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Revell '50 Oldsmobile Club Coupe 2'n1

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At this point, to work ourselves up into a rage over something as inconsequential as this just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe to others, but not to me.


I grant you your opinion Tim, but I don't see where anyone is in a rage over anything with this kit. It's just yet another "facepalm" moment from Revell.

I guess to me, looking beyond these 4 "walls" at the overall hobby market, you should be able to build what's in the box as a reasonable facsimile to what's shown on the box. In this case you can't since the coupe vs. sedan thing is quite visibly obvious. For the "foaming at the mouth hobbiest" they might be willing to shell out another $25-40 for a resin conversion. But is the average run of the mill guy who buys a few kits a year, but really expected to build the race version? I wouldn't build the race version anyway, so I have no dog in the fight, just seems that there was another something version wise that could have been done instead. You know this kit is going to get at least one, maybe two more kittings at minimum.

But then that hardly fits into Revell's business model of squeezing you to buy 2 kits to make one model...like the "no uptop" Cutlass, or the two kits to make one Yenko Nova, which has nothing to even do with the individual accuracy issues of the individual kits themselves.

Revell is the only real game in town, and they get the largest slice if my hobby budget every year (unless you count Asian imports as a whole), but sometimes it seems they know they have the market cornered (since Round 2 has yet to show they can make an new REAL car kit that isn't a unassembled promo, and it will be a decade or more until Moebius can be considered a serious competitor) and as a result they just coast along presuming we're willing to fix their gaffes and just be happy they're around.

Edited by niteowl7710
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i dont know why so many people are so picky about the little things. we should just be happy that something new is being released and that it is a car that everyone has been wanting to see for a long time. if you dont like something about a kit, then dont buy it and let the rest of us enjoy it.

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Personally, the decals don't mean squat to me. I wouldn't build a replica of the Panamerica race car with one anyway. As has been shown on the parts trees earlier in this thread, there does appear to be some optional parts added also. Who knows,maybe Revell has already added parts that could be used towards a NASCAR version? Fact is, none of us will know exactly what is and isn't inside the box until we get our hands on the kit.

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back to the (now) subject though...why is speaking up about the obvious a bad thing, kit released yet or not? and why does it matter if the kit is not released yet...does that imply that criticism will be warranted when it is actually released, but criticism based on a pre-release kit and promo material, thats not good?

i remember when one company (mobious wasnt it, spelling aside?) actually read things and corrected the shortcomings before actually releasing the kit. if everyone would have sat on their thumbs that wouldnt have happened and the kit would have been worse for it.

something like this (the obvious decals for the PA car but the wrong car to put them on) and being challenged on it might them redo the decals or even consider even more than they might otherwise releasing the proper body style for the decals in the future and then getting rid of/replacing them in this current kit.

in other words, everyone sitting around being yes men when there is obviously an elephant in the room no one is acknowledging is rather foolish and doesnt really help anyone including Revell. calling attention to it might get something done about it. i have not seen any raving or ranting on the subject here, you want ranting and raving, you build that kit out of the box with the PA decals and take it to an IPMS meeting and what do you think will happen? that will be ranting and raving...so so far revell is getting off pretty light here and should reconsider releasing this kit version as it is even if it means delaying the release a bit more. find a graphics scheme that is correct for the body style, get the rights and then release it. or just drop the "2 in 1" thing for this release and do the 2 in 1 when the red tape is done to release a proper second version.

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What's the point in pissing and moaning about a set of decals that probably 99% of the people who buy this kit aren't going to use anyway?? I mean seriously, if these decals didn't come with the kit,how many people would say "boy I wish it would have came with the decals to do the Hershell McGriff's Panamerica car!" ....................................................still waiting.............................................................yeah, that's what I thought. :rolleyes:

Besides,everyone knows that the optional decals in the last few new Revell release's have sucked anyway. For instance,take the first '69 Nova release, the '68 Charger with the Hemified decals :rolleyes: , the '68 Dart, '62 Impala. The optional decals in all of those were useless. Why should this kit be any different? At least they do represent an actual car albeit the wrong body style. There must not have been any license fees or else you could bet your kit stash that they wouldn't be in it.

