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I was talking to my wife last night after sanding mold lines and she asks "why are you sanding?". I tell her the whole reason why and as I'm telling her this I think to myself, dang for people who may be perfectionists like myself, this has to be the most bitter sweet hobby ever considering that you WILL spend hours on something so minute like mold lines and take another day working on primer and not even get to some other part of a model. It makes me happy though knowing that my build will come out very nice opposed to looking like it was put together cutting corners. I don't know, just wondering what y'alls take on this was...

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I myself am not a perfectionist. Sure I want to build the best model I can and try to improve with every build but I don't sweat the stuff some do. I don't care if my engines firing order is correct or if some other detail is not like it would be on the real car. I build for fun and to try and get a certian look. Sometimes I achieve that and sometimes I do not.

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l've only been back in the hobby "full time" for about 9 months now, but perfectionism (& decisions/choices) is exactly why l've only finished 1 build in the last 30 some odd years. l've tried snap kits (needed glue), box stock (couldn't pull it off with my mental equipment), rebuilding others built-ups. l recently started a couple "pen pal" builds & l think it's gonna work! lF l can refrain from "fixing" something my pen pal may not have done to my liking, lol. Bart.

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I was once consumed with having to have it perfect until I met a fellow modeler who seemed to build a model a day and he explained his secret- he built for himself and not a contest table! That isn't to say he didn't try to improve or fix issues with a given model, but he merely did what he could to make it a decent build but didn't worry about missing a mold line or perfect BMF.

His models won raves from fellow modelers for their creativity and uniqueness, not necessarily because they had Donn Yost paint jobs or Marcos Cruz details!

Build for yourself and don't sweat the details as much and you will have fun!

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"Perfect" will be defined differently by different modelers. What I call "perfect", the next modeler may call ######. We all have an individual amount of talent, time, and dedication that we are prepared to put into a model. Models I built 10 years ago, I thought were awesome. Now I look at them and laugh. Hopefully in ten years I will have improved enough to laugh at the work I currently do.

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I like to take my time with a build, and choose something within my range as a builder. I got to a point where I had a lot of half-done projects, and I figured out the "why they weren't built." So, with limited time available for modeling, I started to look at what i could reasonable get done. Plus I a, 62 and hhe eyes aren't what they used to be. What I found is a bunch of old-school (vintage) drag car parts which I picked-and-chose into my own "kits." Call it kitbashing, if you wish. As to detail, I chose subjects which I had enough information on to build into nicely detailed models. The time is quite a lot, but I am not in a hurry. So, for all the details I try to add, I learn or better my skil levels. THis takes times, but I convert that into "more bang for the buck" and am happy with that rationale. As much as I might like to build an XYZ, I either do not have the skills, do not have the time to learn them, or just can't get the correct kit, without some major mods. And, I have learned that I am just not a good painter. I have buddies who do that for me, mostly because i lack a booth. BUT, I do not compete with these kits, They are just for me....something I like. I offer my services -- gratis -- in return to friends who would get hung up with one of my better areas. It's all good...

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We have quite a few builders on this forum who seem to have a good perspective on this - if there's a subject that REALLY appeals to them, they'll go all-out on research and add as many bells and whistles as they can to make the finished model as realistic and as close to the 1:1 as possible.

And sometimes, they'll go for something close, reach a point of satisfaction, and call it a day. And still end up with beautiful work, even if it's all box stock.

I haven't seen anyone who is all perfectionist all the time.

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QUOTING thatz4u: "people say "perfectionist" like it's something to be proud of"

I think it's kind of a shame that some of you look down on "perfectionism", and think it's only people who are building to impress others on a "contest table" who take the time to build really accurate, well engineered and flawlessly painted models. Perfection is an unattainable goal, but the PURSUIT of perfection makes your builds better and better.

This hobby has room for everyone's level of ability, skill and desired quality. Personally, I'm my own harshest critic and I build for myself, period. If a car does well in a contest (I've only entered 2 in 30 years of building), great. BUT, I ENJOY doing the work, no matter how long it takes or how many times I have to re-do it to get the result I want. That's my thing, and one of my pleasures in life is to look at something I've done...model, 1:1 car, or a completely un-related whatever....and go "Wow. That's pretty nice. Did I actually do that?. Dang."

