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About mustang1989

  • Birthday 08/27/1968

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Joe Shaw

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. This looks just great especially considering the kit that you worked with to make all of this happen. I'd definitely be down to see that Nomad being built.
  2. Thanks for taggin' along Tim and it's good to see you again bro. I was pretty surprised to see that the ZM had more detail than the Aires counterpart given the fact that Aires (at least in my experience) has it ALL goin' on. I was again surprised to see no less than 25 parts to this 1/48 scale engine. WOW!! Engine fit into the Dragon fuselage and paint up processes coming soon......
  3. Hey Ace. I had finished it up. Here's the link and thanks for stoppin' in man. :
  4. Man.....you lucky dog. Those early Barracudas are the forgotten ones but IMO are still some sharp looking rides. I had a 66 Barracuda as my first car. It wasn't fast but it was a cool ride. Good lookin' '65 John. 4 speed or automatic?
  5. You're a brave man tackling these Revell Corsair kits but they turned out great!
  6. Been a while since the last update but here's after I put these fabric seat belts from HGW together and I've gotta say that I'm impressed with them. Not only do they look a lot more realistic than the PE ones that I've seen (and used), but they can also be lain pretty much any way you want them. I laid these out in a bit of a non-traditional way that I've done in the past so a lot more of the details on them can be seen and for a more natural "lay". So far.... I've now moved on to the powerplant section of this build for now because I'm going to have to get the fit right with this before I close the fuselage halves together. I built up the OOB Dragon Jumo 213 along with the 213 from Zoukei-Mura and set out the Aires 213 next to them. I've got them all next to one another in the following photo to check the difference in dimensions as well as to show the differences in details from one kit to the next because they are dramatically different. Dimensionally, the ZM version is only slightly larger and has a TON more detail than either the Dragon OR the Aires version. I'm really wanting to use the ZM 213 in this build provided that it will fit in there. I'll be test fitting things soon to find out what my real options are. If the ZM wont work then I'll use the Airies offering as it's next in line for detail. Left to right. Dragon, Zoukei-Mura and Aires.
  7. Nice work Steve! Made me look twice to make sure it wasn't the real thing.
  8. Model rail roading is something that I never got into but I do have a good bit of admiration for. Takes a LOT of work to come up with some of the layouts that I've seen. Good work on repairing this Bill.
  9. Welcome aboard John. What a cool back story and we're looking forward to seeing your builds as well as the 1:1 scale rides.
  10. I managed to make a couple of changes so far to the interior. One of which was the usage of PE rudder pedals from Eduard. Kit parts are kit parts and the plastic ones just didn't look right. Same goes for the control column as I robbed that from one of the spare Fw-190 A kits that I had in the stash. Flip switch / guard for the button at the top of the column hand grip was added using a PE strip that I had and I added the column wiring retainer at the bottom of the column shaft made from a BMF strip and given a coat of flat clear to tone the chrome effect down into a metallic look. Pilots seat is all painted up, detailed and weathered and is ready for the seat belts that came in the mail yesterday.
  11. This is frickin' COOL!!! If I had the space I would build a small town with a railroad surrounding it. I've heard from more than one person that model railroading prices have skyrocketed.
  12. Jeez.....it's been a long while since I've looked in on this one Simon. Aaaand the good work continues!!! I'm gonna have to get all caught up here.
  13. This looks really good and it's dropped into the perfect setting Bob.
  14. WOW!! Sorry I was so late in responding to all of the great and encouraging feedback fellas. I am truly humbled by all of the responses. Thank you all so very much. Joe
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