To me,it's more important that they get the body proportions right because that is the main thing we see when we look at a model. Yeah, they've goofed on the optional decals. Maybe they should just pitch them (that's what I'll do with them) and release it as a stock only kit. I sure wouldn't want to see it get delayed any further over a set of decals that most of us won't use anyway. As always, we have the choice of whether or not we buy a kit. The wrong decals for a version I wouldn't build anyway certainly isn't going to stop me from buying this kit.

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^I don't think it's the decals that are a problem. The real problem is that Revell threw in decals from A WRONG CAR and called the kit TWO IN ONE, when it's clearly ONE IN ONE kit with a set of WRONG decals that 99% of people don't even care about. If Revell made a legitimate second version with extra custom parts or what ever then no one would be complaining. It's one thing making a regular one in one model, but it's another labeling it a two in one and charging extra money for it as if their customers are stupid.

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Interesting thread we have going here. A lot of good points have been made, and as usual all opinions are welcome and equally valid. However, some of you are speculating here and forming your opinions based on guessing what Revell was thinking. A little speculation is harmless enough, but remember that forming an opinion based on incomplete information can result in a very misguided opinion!

Just a little reality check, I guess... don't be too quick to make a final judgement until you have all the facts in hand. B)

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You're absolutely right Harry. Howsabout we actually get the kits in our grubby little paws before we start moaning and groaning about what is or what is not in the box. IMHO (but what do I know...) we should be happy and thankful that a kit manufacturer has finally given us a model of a car that has never been put out in kit form before... A huge number of us car modelers put down the military modeler "rivet counters" for being so picky... Hello...!!! What the H E 2 sticks do we have going on here...???

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You're absolutely right Harry. Howsabout we actually get the kits in our grubby little paws before we start moaning and groaning about what is or what is not in the box. IMHO (but what do I know...) we should be happy and thankful that a kit manufacturer has finally given us a model of a car that has never been put out in kit form before... A huge number of us car modelers put down the military modeler "rivet counters" for being so picky... Hello...!!! What the H E 2 sticks do we have going on here...???

Nobody is moaning about what's in the box. Anyone who went to a hobby show that Revell set up their booth at knows what's in the box of all 3 of their new tools that are dropping in the next 3 months. In the box all looks fine and dandy, it's what's ON the box and what it represents, or rather doesn't that some people are bemused at...

To use your rivet counter analogy it would be like a M1-A4 Abrams tank coming with an awesome set of Korean War Patton Tank decals. Sure they're fantastic if you want to build a M60 from the Korean Conflict, but that's not the tank that's in the box...

Besides soon it will to time to turn our overly critical, how dare we even think that Revell doesn't walk on water eyes to iHobby...all the speculation and disappointment. It's like Christmas!

Edit - Hmm I seem to have an evil number of posts...must find something else to comment on...

Edited by niteowl7710
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I have some information from a very reliable source regarding this kit. My source prefers to remain anonymous, but I can guarantee you that he is a very big name in the hobby and has connections to other big names in the hobby and the kit manufacturing industry. (And no, my source is not Art Anderson! :lol: )

Anyway, here are his comments, edited slightly just to keep things short and sweet. What this guy has to say, I can guarantee that you can take it to the bank.

The truth of the matter is that the '50 Olds has been on Revell's long-range list for years. What finally put it over the top was the Moebius Hudson Hornet kit. Some of us pointed out that many folks building a NASCAR Hornet would very much like to build a NASCAR Olds to display alongside it. Senior VP Roger Harney's first car as a teen was a '50 Olds. The mere mention of a '50 Olds kit brought a broad smile to RH's face. The Hudson vs Olds thing finally did it.

During lengthy preliminary discussions surrounding what body style to do the first version of the kit in, the one thing that we kept coming back to was that overwhelmingly the most popular body style of this car was, and continues to be, the coupe. It was sort of a poorman's Holiday. The other thing that we kept coming back to was that nearly all of the NASCAR and drag '50 Oldsmobiles were coupes with one exception-the Herschel McGriff sedan, which not only won the very first La Panamericana race but old HM drove the car up to Darlington and finished seventh, I think, in the very first Southern 500. Maybe to some of the pea brains none of this is significant but for many of us with deep roots and long standing interests in vintage motorsports there couldn't be a race car with more charisma and historic significance.

