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A man has got to know his limitations

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As I look over the pages of this great forum I realize something very quickly.

I will never be able to build models like Rommel, just to name one. I do not have the skills, the time nor the money.

That does not mean I won't build. I just won't build as many and they won't be tricked out with after market parts or scratch built parts.

There are many people just like me that build models. We do what our skill level permits and our finances will pay for. That does NOT mean we are inferior builders or lazy or any other things that have been implied in some posts.

I appreciate all the help and tips and techniques that are offered by many and over time I will try them all, I'm sure.

But elaborate work benches and a stash of 500 or more models is not going to happen. I can not afford it.

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To many times people forget its just a hobby and its great to see some take it to a new level , but not everyone is able to climb to the top for one reason or another . So take what you have and enjoy it as it was meant to be , I enjoy looking at a clean out of the box basic model just a much as a tricked out build. Model building is a small brotherhood as I think of it and we should never look down on anyone for any reason that is trying his best to improve his or her skills.

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I've been through the whole "detail the daylights out of the thing" and I've found that the pure enjoyment of the hobby starts to get lost. For me anyways.

Now I just build them out of the box and enjoy the relaxation.

Occasionally, a kit will come along that I will want to spend a little more time on.


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I hear you on this one; I'm on SS Disability and have a very limited budget. Most of what I'm working on I bought years ago. The last new car model I purchased was four years ago. I'm saving up for the Moebius kits, then will have to save yet again for the paints. The last aftermarket I bought was the MCG Edsel PE set. I have a lot of fun, though, and work with what I have. I really enjoy viewing the super detailed builds, as I'm always getting new ideas. Heck, if it ain't fun, it ain't a hobby!

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As we have reached a philosophical point here, I feel obliged to comment here. Look what was in the body of your message.

I will never be able to build models like Rommel. I do not have the skills.

We do what our skill level permits.

Do you take this mind-set to work with you? In your personal life? I doubt it. So why would you adopt this philosophy in your hobby. Would you enjoy it less if the model took you a few more weeks to build than it currently does?

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How can you improve if you don't take the next step? It is the only way you'll get better. I do this with every new kit I build. Try something new until I get it right. The kit looks better and I get better. I still build for me, but in order to become better you have to challenge yourself, which to me, is part of the fun.


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Hey Ron, you have me confused! Maybe I am missing something here, or was not paying attention when I joined this forum, but I do not recall there being minimum finances or skill level to join in fun. I do not pick my friends or acquaintances based on any skills they have or don’t have. And I certainly don’t care about their finances available.

This is a place where we can share our hobby with like minded individuals. We are here to share and learn. I doubt that there are any of us, experienced or not who don’t pick up a tip or technique from time to time.

There is no reason to feel guilty or less accomplished here…..just enjoy yourself and don’t rain on anyone else parade and all will be well in this little corner of the world.

Now, just go build something and don’t concern yourself with any limits, actual or perceived.

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Different strokes for different folks rings loud and clear in these posts. The list of super detail guys goes on & on, some guys have really deep pockets and skills beyond belief, others don't.

Let's not lose sight of the fact that we are all here for the same reason (at least most of us)... and that's simply because we are passionate about this hobby or whatever you choose to call it.

Sure, MCM has it's share of butt wads that seem to have nothing better to do with their time than criticize or belittle others, actually I feel kinda bad for those guys.

It isn't that they aren't capable or have the coin to be part of the modeling community regardless of skill or funds, it's more a case of some folks just get their jollies being whatever you want to call 'em.

Personally, if you have a tube of glue and a kit, build it, get grin on your face....you're part of the modeling community and deserve as much respect as anyone else.

Nuff said?

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I do enjoy trying something new but if your not competing in competition makes no sense to go over board in some areas , but on the other hand if you build to compete then by all means take it over the top , I build to be looked at and to have it around for years to come with out tons of stuff falling off and becoming lost and the model becoming junk . Some of my kits I have had 40+ years and still most are still complete but in need of refreshing while just a few others have become parts cars . So the level of a build depends on many things , ones skill , ones money, and ones physical abilities are , and last but not least what is the purpose of the build.

Bottom line do it your way and enjoy it , if you have deep pockets and more God given skill than the next man you are blessed , but don't down the next guy for not building at your level nor should we feel hard because someone has the money and skills to be at the top. Just do your best and dont worry what the next guy is doing. Happy Model Building

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Guest Johnny

The first thing that popped into my mind was that 'U S ARMY' commercial... BE....ALL that you can BE ! I'm NOT puttin anybody down here,but my motto is EXCEED your limitations!

But even in saying that you are admitting you do have limitations. We all do. Some have a higher level than others. Some can be overcome and some can't that is just the nature of things in life! Everyone cannot be the best at everything!

