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I wouldn't trust a Jaguar on a 20 mile trip...heard too many horror stories.. :)   Cadillacs and my Jeep have been good to me, though.  

Must kinda depend on who works on them.

My '86 XJ-6 went over 25,000 trouble free miles after I put the 700R4 gearbox in it, for a total of about 125,000 now. Still have it, starts every time, only let me down on the road once.



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Ok, here comes the curmudgeon in me.  I do not like "do everything" touch screens in cars.  I think they are far more distracting and not user friendly when it comes to driving a car.  As a point of reference, my daily driver is a 92 MR2 Turbo.  The original owner(a good friend) went all out and ordered the CD/cassette stereo system. 

The problem with touch screens is that they require you to look and start answering questions because they control too much.  Sound system, ventilation system, Navigation, dash controls etc.  First question you have to answer is which system do I want to adjust.  Ok, select the right screen.  Now what do I want to do.  Change the temperature.  Yup, ok fine you have to look at the system twice.  Were is the temp.  Over here, yup, ok where is the part of the screen that I need to touch to make it do what I want.  Ok, look at the screen to make sure you are touching the section of the screen that does that.  Oop! I touched the wrong part of the screen and am now in the navigation screen.  Start over.  Bad system!

In an older car with manual controls, most of the knobs had different shapes and moves and were clustered together by function. After a little familiarization, you could do just about anything by touch without ever looking at the control panel.  MR2, change the temp?  Sure, bottom of the panel, left/right slider.  Reach down and by touch slide the only knob in that area that goes left and right.  Move it left for cooler, right for warmer.  Eyes never leave the road.

  I will add to this that this is the old pilots method.  As part of our annual check ride we had a blindfold cockpit check.  You had to be able to touch any knob, lever or instrument in the cockpit without looking on the request of the check pilot.  The glass cockpits are essentially the same with buttons to control the functions.   No touch screens there that I am aware of.  Leave the touchscreen tablets to the passengers and give the driver simple knobs that do things.  B)

Robert just saw your signature line that though I would add this to the half a glass discussion.  A wise old lady was once asked the question by a young philosophy student and after thinking for a moment answered, " Well, I suppose that depend on if you are pouring or drinking."  If you think about it there is much more to that answer than there appears.  If the glass is the life of others, be the one who is pouring.

Edited by Pete J.
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Nearly got sideswiped my a pre touchscreen Pontiac Sunfire while heading home from a DQ run for Dad and myself.  Apparently the driver didn't notice me coming up from behind on her right..........at around the posted limit!  Luckily I had plenty of paved shoulder work with and tires that respond extra, extra well to steering inputs............

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If you ask me, there is enough distracted driving going on without the need for ipada and ipods and phones and all this entertainment junk being put into them Why dont people try DRIVING instead of being entertained while they should be DRIVING???????

Couldn't have said it better.

Charlie Larkin

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After tonight, it would be nice if people just used their mirrors and put their heads on swivel from time to time...........just a wee bit of situational awareness, it's all I ask and I'm sure any of the motorcycle riders on here will agree!

Hard to be paying attention to one's driving when one is preoccupied with playing with all the neato gadgets in one's car.

Use your mirrors?

Situational awareness?

Are you kidding???

I don't have time to be paying attention to the road. I'm busy shuffling my ipod while I'm making a phone call while I'm checking my nav screen to find the closest Italian restaurant. Come on, Joe... I can only do so many things at once.

I'll get back to paying attention to the road as soon as I finish all of these other vitally important tasks... ;)

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    One of my favorite things to do is watch folks reaction when they hear I've Never owned a Cell Phone. You'd think I removed my hat and they found out I had a third Eye!! Any, Yep I remember the Diner Guy on the Twilight Zone ;)

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Rob, when we were due for an upgrade of the family car,  I found a 2006 Buick LaCrosse with 32,000 old man miles on it and paid $8000 cash.  No electronic light show on the dash,  great car that drives and looks new, and it's paid for!    I bought it around Thanksgiving so it now has 38,000 miles on it and the wife loves to drive it.

