all you do, you DESERVE one (or two!)laugh.gifbiggrin.giftongue.gifwink.gif (although, in SOME cases, it just may be WISER to ask!)laugh.gif

Hey, you must be that inner demon he was talkin' about! :)

Not a problem. I have my money and my wife has hers! We don't second guess each other's purchases and never have.

Ditto. Also, my wife is also an artist and therefore, understands when I get locked into a build project, she knows the power of The Zone.

Seriously, I try to avoid impulse buys like that. When I'm out shopping or browsing and I see something that I feel the need to purchase, I spend some "quality time" with it there in the store. I kind of look it over, thinking about it, reading the package, feeling the weight of it in my hands, etc. Then, I walk away and seek out the item that I went there for, or go look at some other things for a while. After I find what I was there for, or feel that I've had enough time away from the "object of my desire", a few minutes is usually enough, I go back and reconsider the practical aspects of the purchase, budget, usefulness, etc. If desire and practical matters align, I usually buy it, if they don't and I still feel that I can't live without it, I write down what it is that I want to buy along with the price, and where I saw it on the back of one of my business cards and carry it around in my pocket for a few days. Every time I encounter the card over the next couple of days, I think about whether or not I'm still interested in the item. Sometimes I go back and buy it, but most times, I don't.

That's kind of the long and extreme version of what goes on. I've been doing it this way for so long, that most times, I cycle through the process in a few seconds or minutes.

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my wife is not always happy about my purchases but she knows I am not sitting on a bar stool wasting money either. While the hobby can get to be expensive, I try to justify my purchases (at least in my mind I needed that '32 5 window!) to her. She does get mad sometimes but at the end of the day she realizes there are worse things to spend our money on.

Enjoy it!

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My wife...understands i think but we do agree if either one of us spends 10 to whatever amount(providing we have enough for both)the other spends the same(e.g. I spend ten she gets to spend ten). As far as the forgivness/permission...smart married men ask for permission. Shes female entice her with shoes or a purse ;) . No not really usually if you ask and you both know you have the money to do so they usually say yes...if not let selective hearing kick in.

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Forgivness or permission?


I buy the friggin' model, and sneak it in the house when she ain't looking! I will have been happily married for 25 years this September.... it's an art form! ;)

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Well, at least you're not chasing skirts, drinking, drugs, etc.

My ex and I (we didn't quite make the wedding) set up a very simple solution. Half of each of our paychecks would go into a joint account- that's used for common bills like mortgage, electric, etc. We keep the other half and that's our money. Any money left over at the end of the month in the joint checking account would be put into savings and used for emergencies (i.e., dead major appliance, plumbing trouble, etc.,) we felt it was fair and reasonable, so we went with it.

The problem I see many people run into who are married or co-habiting is that they worry way too much about what the other is going to think. Sometimes I think simply going out and just doing something is the smarter solution. If it becomes a problem, stop.

Charlie Larkin

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