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How many Works-in-Progress ?

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I counted up my works-in-progress last night, and I've got 16 in regular rotation ....actually getting worked on fairly regularly (2 of which are getting close to completion), and another 62 that are being worked occasionally, or are getting parts-collected (all of which have been mocked-up, and have a definite direction), and that sometimes come out and replace one of the regular-rotation builds when I get stuck for more than a week or two.

I'm a little hesitant to start anything new at this point, but I keep getting so many ideas, and if I don't at least mock-up something with notes, I'll forget it. I kind of like being able to jump around on these hobby projects as a relief from having to focus very narrowly on real-life projects until completion.

Any other perspectives?

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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However many it takes to keep from getting burned out. If you concentrate on one for too long you get frustrated with building. I myself have 3 ON the bench, and at least 5 on the shelf with at least a few things assembled or painted.

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Two seems to be the magic number for me. It keeps the chance of completing one more realistic. 200 or more parts in clips, parts in clamps,

parts taped to sticks, parts stuck in foam blocks, parts piled in little containers, parts hanging from wire, parts covering bench and surrounding tables.... this many parts everywhere is enough for me

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like a few of you said, i have way too many started. start one, than another, than another...... i have a problem by going to car shows, looking thru some 8,000+ magazines, and lets not forget the internet. i see something and get an idea and have to start that project, something happens, usually another idea or some sort of problem and i start another one. to put a number on it, i would say at least 60 or more.......

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I went down the list and got 21 actually being worked on. I usually am only active one one at a time, sometimes two. Usually it's something that didn't work and needs research on or I just need to put aside something to calm down that shifts me to another one.

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If a "work - in - progress" is what's actually on the bench , I currently have two started . If it also means builds that have been started and then set aside for some reason , I count seven more . And if it also includes builds not actually started but specific parts have been purchased and/or collected to buld it , then I can add five more to the list . The ones I've started and then boxed up and put away never to be seen again don't count .

Personally , I count 2 .

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"Hi, My Name is Shawn and I'm a Styrene addict."

I just counted and I have 13 WIP's right now and ONLY 1 on the bench. Two of which are VERY long term projects. One I haven't worked on since '05 and the other I haven't worked on since Oct. '10. I'm a genuine procrastinator by nature.

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