I'm still under 50 :) .even though I do like 'old man' cars like the Grand Marquis and Town Car, realistically I want something more 2015 than 1995 as far as the tech and something that gets better gas mileage... thinking maybe a 300, Charger, CTS, MKZ, MKS, maybe a Fusion or Taurus. Something comfortable for the daily grind and for road trips, and I really don't need an SUV this time..I've bought used before, but generally prefer to get something new and keep for 10 or more years..don't want something already 10 years old.

I was going to post that if you are 50 and you want to keep your new car 10 years, then you better get yourself that old man car! Then I read that you have a Caddy, so you already have your old man car! 

My Jaguar is a 2000 S Type. It's pretty much a Lincoln LS, I've done some parts research and found that parts like the fuel pump listed both cars.  I bought it from a Rolls Royce dealer a few years ago, it having been traded in on a Bentley.  It was a spare car on an estate, always garaged and had 23,000 miles on it.  It now has 30,000 miles. I don't use it as a daily driver,  more like a collector car.  I had put it in the garage for winter and with all that went on with my wife's heart surgery, it's just been sitting there.  I need to charge up the battery and get the state inspection up to date.  

Most of my fleet is like yours Rob.  My 1996 Dodge Grand Caravan Mark III high top is 600 miles from hitting 200,000 miles.  1991 Geo Tracker has 245,000 on it and will get historic tags next spring.  I bought both of these new.  The car I put my business miles on is a 1999 Plymouth Breeze that I bought many years ago for my daughter to use for college.  It has served us well since she has been teaching 8 years!  It currently has 160,000 on it and chugs along just fine.  I don't worry about driving high mile cars since I take care of them.  And if one of them dies on the highway, I have AAA 100 mile towing insurance!

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After tonight, it would be nice if people just used their mirrors and put their heads on swivel from time to time...........just a wee bit of situational awareness, it's all I ask and I'm sure any of the motorcycle riders on here will agree!

Hard to be paying attention to one's driving when one is preoccupied with playing with all the neato gadgets in one's car.

Use your mirrors?

Situational awareness?

Are you kidding???

I don't have time to be paying attention to the road. I'm busy shuffling my ipod while I'm making a phone call while I'm checking my nav screen to find the closest Italian restaurant. Come on, Joe... I can only do so many things at once.

I'll get back to paying attention to the road as soon as I finish all of these other vitally important tasks... ;)

Most of the vehicles who's drivers I've had issues with in the last year have predated $2.00/gallon gas, one I'm pretty sure was reading a book while driving in snow late at night!

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"...was reading a book while driving in snow late at night!"

I don't care what anyone says; that's impressive multitasking.  ;)

Not really, she managed to pull out in front of me then make no attempt to reach the reduced traveling speeds within a  safe time period after getting on the road.  I could have set off an air raid siren and she wouldn't have noticed me there.

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Man, this is just not my year.

First I wound up in the hospital for a week in March for an infection that had spread throughout my body. On antibiotic IV drips for three days straight, day and night. Then I got viral conjuntivitis, which lasted for two months and made my eyes so bad that I literally couldn't see the computer screen. Couldn't work for two months. No sooner did my eyes finally heal than I got another infection (on my arm this time) that has to be treated with both oral antibiotics and topical cream.

And today, after coming home from yet another doctor's appointment (this time an infectious disease specialist), I tried to fire up my Photoshop to post some pictures in my 1/8 woody thread and found that my PS didn't work.

I have an Adobe Cloud membership, which basically means that for a yearly fee I can upload any Adobe software updates (like updates to Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.) to get the latest version of any given Adobe graphics software. Good idea, right? I mean, for one flat fee I can update any of my Adobe software any time vs. buying new, updated software from scratch.

