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How Long Will it Last ? "Model Car Magizine"


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With all the Drama and Other on here....I Truly wonder just how long Gregg will keep this Board up and Running....

I Have this Feeling...."Not For Very Long"...And to be Honest....I would not Blame him.

This Place is just too much like a Soap Opera.. Terrible...Just Terrible...You would think that "US" Kinda Guy's....and in Truth there is Not many of us, would *** Be Happy *** about this Hobby.

So i ask....Where is the "Spirit"...That this Model Car Magizine Board (forums) Should have ?

What has Happen?...where did it all go Wrong?...

Do you Feel this Board will be here for much Longer ? (simple question)

Just a Yes or No.....No Drama Please...

I want to Thank Everbody for the Replies....On this Matter.....My intentions were NOT to Start Drama...how ever, after some consideration....I can see how this would have been seen has a Drama Thread....has i call it...

I am Not here for Drama....Nor do i wish to start .. Drama...

So out of Respect to all I ask that "PLEASE" would one of the Moderators lock this Thread.

Thanks for letting me Speak

Cheers to All....

Don aka XJ6

Edited by XJ6
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...where did it all go Wrong?...

You know that old saw about how as soon as there were two cars, people started racing them?

Kinda the same thing with people and the internet. It ain't no thing...just humans being human beings. And like Bill said, it's really not much of an issue here in particular. You think it gets ugly here? Go to a forum for some massive multiplayer online game and you'll realize how well-behaved people here are and how well we get along as a community.

Doesn't mean there will never be bumps in the road, but if you can't handle a few of those then model car drama is probably the least of your issues. :P

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G,day , geez i hav'nt seen any problems here everybody seems to get along from what i can see .

The thing i don't understand is you can buy the other model magazine at the newsagents here but can't buy the better model car mag ?

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I don't see any significant problem. 99.9% of the interaction is good-natured, model-focused. Not everyone agrees about everything all the time. That's reality. No biggie.

I'll go along with that. I would hate to see the "Forum" go away based on the conduct of a tiny minority.

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Guest G Holding

Special handling and favorites create much drama and issues. The untouchables will do what they like, No Mod has ever followed all the rules, And that goes back to Jauris.... BUT ...Gregg does like drama, it does keep the numbers up...I always wonder what "Island Life" really is......If we had no "masters"...it could be fun again

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This Place is just too much like a Soap Opera.. Terrible...Just Terrible...You would think that "US" Kinda Guy's....and in Truth there is Not many of us, would *** Be Happy *** about this Hobby.

Don aka XJ6

Everything I've seen recently is minor compared to what was going on here a few years ago. There were a couple of major blow-outs in which several members were banned for life and Gregg actually seemed ready to pull the plug on the MCM board.

I'm not worried; troublemakers come and go, but The Board abides.

David G.

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Whenever you have a collection of different people coming together in one place, you're going to have conflicts. Different people have different personalities, different people have different opinions on just how a forum like this is "supposed" to work. I'd say that overall, we don't have any more "drama" here than any other forum does. Once in a while a particular member will cause trouble, and we deal with that on a case-by-case basis. But just because a tiny handful of people get their kicks by causing a stir here doesn't mean that this forum or the magazine are going away! That would be completely crazy... to let one or two troublemakers run us out of business??? Not going to happen.

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Doom and gloom. The end is near friends, might as well pack up your models and hide them away in the closet. It's just about over.

Seriously, what is the point of this thread if not to do exactly what you're complaining about? Go build some models.

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I am new here too, and have found nothing but the best in help and advice.

When you think about it, it really is amazing how other modelers are helping a schmuck like me. Except for a few 4-H entries, I haven't build a car model in 25 years....and everyone here has answered every question I've had, no matter how basic it is.

I am thankful for that help.

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I look upon the forum the way i do my business. I have a lot of diverse people with me. If everyone thought the same way it would be very boring. I think diversity on the forum is good that way you can get many different opinions. I for one enjoy the interaction on the forum. I haven't really noticed any issues either. One thing we don't need is someone fanning the flames of discontent.

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While building my Cobra, I was a member of the FFCobra.com board and always felt it was the best, most helpful forum I'd ever been associated with. I now have the same opinion of this forum.

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I don't really see any probs either. Some have some pretty thin skin, but that is true in the outside world too. Perhaps there should be a "pause" button before posting, having a waiting period of 24 hrs before it shows up on the forum. Lord knows that would have come in plenty handy in my sent emails over the years.

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