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Parking Fun , You know it makes you mad.

Greg Myers

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parking like a jerk warrants some sort of retribution, but keying, or damaging someone's car is childish. If you key someone's car, you're a bigger Ahole than they are.

We pretty much all agree with you Cameron. We're just commenting on how you open yourself up for all kinds of bad things to happen to your ride when you act like that. I would never key someones car, but there are plenty of people out there who have a chip on their shoulder because, for whatever reason, they don't have what this guy has & they're just looking for an excuse to destroy the property they really wish they had. & this is just the excuse they're waiting for. Steve

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I've seen people break tail light lenses...they cost a lot, but not enough to meet the deductible most people have. About ten years ago, a girl I worked with had her car keyed. She was seeing a married man, and the Mrs. found out. She'd just bought the car, too...it was one of those last-generation Mercury Cougars, the little front-wheel-drive coupe. Wifey didn't just scuff the clear coat...a lot of her handiwork went right down to the primer...

parking like a jerk warrants some sort of retribution, but keying, or damaging someone's car is childish. If you key someone's car, you're a bigger Ahole than they are.

I really thought that keying someone's car went out in the 80's. I am handicapped but will not always use it if I can walk some. I would never take 2 parking places that's just going to get to much negative attention. I can't under stand why the handicapped person sits in the car and the rest of the family shops. That's a spot lost to other people.

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The guys that deliberately take up two or more spots piss me off, but I stopped getting worked up over people not parking in the lines. A few times over the last year or so I would see a car crooked in a spot, clearly a poor parking job. I would think to myself, Man what a jerk. Then I see a little old lady in a walker, or someone needing help getting out. You never know who, or why they parked like that.

But if they park at an angle across 2 or more, it's obviously on purpose.

We pretty much all agree with you Cameron. We're just commenting on how you open yourself up for all kinds of bad things to happen to your ride when you act like that. I would never key someones car, but there are plenty of people out there who have a chip on their shoulder because, for whatever reason, they don't have what this guy has & they're just looking for an excuse to destroy the property they really wish they had. & this is just the excuse they're waiting for. Steve

That definitely wasn't directed towards you or anyone in particular in here. I just saw the mention of cars getting keyed.

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Wow! Really?!? This is all you have to be upset about, to the point you would key a car, hit the windshield with a ball peen hammer, or paint a nastygram in nail polish on a car? Walk 10 feet farther and park somewhere else. I have an old car that I have a bit of money in, I park out in the boonies in two spaces because of dipsticks that don't care about other people's stuff (you know, vandals and such). If there are not enough spots that are available for me to park, I just go somewhere else. I can't believe the juvenile attitude about this, people would really damage someone else's property over a parking spot? This explains a lot about our society, maybe we need to lighten up a bit? I hope none of my coworkers decide to key my 59 Ford parked in the middle of four spots way out in BFE where no one parks, or parks right next to my door to make a point. About nothing.

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I've seen people break tail light lenses...they cost a lot, but not enough to meet the deductible most people have. About ten years ago, a girl I worked with had her car keyed. She was seeing a married man, and the Mrs. found out. She'd just bought the car, too...it was one of those last-generation Mercury Cougars, the little front-wheel-drive coupe. Wifey didn't just scuff the clear coat...a lot of her handiwork went right down to the primer...

Sounds like the little home wrecker had it coming!!

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Story just came to mind... I was in a busy store parking lot right before Christmas. No spaces, but some idiot had parked square on the center line, taking up to spaces... no reason to do that since there were cars parked in the four spaces adjacent to him, don't know what the motivation was other than stupid.

So I found my Geo Tracker would fit right behind him. I wasn't being mean, just saw I'd fit and figured he could get out of the space by going forward. I had to laugh when I came out of the store... someone else had the same idea as me and parked a small car right in front of him, effectively trapping him in between.

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Totally unnecessary, because the curb spot is the best spot, you can park with the wheels a few inches from the curb and have wide area to open the passenger door, or the driver-side door from the car in the second spot.