Nothing wrong with a person knowing their true limitations and not trying to exceed them! It could end up costing more than they can afford in spirit causing them to quit because they cannot reach some unattainable level that someone else has said they should reach for!

I garantee when I was in combat I would rather have someone behind me that realized their limitations and could admit to them than someone trying to"exceed" their limitation and getting themselves and or others into a bad situation because they were in over their heads!

Yeah, I know this is model builing, not combat but I was making a point. We all have a limit to our abilities!

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If you're the type of guy who likes to challenge himself, and wants to expand your skills with every model, that's great.

And if you're one of those guys who is perfectly happy building at whatever level you build at... if you have no desire to take it to the proverbial "next level," that's great, too.

This is a hobby, so however you enjoy the hobby–whatever level you are at–whether you push yourself or not–as long as you're having fun, you're doing it right.

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I enjoy the living heck out of building models and build the very best I can. My builds may not be state of the art or the most detailed build you ever saw, but I enjoy building. I have the money to buy just about any tool, kit, paint, etc. I want, but I draw the line at spending the money on wheels/tires that cost $40 or $50. Pegasus items work for me. I don't buy much PE other than wire looms. While I just love lots of the resin bodies out there, I can't see spending $50 for body and then have to buy a kit for the frame and interior. Maybe I'm just cheap or saving for old age. Whoops - I'm 62. Old age already crept up on me.

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If you're the type of guy who likes to challenge himself, and wants to expand your skills with every model, that's great.

And if you're one of those guys who is perfectly happy building at whatever level you build at... if you have no desire to take it to the proverbial "next level," that's great, too.

This is a hobby, so however you enjoy the hobby–whatever level you are at–whether you push yourself or not–as long as you're having fun, you're doing it right.


I couldn't say it better. It's a hobby...treat it like you want to personally. Everyone enjoys it at whatever level they want. Some want to scratchbuild and push every limit, some like to just make good looking shelf models, some like to tinker and never finish anything. As long as they're happy...I'm happy.

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I personally like both kinds of builds. I like to build detailed monsters sometimes and yet sometimes I like to get back to basics. As in out of box. Therefore, I enjoy seeing both kinds of builds. I like the wow factor like Rommel, John T, and more do. I also like the basic builders that still show off a guys love for cars. All acceptable and remember it's a hobby for car lovers, by car lovers to share with other car lovers in this community.

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I,Like most here, live on a tight budget and can barely afford models. Plus the boss is always tellin me NO! lol

Although im finally getting her into the hobby slowly but surely.

I dont build my models to make anyone else happy, heck the one i was most proud of looked like poo! But i was proud of it, it was the first model i actually kitbashed and started scratchbuilding, i built a crude "frame" for it and started chopping down a 27' ford sd body to get a roadster, sure i couldve bought a resin roadster body, but i already had the body, and it was messed up from my first chop top attempt. Plus i didnt really feel like paying that outrageous amount of $$$ for a resin body that i didnt know anything about.

Heres my current tool list: Sandpaper ranging from 360 to 4,000, an exacto blade set(#11's only! i splurged on this at the lhs) a cheap hobby knife handle, and some super glue. I did splurge on a pack of .020 thickness styrene sheets so i could finish my latest build, if i need thicker styrene i just double it up, if its to thick i sand it down! I also have a tube of cheap body putty that ive had for almost a year!

heres said roadster build, I want to revisit it one day, eventually.......





Sure, it wasnt anywhere near show quality, but i was proud of it, i tried so many new things with that model, sadly it got crushed when i was moving a while back.

Jeff, happy modeler.

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Hey gang,

In my humble opinion, first and foremost should be having fun, if you rip parts off trees with your fingers and use huge amounts of glue to make a mess, but it's your mess and you like it, then things are as they should be. Fun first.... everything else second. Here's $.02

Hey, who moved the penny container? Guess nobody needed it for awhile!! :lol:


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If your a gung ho type of modeler, and ENJOY building to the N'th degree, that's great! But if your just startin out, DON'T be intimidated by some of these great modelers, THEY had to start somewhere too! I just enjoy puttin 'em together now. I DON'T try to build to MATCH the other guy, but after all these years, I can STILL learn from these guys. I know how i can be about them, caz after all, the ARE just models to me. BUT I certainly UNDERSTAND how some guys really DO want to make as accurate a model as they possibly can. To each his own, but if your just gettin in the groove, just build to YOUR level, if it makes YOU happy, that's al that counts. Heck, even one of the BEST modelers I've had the pleasure of calling my freind, Bill Geary, hasn't finished his BEAUTIFUL 64 GTO convert simply caz he hasn't found a material to use for it's roof. If HE can be stumped, then it's OK for the reast of us to be too. Your next one WILL be just a little bit better, an so on, an so on,.......laugh.gifbiggrin.gifwink.gif Like they used to say in rehab, Just DON'T stop tryin!!!!wink.gif

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