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Too many projects going on.

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Well if you count the ones that have been waiting for what seems like years to find parts to complete them enough to restore/build I have around 75 of them....bad thing is they just sit there the parts are ether too expensive for my budget or just too rare....huge bummer too...some really cool stuff from days long gone. Normally I try to keep it down to one at a time when building but the mind never stops thinking of others Id like to build.

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50 started ! Wow ! I could never.

oh sure you could... it's easy. the problem lies, and I an surprised nobody who starts this many has mentioned this, when you go back to a previously started build and change direction on it because you saw something even cooler while looking for reference for yet another build. or it's the old "why did i build it THIS way... gotta change it"

speaking for myself, not only do i have quit a few started, they can change direction at the drop of a hat.

the one downfall for me for starting so many kits is you really cut down on the amount of tradable kits when a possible trade comes up. plenty of times i had what the guy was looking for, but i had started the kit and took the trade value of it right down to zero!!

Edited by tubbs
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I hear ya Al, I also have a notebook full of ideas for future builds that I don't have kits for to start..... I have note cards in the boxes to know where it was headin', or a photo of the real car or what ever to keep it on track....

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I always "go thru" the box and tinker with the kits, and mock them up, see how the fit, and mentally catalog things I have to do to the kit.

But, as of right now, I only have 2 in progress. My '55 Chevy forgotten gasser, and my '68 Roadkill Charger.

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I like Cameron's attitude. I too like to build, but also enjoy the fulfillment of finishing what I start. But why bind yourself to build if you aren't enjoying yourself or have a deadline to meet?

I typically have at least 5 models at any given time in progress, even with the larger long term projects that are like 50 models in one. Right now I am actively working on three separate ones every day. It would be four if it weren't for my incredible self restraint...

The last time I finished a multi-year project I forced myself to finish all the others that had fallen by the wayside and not been completed. Some took a few days to button up, some literally took minutes to finish. I think it took only about a week, maybe two, to finish over twenty models that were left on hold. I still have three of that batch I didn't finish yet. Maybe next year...

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I'm probably the worst on here for having multiple projects going and rarely finishing anything. Last count there were well over 30 "in progress", but they run the gamut from the gathering-parts stage to waiting for paint to shrink-in stage. And sometimes, either I don't quite yet have the skills to pull off what I'm trying, or my vision for the whole project changes.

Because I modify everything I build, usually very heavily (and usually never to match an existing vehicle), it often takes time to work out problems that come up. Rather than chaining myself to a build-block (or risking that a hurried solution will end up giving me a model I'm not happy with) I'll work on something else. I have found that the solution to a problem will usually just come to me if I give it time. Seems like my subconscious is processing always in the background, and having the patience to let it work works for me. This is also a pleasant escape from my real-world existence of deadlines and spending limits.

Getting just the right part to finish something is also a reason for occasionally shelving a build. The injector stacks on my Challenger One proved very difficult to source for exactly what I wanted. The model got shelved, and by the time I'd found them I was in the middle of moving everything I own.

Carl's observation about leaving notes is spot-on, and I have to do this in order to have any real idea where I was when I put one away.

In general, I enjoy the building process immensely, and I'd prefer to have only a few finished models that I'm really happy with than a lot of models I think are half-arred.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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I hear ya Al, I also have a notebook full of ideas for future builds that I don't have kits for to start..... I have note cards in the boxes to know where it was headin', or a photo of the real car or what ever to keep it on track....

Kerry, i do that also. i just didn't mention it. i have rewritten sheet so many times........

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I thought of having 11 maybe 12 projects going was bad enough! LOL

But to hear some say 50 to 75 projects is just out there.. way out there. I enjoy building cool models or fiddling with them here and there in between build time and coming up with better ways to fab a part up.. or me down right trying to correct everything that a company didn't get right or do right LOL

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Ha! I had typed out a nice thoughtful reply last evening and now I see I failed to post it! I usually have 2-3 things out on the bench. And then there are the dozens of unfinished projects! (note- nobody has 50 works in progress, nobody's bench is that big. They may have 3 in progress and 47 unfinished idle projects!) I will stop working on a project when the deadline (like for a club contest) expires without finishing, when I get ticked off at the build, when I get to a mental roadblock and need to think about it, when I run past my current skill level, when I dread the next step, and even when things are going so well I'm sure I'll destroy it in the next step.

Right now I have three things out on the bench. I get a bit done on each in a build session since I'm at that point of being able to do a little, then wait for it to dry.

I am trying to finish up my lime green Chevette. Last session I got the Alclad on the bumpers and painted the grill. Next time I'll be flocking the seats in an attempt to make the fake lambs wool seat covers.

I have my Amnesty Project Dodge A100 pickup. That one was sitting because the opening doors suck and I was pondering what to do with it next. I made a decision and carefully glued the finished doors in place. Next step is figuring out what to add to represent the external hinges.

I pulled my Dodge van camper down from the shelf when I got the new '49 Mercury Woody kit and realized it had travel decals in it! I was planning on making some for this project but my printer wasn't working. So procrastination wins again! I put the decals onto the camper and they look as cool as I imagined. Next step on this one is to figure out how to fix the body and chassis so they will be able to be taken apart to view the interior. So it goes back to the sit and think stage.