Ah, but here's the catch. Once you join the "cloud" and update any Adobe software even one time, if you let your yearly cloud subscription lapse, Adobe shuts down your software! In other words, even if you bought and paid for any Adobe software in the past (like Photoshop, for example), if you update that software via your cloud membership even once, if you then don't renew your cloud membership, they take that software away from you by deactivating it.

Yep. Even though you may have bought Adobe software, and even paid for the upgrades via your cloud membership fee, if you let your subscription to the cloud lapse, they take your bought and paid for software away. You don't get to keep whatever version of their software you currently have (and have paid for to date). They shut you down. In other words, once you join their "cloud," you are stuck with paying them their yearly fee forever, or they take your software away

Nice scam.

And while I'm ranting, this latest "upgrade" of the forum doesn't work for me!

My latest avatar says it all. If our avatars had sound, believe me, you would hear the screaming... :angry:

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Wow, Harry.  You REALLY are having a bad time!


Didn't you notice that little scam of theirs when you signed up?  You know, it was right there . . .  on line 4,583 of the User Agreement you electronically signed after you scanned through it.  :blink:

They COUNT on no one ever taking time and trouble to read those "agreements."


Seriously, my sincerest sympathies for the lousy year you've been having.  Hope it just keeps getting better and better!  B)

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Wherever people like that are going, whether or not they even know where they are headed, count on one thing: they absolutely must be in front of you while they are going there...

Yup, I love the idiot who will enter a major road like the PA or NJ Turnpike, Garden State Parkway... at a snails pace, and immediately head for the fast lane (3 lanes!) and then sit there at 50 mph.  

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>And while I'm ranting, this latest "upgrade" of the forum doesn't work for me!

feel the burn, Harry, feel the burn.

I am having major problems posting photos from my photo host and none of the suggestions I have read here there and everywhere seem to work. plus stuff just kind of jumps all over the place at unexpected times.

this did not happen last week after I cleared my cache and the thing finally started looking normal but now everything is kind of flying apart at the seams.




Edited by jbwelda
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OUCH...argggggggghhhhh....pain and bleeding.  Came home from work, bent down in the kitchen to give one of my dogs her meds, and when I stood up I slammed the top of my head into the corner of an open cabinet door...  hurts like heck.

Also, when I started to type in this window, it automatically pasted all my replies and quotes from yesterday..that's wrong...

Edited by Rob Hall
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OUCH...argggggggghhhhh....pain and bleeding.  Came home from work, bent down in the kitchen to give one of my dogs her meds, and when I stood up I slammed the top of my head into the corner of an open cabinet door...  hurts like heck.


I feel your pain... um no, it was my pain!   I have a shower stall in my master bathroom and I bent down to soap up my lower legs... came up and hit the door handle hard.  Don't know why they need a sharp metal edge handle on a shower door that pushes out!   With no hair to cushion the impact, well it was pain and blood.  And everyone taller than me can see my wound!   It won't happen again, two screws and sharp metal handle is in the cabinet.  

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Sorry to hear about your recent trials, Harry. The infection thing must really be bothersome. Hope it's finally in the past. Antibiotic-resistant infections are becoming a serious problem due to the over and misguided use of antibiotics, in everything from food animals to hand soap. Read some of the literature on the subject written by informed medicos.

The "cloud" concept has had me uncomfortable since its inception. I don't like giving up so much control over my data and programs to an 'elsewhere' host. I know it's supposed to be the latest, greatest, hip, hot, happening thing and I'm surely once again seen as a fossilized Luddite for feeling the way I do, but your recent experience is exactly the sort of thing I was thinking would be prevalent.

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Sorry to hear about the infection thing too Harry, Mom has battled those alot and it nearly took her from us this past spring. 

tThat whole Adobe thing is utter BS and while I'm very open minded on some tech related things, that whole cloud thing is one that I do not trust.





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