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What Irked You Today?


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12 hours ago, NYLIBUD said:


I'm sure your complaint will be treated with the respect it deserves considering these men and women are putting themselves at risk just so we get our mail delivered.

Theres a news article today in the UK about the rather sad restricted access funeral of a postal worker who has died of Corona virus. 

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37 minutes ago, DonW said:

I'm sure your complaint will be treated with the respect it deserves considering these men and women are putting themselves at risk just so we get our mail delivered.

Theres a news article today in the UK about the rather sad restricted access funeral of a postal worker who has died of Corona virus. 

That was my younger brother who wrote that.It had nothing to do with me.He was expecting a package that got lost,and he became upset.I didn’t write the complaint.In fact I have some friends who work for the USPS.So on behalf of my brother,I apologize for him.

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Hi Ron

I did wonder, it didn't sound like your kind of comment!

In the good old days he'd have a clip round the ear and be sent to bed with no supper!

Or of course here in the UK they'd send them up the chimneys as sweeps to keep 'em out of mischief!



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2 hours ago, DonW said:

Hi Ron

I did wonder, it didn't sound like your kind of comment!

In the good old days he'd have a clip round the ear and be sent to bed with no supper!

Or of course here in the UK they'd send them up the chimneys as sweeps to keep 'em out of mischief!



You sure have an Interesting way of talking my friend,across the lake.

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Welp there go more dam trees being cut at 8 am by my next door neighbors..Who in the hell asked them to move in the first place..Again here I’am planting trees and shrubs left and right,and they’re chopping em down left and right.Dont they know once u cut a tree,large ones,like the ones they are cutting as I speak,it either takes years to come back or they simply never come back.Last week there was a long line of cars honking with signs on them “SAVE THE TREES”.Id like to chop off the heads or arms of one of these trimmers ,and grind them in the chipper FARGO 2.....And the worst part is,that THEY START AT 8 AM.The grinding is driving me crazy,ahhhhh!!!!!.Oh and I forgot,I work at night,and so does my other neighbor across the street..?????????????????☠️

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1 hour ago, NYLIBUD said:

You sure have an Interesting way of talking my friend,across the lake.

That's part of what's great about this forum! If you think that was interesting you might enjoy this, cheers!



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Did some grocery shopping today. Had my now normal precautions on, face covering , gloves.

And then this guy with his young daughter (no face covering or any precautions) crowded me

in at the checkout lane. I asked him to step back and was served all kinds of rude remarks.

I looked at him (probably 200 lbs. overweigh) and simply said ....

Oh, I can't say that here.?

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About two weeks ago my wife found our local post office locked with note on door that it was closed until further notice. Then we saw in the local news that there was a Coronavirus case. Our mail delivery became erratic, like every other day.

This week it was announced the postal worker, a counter clerk, had died. They didn’t give a name but it’s gone through the town and I discovered it was my favorite clerk. Very sad, now this pandemic has a face for me! ?

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53 minutes ago, Tom Geiger said:

About two weeks ago my wife found our local post office locked with note on door that it was closed until further notice. Then we saw in the local news that there was a Coronavirus case. Our mail delivery became erratic, like every other day.

This week it was announced the postal worker, a counter clerk, had died. They didn’t give a name but it’s gone through the town and I discovered it was my favorite clerk. Very sad, now this pandemic has a face for me! ?

That's sad news as I too have a favorite postal counter clerk and haven't been inside the post office since this pandemic had started. My daughter wants me to stay home and she does just about all the shopping and errands along with my wife.

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That is really sad, especially for a guy doing public service.

All of us trying to be safe and protecting ourselves also need to protect OTHERS.

My little experience w/the Fat B+stard in the grocery store just showed me how stupid,selfish people  

can be.

We all have family, siblings etc we are trying to protect.

Please be responsible people.



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So sorry to hear that Tom,  I also have a couple of people the local post office that have become friends.  They are great people to see when I'm running errands.  I would miss them badly even if it was just a move to another building.

