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    Bill Engwer

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. The bundle-of-sausages exhaust system has always stopped me from building one of these. I have several of Mad Mike's pieces, and they are, as here, really exceptional. Guess I need one of these little DOHC Fords too.
  2. Stash ye rosebuds while ye may, or tomorrow ye may be up the creek with no rosebuds.
  3. That's a sweet deal. Since I don't get any bench time, I'm beginning to enjoy lowball price shopping for really good stuff almost as much as building.
  4. "Player" can mean a fella who churns through the "ladies" with no thought of tomorrow.
  5. I came across 5 of these at prices I never thought I'd see again, so I bought 'em all. Each one contains the very nice Corvair/Chrysler Firepower Hemi engine parts-pack tree, the equally nice SBC Chevy/Pontiac engine parts-pack tree, plus the chrome bumpers-and-grilles tree...and one of 'em had an extra Chevy/Poncho tree. Snagged one of these too, at a low low price. This is exactly the same kit that comes in the pretty box.
  6. Abode and adobe have the same letters arranged differently, and while you can have an adobe abode, abode adobe doesn't make much sense.
  7. The coarsest real-car sandpaper grit you should use for removing orange peel from a model is 800. If it's minimal peel, 1500-2000. Grits go up to 12,000, and the finer you go, the less polishing you'll have to do to get a really good gloss. Far as "automotive polishes and compounds" go, I get excellent results using 3M Perfect-It Ultrafine Machine Polish # 06068, worked by hand. There are MANY products that will give excellent results if used correctly, but this is what works for me.
  8. "Expire" is what you might do if you eat food from swollen cans 10 years past their sell-by date.
  9. Waves are what you hope nobody makes when you're floating in the pool while holding a vial of nitroglycerine.
  10. Though I complain about unnecessary delays, mis-deliveries, and odd all-over-the-country "logistical" routing, I do have to say most of the local PO folks seem to be competent, some very competent, and the delivery people who were habitually causing problems have apparently either been trained to do their jobs right, or relocated. But poor performance always gets the most attention. For instance, many seem to forget the hundreds of billions of safe passenger-miles Boeing's aircraft have delivered over many decades. However, when a product or service that impacts millions of people on a daily basis begins to noticeably deteriorate, it's not unusual for negative reactions to proliferate...especially in these days of the internet as a publicly available soapbox for the airing of grievances, many of them ignorant and uninformed.
  11. May Day has different connotations to different demographics, with the origins of the celebration dating back centuries in some countries.
  12. Good insurance. Amazing how a little thinking-ahead can prevent a world of hurt.
  13. Really sorry you got hurt, Carl. Take it easy, though I know it can be hard to get comfortable with bruised or cracked ribs. We're all pulling for you to get better ASAP.
  14. Very very nice. You've kept all its "Riviera-ness" and achieved the look of a professionally designed, well-integrated factory styling exercise. Doing such heavy mods to a car as attractive as the Riv usually results in a serious not-improvement, but what you've come up with looks like a slightly smaller, lighter, more nimble take on the Riv theme, and every bit as attractive.
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