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Tom Geiger

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About Tom Geiger

  • Birthday September 16

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Tom Geiger

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Um no... the Danbury Mint cars were designed by Rick Hanmore and Doug Whyte, both very knowledgeable car guys, and esteemed members of the model car community. I saw both of them at NNL East this past weekend.
  2. Back when my family owned the service station, I was working there one morning and my brother-in-law asked me to move an RX-7 into the service bay. He was so big he couldn't get into it! I used to bust his chops that if he won a new car it would be an RX-7
  3. Wow! So sad. I haven't been on the board as of late as I was busy with preparations for NNL East. So sorry to hear he is gone! RIF Snake!
  4. I started this for the 24 Hour build In January, but engaged in overcomplicatous and it hasn’t been completed yet. I decided to go the six cylinder route and got hung up on fit and details to make it all fit. I also chose the wrong paint. I thought I had Tamiya yellow but found I had a near empty can. So I found another brand that never dried during the 24 hours. It is dry now and plenty shiny!
  5. Concept cars are either very cool or way off the mark
  6. Now that’s cool. Super unforgettable model!
  7. Forum posts can be both entertaining and frustrating.
  8. Nicely done! I don't believe I've seen one done as the van before!
  9. Happiness is highly overrated.
  10. From the seller side-- I have built in 20% into my prices to allow me to make offers. I don't have the "Make Offer" on my listings because that is just guaranteeing you won't get full price. I do the "Send Offers" every morning, with all eBay allows. I discount it about 12% and I get a lot of purchases. eBay just started Immediate offers, which can be set by sellers to automatically send the offer to everyone who looks at the listing, the moment they do so. That one is unnerving, it felt like the seller was stalking me! Until I learned it was just a bot. On the buyer side-- If someone has the "Make Offer", I'd never just "Buy It Now". I always make an offer and save a few bucks. My offers aren't outrageous so many of them get accepted. And if a seller doesn't have that, I will click the heart to watch the item... then I wait for an offer.
  11. Dale, as great as he looks, is in his 80s! He said he offered to teach people how to do it and assume his aging equipment but nobody wanted to do this work. So it’s over. And he didn’t give any notice because of what happened to Don Holthaus when he graciously gave notice!
  12. Deficiencies that make them idjits in the first place?
  13. I went to a dermatologist for some psoriasis on my knee. They give you the full body check and I had this little mole in my mustache. She did a biopsy and it was a basal cell precancer thingie. I had surgery where they cut open a part of the right side of my face down to my lip. I was knocked out for this and released same day. The first two weeks I wasn't allowed to chew or use my lip. I survived on pasta with meat sauce and macaroni. I lost 10 pounds. Three weeks later the "skin flap" is pretty much healed but the skin is still swollen thick, numb and is either tingly or throbbing. Lotsa pain and I slept on my back on the couch so I couldn't accidently roll over onto my cheek in my sleep. And no hair is growing there so I don't know if I can have a mustache again!
  14. My local Walmart now has a guy at the door putting a yellow highlighter mark on your receipt as you leave the building. No doubt having a lot of theft with people coming back in the store with their bag and duplicating their purchases! Michaels is going down! I heard they are so broke that they cannot replace batteries on the forklifts in the distribution centers so guys are humping loads manually. All brick and mortar stores are in a decline. I just found out my local Staples store is closing. Its a larger one, and they are consolidating in the smaller store one town away, as they try to get everyone to order online instead.
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