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Thinking out of the box: a HOT but COOL new 3D modeling tool

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I just spotted this in Kickstarter. I think it's got huge potential, and could be useful in a lot of modeling scenarios...


Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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What the good Doctor said....

For one thing, the hot plastic that's extruded from the tip is hot enough to fuse with styrene. I've tried hot-glue guns for mocking up heavy cut-and-paste custom work, and the hot glue melts into the plastic. Conventional hot-glue has a surface that won't take any conventional adhesives, fillers or paints. It is only good for fixturing and has to be removed.

BUT, this new glue pen uses ABS, which WILL allow conventional fillers, epoxies and paints to be used. Instead of a mockup-method that has to be removed like normal hot-glue, this thing can make permanant, literally 'welded' joins (or so I'm thinking at this point).

The extruded ABS is also probably hot enough to squeeze into small molds for replicating parts. Mini-injection-molding.

Think out-of-the-box.....

Looks like just plain fun, too.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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The first iteration of this is going to be fantastic..... enough said... but it will be iterations 2 and beyond that will take it to the next level and make it really useful.... and widely available and inexpensive too..... NEAT stuff.

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It's cool.....in a craft project way........my laser cutting table still has more potential than this pen for model builders IMHO........


A laser cutting table? :wacko: Perhaps you could elaborate on that for the uninformed masses .. what can you do with it? How expensive is such a device? I, for one, would really like to know all about it.. maybe some photos of the machine and what you have created with it? Please???? :) pretty please???? :):):)

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I do not have any pics of my machine online....but the type of my machine is like this one.


Mine is 12x18 table 25 watts. More than enough power for wood, matt, plastic and acrylics. The input for mine is from CorelDraw artwork. Anything you can draw can be cut and/or engraved.

It is only 2D but I have made many a model with mine.

Another body laser cut on my machine.


More limited than 3-D printer but much more useful than the 'pen' printer.

Edited by Dave Van
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