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Scratch Building an Aussie Ford Falcon **New update,15/1/18**


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came out great.

are the clear lenses going to be made in clear resin as well or something else?

I'll make them with regular evergreen styrene like everything else and then I will cast them in clear resin.

Looks magic Shawn , how does it feel to look at a freshly cast body of something that's entirely your own work ?

Thanks Ian, It feels good but there is also that feeling of unfinished business. Still plenty to do.



Edited by ShawnS
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I skipped over this thread several times because the subject matter didn't jump out at me. What a mistake! The talent that you show as a scratch builder just blows my mind. I am going to have to revisit this thread numerous times to try to learn as much as I can from your technique.Truly amazing.

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Thanks Uncle Potts, I'm glad you popped in for a look.

This is awesome! I'm starting on scratchbuilding and was wondering how you made the bend and roundness on the side panels on the first page.

To make the bend in the upper body I lightly scribed a line and secured the panel to my steel ruler. then I gently bent the body over the edge of the ruler.


Then you will see that a V groove is the result. Once you have made the angle you need, fill the V groove with some evergreen strip or stretched sprue.


Once the glue is set all you need to do is sand the area flat. Sand it along the length of the bend and be careful not to sand over the bend or it will round it off. Unless that's what you want.

For the lower body roundness I did the same except I scribed two lines parallel to each other, Bent and glued them separately and then sanded it across the bend to round the area off. The lower area was thicker than the top of the body so I had alot of styrene to be able to sand into shape.



You can see in the pics that I made 3 lines but I only used the top and the bottom ones. You can also see that this was done at a late stage in the construction of the body. I was making mistakes and fixing them as I went along.

I hope that explains it. If it doesn't, I will be happy to try and clarify it for you. Good luck with your scratch building project, If you have any questions don't be affraid to ask.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys. I have been on a break from building for a few weeks but now I'm slowly getting back into it and have something to finally show you all.

I wanted a cut and glue task to help me get back into it so I started working on the bracing for under the hood. The first thing that I had to do was remove the hood from the resin body.


The hood off the body was too thick to use so I made another one from evergreen sheet.


I then cut another piece of evergreen sheet that was slightly thinner than the hood. I checked my references and drew the bracing onto that piece.



I cut out the shaded areas and cleaned it up with some sandpaper.


Then I glued it onto a very thin piece of evergreen. When the glue dried I cut out the areas that needed removing.



I glued that onto the hood and added some more bracing to it. I also added some more detail to a few other areas and shot it with primer.



It's not as full detailed as the 1:1 version but it has the right look to it. I will add hinges at a later point. The next thing I need to do is cast the interior tub then I will be able to start work on the engine bay. I think that's it for the moment, hopefully I can continue to build momentum and get some more done soon.



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I'm just flat out blown away by this build! :o

I've also learned something about making the underhood bracing. GREAT idea to trace it on sheet styrene and cut it out! I've made mine section by section which is the hard way.

Thanks for keeping us posted and keep up the great work!

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Thanks all, yeah we do say "bonnet" here in OZ but as the term "hood" is more widely used on this forum, I chose to use that instead. Infact the term "hood" is slipping itself into our language more and more so it's not completely out of place for an Aussie to say it.



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