But like I said, that's MY thing. I don't look down on someone who is content to glue kits together with only parts that came in the box, leave the flash and sprue rash on, with paint that's pebbly, orange peeled and poorly masked. I honestly can't understand how anyone over 5 could be happy with that, but hey, it's OK. If that's your thing, enjoy it, or any other level of refinement in between, but PLEASE stop bashing people who want to do a little more.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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It all depends on what turns you on about the hobby. Different people may do the same activity in different ways. As far as building models, some people are always pushing themselves to get to that "next level," they sweat the details, they do everything they can possibly do to make their model as close to perfect as possible.

Then there are those who get their hobby kicks by simply gluing together a kit and putting it on display. To some builders accuracy and attention to detail never even enter the picture... it's just not part of the hobby the way they enjoy it.

So debating about whether or not "perfectionism" is a worthy goal or trait is pointless.

To perfectionists, yes, it is. To others, they couldn't care less.

Different strokes, as they say... ;)

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We have quite a few builders on this forum who seem to have a good perspective on this - if there's a subject that REALLY appeals to them, they'll go all-out on research and add as many bells and whistles as they can to make the finished model as realistic and as close to the 1:1 as possible.

And sometimes, they'll go for something close, reach a point of satisfaction, and call it a day. And still end up with beautiful work, even if it's all box stock.

I haven't seen anyone who is all perfectionist all the time.


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I build for my own enjoyment, and because I love cars, I dont build to impress anyone, I dont build for contest. I dont sweat the small stuff most of the time, every build is different, some builds I want to do the best I can, some , I tell myself its going to be collecting dust on the shelf, so its not a big deal.

At the same, I do want to get better , sharpen my skills, become a better builder, but I am not going to take the fun out of it, once the fun is gone, its no longer a hobby.

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I dont see people bashing the ones that go detail crazy, I see people getting bashed for not trying to build contest worthy builds

Hmmmmm....I see a lot of really fun but not-at-all contest-quality builds getting praised, a lot. I really just think it's important for each individual to do what's fun for him (or her), and not worry too much about whether it pleases ANYBODY else.

Of course there's a flip side to that. I think we all enjoy having our work admired by our peers, or else why would we post here at all? I have to admit I like it when someone "gets" what it is I'm trying to do, and only fellow modelers can possibly get it.

I'm inspired by so much of what I see here, and certainly not only by blow-me-away spectacular builds.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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I'm not gonna lie, I think I may be a bit of perfectionist but only to the extent that the hobby is still fun. I feel that there is a bit of perfectionism in everyone's build because no one wants to build a crappy model on purpose, to them its perfect and likewise, to some that is their level of perfectionism.

Not all 1:25 cars that look 1:1 should be considered perfect because sure it may look real but some people may think that the build was constricted to what once was and no creativity was experienced other than the build itself. I don't know, I feel that there should be a little creativity involved in every build only because if we as human beings don't let our imaginations take control of our mind once in a while, there is no telling what we are capable of other than what it is that we have been doing for centuries.

Just my thoughts once again.

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I try to build the cleanest models I can. Sometimes I get carried away with details, but that's me. I think that when building becomes work and too tedious then it isn't fun. This is a very enjoyable and fun hobby. That's what it should be regardless of your skill level.

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I just got back into modeling last year and being at 15 I'm still learning certain aspects of the hobby, but I build for myseld most of the time and that's what makes it fun! I may not build the best model here and hey I may build the worst, but if I like it and am satisfied to what its turnes out to be then ill put it on the shelf, but if a month or two goes by then I don't care for it as much ill pull it back off and add things to it that I think will make it better. Sure, I like showing off my work to you guys and getting criticism on how to improve my next model, but in the end my opinion is the only one that counts when it comes to whether I build the perct model is my own opinion. My perfect model is differenr than your "perfect" model.

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