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This irked me a bit a few nights ago...
The connector for the lightswitch in my suburban decided to set itself on fire and leave me without any headlights at 1 at night...
That was a interesting drive to get home with only the markerlights as a lightsource...
Did not see a thing and had to guess where i was on the road that i fourtunatley enough knows exactly how it goes...

A "new" connector from the junkyard fixed that and now i have headlights again.
Now i just need to wire up some relays for the headlights to prevent this from happening again..

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23 minutes ago, PierreR89 said:

This irked me a bit a few nights ago...
The connector for the lightswitch in my suburban decided to set itself on fire and leave me without any headlights at 1 at night...
That was a interesting drive to get home with only the markerlights as a lightsource...
Did not see a thing and had to guess where i was on the road that i fourtunatley enough knows exactly how it goes...

A "new" connector from the junkyard fixed that and now i have headlights again.
Now i just need to wire up some relays for the headlights to prevent this from happening again..

Ouch! I hope you weren't travelling too fast when it happened.

Once I'd just overtaken 3 cars on a country road at night when all my electrics shorted out. I slammed on the brakes and aimed for where I thought the road went. Once I'd stopped, luckily in one piece, the 3 drivers I'd just passed made their opinions of me quite clear as they drove by!

Turned out to be a screwdriver that had worked out of the tool compartment and welded iteself between the live terminal and the car body. I knocked it clear and all was good. 

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13 hours ago, STYRENE-SURFER said:

Did some grocery shopping today. Had my now normal precautions on, face covering , gloves.

And then this guy with his young daughter (no face covering or any precautions) crowded me

in at the checkout lane. I asked him to step back and was served all kinds of rude remarks.

I looked at him (probably 200 lbs. overweigh) and simply said ....

Oh, I can't say that here.?

What about shut up...U FAT SOB POS.That about sums it up??

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Wow it’s after 9 AM,and no tree trimming...Oh wait,the reason for that is they CUT down all the trees..Morons...Go move back to the city if u hate trees.What’s funny is I have a huge maple on my front lawn,so come Fall,,those leaves are  simply going to blow onto my idiot neighbors lawn,and they are going to have to rake them all up anyway,or pay someone to do it,seeing how lazy they are.????????????????.????

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2 hours ago, DonW said:

Ouch! I hope you weren't travelling too fast when it happened.

Once I'd just overtaken 3 cars on a country road at night when all my electrics shorted out. I slammed on the brakes and aimed for where I thought the road went. Once I'd stopped, luckily in one piece, the 3 drivers I'd just passed made their opinions of me quite clear as they drove by!

Turned out to be a screwdriver that had worked out of the tool compartment and welded iteself between the live terminal and the car body. I knocked it clear and all was good. 

Ahh you should’ve had a glass of wine or a beer ??,not a screwdriver.Ahhhhh,Yea that was a pretty stupid joke,I gotta admit.But at least you made it home in one piece.?

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Went into town yesterday.  Wife had a doctor's appointment, so I decided to make the most of the trip.  Hooked my trailer up to my truck so I could stop by the home improvement store to pick up some lumber and other supplies to work on my storage shed.  On the way back home I had to come down the interstate.  Problem #1 this section of I-77 has been under construction for more than a year and the repaired, new concrete sections are rougher than the original.  But problem #2 is what really irked me.  There are signs up for a couple of miles "Right land closed ahead", most of you know where I am going with this.  As we got closer to the bottleneck some idiot is an older Durango decided he wanted to pass on the right.  There were a couple of 18 wheelers in front of me and he couldn't get past them.  As the road narrowed he decided he wanted to be where I was and started moving over.  This "Person - insert favorite expletive here) crowded me until I was within inches of the concrete barriers and he was within inches of my front fender.  I had no choice but to back off and let him in.  He just looked back at me with a smirk on his face.  Almost makes me wish I had a concealed carry license.  Of course I could have pulled an Earnhardt on him and nudged him into the traffic cones.  If I had been alone and without the trailer I might have done that; I could use a new truck.