Unless it's grass, full of dog feces, then I back in (letting the passenger out before I park)


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Totally unnecessary, because the curb spot is the best spot, you can park with the wheels a few inches from the curb and have wide area to open the passenger door, or the driver-side door from the car in the second spot.

Unless it's grass, full of dog feces, then I back in (letting the passenger out before I park)


I agree with you on that. Now, my car would not make anybody exited (Ford Freestyle), but I do care about it it and do park far away - often on a corner or end space. And you know what? If I see a Porsche or something similar out there in the far reaches of the lot I usually park in the spot next to it. Although the Porsche-owner might not be thrilled (not knowing me or the way I drive), but from my end I'd figure he would be a safer car to be parked next to.

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To back up a bit I bought back my camaro and was showing it off to my then GF now wife. I had parked perfectly no double parking. Afterwards I came out to find someone had keyed my Alice (camaro) from bumper to bumper I barely had my car 10 hrs and someone messed her up. I was at least four spaces from the closest car. Imo you can be be totally respectful and still have BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH happen to u

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I worked in college as a store parking lot security agent, just driving around in a car. If I had seen someone parking like the idiot in the vette. I would have called for a wrecker. That little door ding he was saving his precious vette from, ended up costing him an impound fee, and towing charge. Not to mention that this was before wheel lift tow trucks. A few had more damage from the tow trucks.

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Ok guys I don't live in a big city but do people still key cars??

Why yes Carl...

I'm not gonna lie, but one day I was at a Walgreens getting in my car, and this woman parks so close next to me in a Lexus , so before I could start the car she gets out and as she opens the door it hits my car... As the herd of kids are piling out of the car meanwhile her big behind is all on my car rubbing on it while she's trying to take a phone call... I said something along the lines of watch what you're doing, she in turn tells me to mind my ______ business... I told her hitting my car and rubbing her overstuffed ____ was my business, she gives me the finger... So I wait til she goes inside and I get out and keyed a nice word startng with the letter B describing her along the side of her shiny Lexus... And I took off... Wrong I know, but if you have no consideration for my property , then I couldcare less about hers...

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Last week I went to lunch and someone in a crew cab long bed truck with a trailer had parked longways taking up about 5 spaces, right across from the door instead of out back where a considerate person would have. Someone had parked in the spot behind him, real close, so I parked right in front of him, real close. He had to wait for us to get finished eating before he could leave.

Edited by Craig Irwin
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One afternoon a buddy of mine and I went to lunch on our Harleys and parked next to some douch that parked his vet just like that. Well shirt and tie guy didn't have the guts to ask the bikers to move and went in through tha passenger side.

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Door dings, scratches, and rock chips are part of life---can't avoid them. Don't drive your car in public if you don't want dings or scratches.

Actually, you can. I have a '93 MR2 turbo with 125,000 miles on it and exactly 2 door dings. One of which came since I owned it. I don't take up two spaces, but I do park were no one else wants to or I pick a couple of expensive cars to park next too. I don't annoy anyone by parking in two spots or any thing else, I just pick my spots carefully. I don't park next to work trucks, minivans or SUV's. If a car had a lot of dings I don't go near it. I try to pick cars that show pride of ownership. It's not hard and often I get a little extra exercise walking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When my fiancee and i were living in an apartment complex we had a pain neighbor who would double park all the time. Made it really hard to get into the small lot that was usually packed so one night when i came home from work exhausted and seen how this d-bag parked i went in my trunk found a screw driver and flipped their plates around so that you couldnt read them. About 3 hours later he was leaving for work and made it about 1/4 mile before being pulled over. Not my best moment but i grew tired of nothing being done about how he was liberally parking like he owned the place. Management never once did a thing about it, so in a moment of weakness and frustration i got subtly even. Never had an issue after that

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  • 2 weeks later...

In defense of the blue minivan posted, it is a wheelchair access van, probably had to park there if the handicap spots were taken already by other store patrons..........or people that are parked illegaly in those spots.

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