The problem then became, does Revell do the first version as a sedan to satisfy the folks wanting a dead-on accurate sedan to do the McGriff car? Or a coupe with the possibility of dozens of spin-offs? The decision was finally made that Revell would take the heat to do the markings for one of the most famous American race cars with historic legacy. The other move was to provide Tom Coolidge (one of the most knowledgeable early Olds experts) with two of the first final test shots. I can tell you that Tom Coolidge does plan to do the resin sedan conversion as soon as he can lay his hands on a production '50 Olds kit.

So there you go. Some solid, reliable info not based on speculation but first-hand knowledge.

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Just pre order 2 of these last night. decals don't bother me I'm sure a resin caster will cast a correct body to go with the decals who knows. I'm not a big olds guy but It's just cool looking and it's something diff. to build so I will give Revell A few of my bucks. Kind of hope they keep spending the bucks to make new molds, retool, and repair some of the old kits that where before my time.

I plan on turning mine into a weekend drag racers tow car, maybe he has to borrow his fathers old's inorder to get his dragster to the track.

Only thing that Revell has done to disapoint me is that they haven't invested in some new tooling for a new drag car. It's time for a new door car Revell. Pro/mod, pro/stock, outlaw pro/mod there are some super nice drag cars that would make a nice kit. I know they make resin bodys and you can build your own frame but it's just not the same as using a kit as your base build vs. resin.

So Thank you Revell for what you guys have done to bring some life back to this hobby with the new kits and the re pops of older hard to find stuff, the facebook contests T.V. contests. keep it up guys.

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So there you go. Some solid, reliable info not based on speculation but first-hand knowledge.

Harry Pristovnik

Pretty sure I recognize those prose.....even if condensed some!! B)

Having seen the kit myself it will be great. The hobby as a whole is bringing out some great stuff......Just wait for iHobby......we will all need 2nd jobs!

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>Maybe to some of the pea brains

why dont they quote this dude on the box? that will be sure to create a lot of sales.

"very big name in the hobby" eh? not much of a diplomat though.

to continue:

>but for many of us with deep roots and long standing interests in vintage motorsports there couldn't be a race car with more

>charisma and historic significance.

yeah and the "peabrains" wont even notice that its the wrong body style!

wrong again! and an excellent example of decision by committee...its the abrams tank with the korean markings (not that i know about that war stuff).

well its good that they are working to get a correct resin body into production to go with the kit but that just sounds like they are wandering, lost in the jungle.

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I have some information from a very reliable source regarding this kit. My source prefers to remain anonymous, but I can guarantee you that he is a very big name in the hobby and has connections to other big names in the hobby and the kit manufacturing industry. (And no, my source is not Art Anderson! :lol: )

Anyway, here are his comments, edited slightly just to keep things short and sweet. What this guy has to say, I can guarantee that you can take it to the bank.

The truth of the matter is that the '50 Olds has been on Revell's long-range list for years. What finally put it over the top was the Moebius Hudson Hornet kit. Some of us pointed out that many folks building a NASCAR Hornet would very much like to build a NASCAR Olds to display alongside it. Senior VP Roger Harney's first car as a teen was a '50 Olds. The mere mention of a '50 Olds kit brought a broad smile to RH's face. The Hudson vs Olds thing finally did it.

I knew it! I had suspected from the very beginning that as soon as the Hornet was announced, a 1949-53 Olds 88 wasn't going to be too far behind.

I'm hoping that someone will next release a 1951 Chrysler Saratoga (Windsor body, Hemi,) so 1950s people and early stock car people will have more stuff to be happy about.

On another topic, Revell was certainly right about taking heat- witness this topic. I do agree with James' comment that it was deceptive, but, as he also observed, where he and I are both rep-stock builders, it's not the end of the world to have the wrong decals in the box.

However, after reading their reasoning, while I still can't agree on a matter of accuracy and principles for including the McGriff decals with this kit, I can understand the reasoning for doing the club coupe. I'll be interested to see what they come out with as spin-offs from this tool. Perhaps a covertible with Indy Pace Car decals? A Holiday? Maybe something from way out in left field, like a Buick Special or a Pontiac?

Charlie Larkin

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