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12 minutes ago, NYLIBUD said:

Ahh you should’ve had a glass of wine or a beer ??,not a screwdriver.Ahhhhh,Yea that was a pretty stupid joke,I gotta admit.But at least you made it home in one piece.?

Well it did make me laugh!

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1 hour ago, TarheelRick said:

Went into town yesterday.  Wife had a doctor's appointment, so I decided to make the most of the trip.  Hooked my trailer up to my truck so I could stop by the home improvement store to pick up some lumber and other supplies to work on my storage shed.  On the way back home I had to come down the interstate.  Problem #1 this section of I-77 has been under construction for more than a year and the repaired, new concrete sections are rougher than the original.  But problem #2 is what really irked me.  There are signs up for a couple of miles "Right land closed ahead", most of you know where I am going with this.  As we got closer to the bottleneck some idiot is an older Durango decided he wanted to pass on the right.  There were a couple of 18 wheelers in front of me and he couldn't get past them.  As the road narrowed he decided he wanted to be where I was and started moving over.  This "Person - insert favorite expletive here) crowded me until I was within inches of the concrete barriers and he was within inches of my front fender.  I had no choice but to back off and let him in.  He just looked back at me with a smirk on his face.  Almost makes me wish I had a concealed carry license.  Of course I could have pulled an Earnhardt on him and nudged him into the traffic cones.  If I had been alone and without the trailer I might have done that; I could use a new truck.

The problem is obvious: Your truck is too new and/or in too good condition. If you'd been driving something rattier, the jerk would have picked on somebody else. Remember Snake's Law of Right of Way: The bigger, older, junkier, and/or more beat-up vehicle always has the right of way. :lol:

(Also, please don't even joke about "concealed carry license" that way. Thank you. B) )

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3 hours ago, TarheelRick said:

Went into town yesterday.  Wife had a doctor's appointment, so I decided to make the most of the trip.  Hooked my trailer up to my truck so I could stop by the home improvement store to pick up some lumber and other supplies to work on my storage shed.  On the way back home I had to come down the interstate.  Problem #1 this section of I-77 has been under construction for more than a year and the repaired, new concrete sections are rougher than the original.  But problem #2 is what really irked me.  There are signs up for a couple of miles "Right land closed ahead", most of you know where I am going with this.  As we got closer to the bottleneck some idiot is an older Durango decided he wanted to pass on the right.  There were a couple of 18 wheelers in front of me and he couldn't get past them.  As the road narrowed he decided he wanted to be where I was and started moving over.  This "Person - insert favorite expletive here) crowded me until I was within inches of the concrete barriers and he was within inches of my front fender.  I had no choice but to back off and let him in.  He just looked back at me with a smirk on his face.  Almost makes me wish I had a concealed carry license.  Of course I could have pulled an Earnhardt on him and nudged him into the traffic cones.  If I had been alone and without the trailer I might have done that; I could use a new truck.

This is an all to common a problem everywhere. Kansas is promoting what they call " The Zipper merge" Well I got your Zipper. Same thing everyone just kind of blends in together with no drama and everyone is getting along just fine. There seems to be those with a very large sense of self entitlement who  rush up to the head of the line and force their way in. I have seen a few 18 wheelers put an end to this, you would not believe how wide those guys can make those trailers, love'em.  

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Well the Refrigerator problems are back. A couple of months ago we had are very expensive high end Bosch Refer thought it was time to die. We went to the local furniture store and bought their mid-range Frigidaire since the sales lady says non of them last more than 8 to 9 years anymore including the Bosch that we had. Last night the new 60 day old Frigidaire gives up. The biggest problem was my Ice Cream was more like Cream of Chocolate Chip soup. Frigidaire said they might be able to get a Tech. out Monday at the earliest. They did share with me the number for the service they were using so I called them direct. The kind lady I spoke to said the were booked solid but she would let me know I they had any changes in the Q. She calls me back about a half hour later and kind of gives me a "wink wink" over the phone that they're giving priority to the more essential problems. I like some of these new terms. Seems a Refrigerator trumps a Dish Washer or a Dryer. So we may get service tomorrow.   

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