Next up will be the Dodge Caravans, the Taxi and the CV commercial van. The Taxi is sitting because I am procrastinating on cutting the masks for the rear glass. I just need to bear down and do it! The CV has been sitting because I'm pissed at it and needed a time out to see straight again. I was heavy handed on the clear coat and the drip turned yellow so I need to sand it back down to the color coat. I think I've calmed down enough to face it. And so goes my building!

Edited by Tom Geiger
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Ha! I had typed out a nice thoughtful reply last evening and now I see I failed to post it! I usually have 2-3 things out on the bench. And then there are the dozens of unfinished projects! (note- nobody has 50 works in progress, nobody's bench is that big. They may have 3 in progress and 47 unfinished idle projects!) I will stop working on a project when the deadline (like for a club contest) expires without finishing, when I get ticked off at the build, when I get to a mental roadblock and need to think about it, when I run past my current skill level, when I dread the next step, and even when things are going so well I'm sure I'll destroy it in the next step.

Right now I have three things out on the bench. I get a bit done on each in a build session since I'm at that point of being able to do a little, then wait for it to dry.

I am trying to finish up my lime green Chevette. Last session I got the Alclad on the bumpers and painted the grill. Next time I'll be flocking the seats in an attempt to make the fake lambs wool seat covers.

I have my Amnesty Project Dodge A100 pickup. That one was sitting because the opening doors suck and I was pondering what to do with it next. I made a decision and carefully glued the finished doors in place. Next step is figuring out what to add to represent the external hinges.

I pulled my Dodge van camper down from the shelf when I got the new '49 Mercury Woody kit and realized it had travel decals in it! I was planning on making some for this project but my printer wasn't working. So procrastination wins again! I put the decals onto the camper and they look as cool as I imagined. Next step on this one is to figure out how to fix the body and chassis so they will be able to be taken apart to view the interior. So it goes back to the sit and think stage.

Next up will be the Dodge Caravans, the Taxi and the CV commercial van. The Taxi is sitting because I am procrastinating on cutting the masks for the rear glass. I just need to bear down and do it! The CV has been sitting because I'm pissed at it and needed a time out to see straight again. I was heavy handed on the clear coat and the drip turned yellow so I need to sand it back down to the color coat. I think I've calmed down enough to face it. And so goes my building!

WOW, glad you calmed down. I go thru the same things, only learned not to get pissed at a build, just politely put it back in the box and take the next one down.

does anyone find themselves getting a new kit (new release or just a new older kit to you), open it up and rifle thru it to see what you can pirate out of it for builds you have going now, then find yourself looking for another kit cause you don't have enough parts to complete it.

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does anyone find themselves getting a new kit (new release or just a new older kit to you), open it up and rifle thru it to see what you can pirate out of it for builds you have going now, then find yourself looking for another kit cause you don't have enough parts to complete it.

Yeah Al, I've had that happen. I always rifle through a new kit when I get it and make mental notes of cool parts in it that I can possibly use on future projects. A lot of times when a new kit comes out that I really like I'll get 2 of them so I can build one and rob parts from the other.

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Yeah Al, I've had that happen. I always rifle through a new kit when I get it and make mental notes of cool parts in it that I can possibly use on future projects. A lot of times when a new kit comes out that I really like I'll get 2 of them so I can build one and rob parts from the other.

Yea, and other people do that too! Then they forget and sell the kit to me on eBay! I recently got two "believed to be complete" Chevette kits off eBay. One was missing the exterior mirrors and fog lights. One was missing the scale figures. And BOTH were missing the little tent !

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  • 1 month later...

I am just getting back into the hobby. The last time was in the early 90's

It has been about a month now and I find my self working on 3 projects and researching my next 2,or is that 3??

So is normal to try to do more than one or should I concentrate on getting one done then moving on to the next ?

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Do what works for you! It's a hobby, it's supposed to be fun and relaxing. Some find they do better concentrating on one project, others have a dozen going. Myself I usually have 3 going in different stages so I always have something to work on depending on my mood, paint or glue drying, etc.

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hmm. if you count "stalled", I probably have around a dozen or more in the working stage.... let's see; right now, a Tamiya Mini, Alfa GTA, two Revell Novas, a Revell Camaro, the Double Dragster kit, the Revell '50 Olds, the Moebius Hudson and Chrysler, the Revell '57 Ford, and an AMT '49 Merc. then there's the sectioned AMT '49 Ford I'm rebuilding, a Revell Foose Coronet...... and probably ten more "unfinished" kits I lost motivation on or can't find needed parts to complete.

and even faced with this, I still plan future builds while I'm doing the "do-something-on-it, ANYTHING" days.....

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Most of the time I work on just one. Lately however, I've got at least three going. The '59 Impala, one for a possible article for MCM, and another which is super secret for the time being. ;)

It's hard for me to focus on more than one at a time because of the way I build, but right now's the exception.

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Given though I have touched a model in at least 6 months. I am not sure. But last I remember I have 3 or 4 on the bench in various stages and at least another 6 to 8 stalled porjects I got bored with or didn't have the parts or supplies to go forward with .

I've got a Lindberg 1964 Dodge superstocker I could probably finish in a day if I put my mind to it.

But with kids activities ,,,job and shop projects ( not to mention simple inclination ) there doesn't seem to be enough time to get that done

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I have 3 going, right now. I like to have at least 2 going, at any given time. I work on 1 for awhile, put it in the box, pull out another, work on it, etc., etc. This way, I don't get bored & put them, in the box, & on the shelf. It also gives me something, to work on, while paint cures.

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