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    Bill Engwer

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. HIM was a Finnish gothic rock band from Helsinki.
  2. Free Willy !!!!!!
  3. Bar is where I'm heading later this afternoon if the day keeps going the way it has so far.
  4. Hershey bars cost 5 cents when I was a kid, and I think they've risen kinda faster than inflation.
  5. Wash your hogs and they'll still stink as soon as they wallow in the pigpen.
  6. "Anything worth doing is worth doing well" will engender a lot of argument from the participation trophy advocates.
  7. Insanely rampaging Orcs is something I don't see in this neighborhood much these days..
  8. Lucky car to have found an owner who'd take care of her so long. Wishing you both many more happy miles.
  9. ERTL / ESCI 1/24 BWW M1 (Procar competition version) in Marlboro livery. Much more detailed kit than I'd expected, with an engine and decent suspension, should be buildable as a really nice piece. Missing one clear quarter window, which isn't bad for having been rattling around unsealed for decades, and bizarrely the instructions, though clearly correct for the kit, state it's 1/48.
  10. "Cool" is a side effect, and is never achieved by chasing it directly.
  11. Life choices I didn't consider carefully enough got me to the point where I am today, which isn't where I'd be if I'd really been paying attention from day one.
  12. Sorry to hear that. There are a lot of publications out there now that are "print on demand" or available only on digital storage media. I almost always buy "used" original copies, very often indistinguishable from new, of anything that's out of print. Here in the US we have rather a lot of sellers of salvaged stock, library copies, etc.
  13. With enough applied effort to skill-building comes perhaps not mastery, but certainly competence.
  14. Yup, and today the cost is staggering. IIRC the Barris Ala Kart came in somewhere around $15,000 in 1958. Figuring gas was around a quarter a gallon then, multiplying by 10 gets us close to today's inflated fuel cost. Multiplying $15,000 for an AMBR winner in '58 by 10 gets us to $150,000...and unless you built almost the entire car by yourself, that wouldn't even get a car in the running today...especially not one built to this level.
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