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'70 Grande

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Everything posted by '70 Grande

  1. Started this build a few years ago. It is the vintage 1/25 MPC Pontiac GTO kit, (molded in Dark Blue), which caused me to paint it in a similar Dark Blue color over a Blue interior. I built this as a 2-door sedan, (instead of a hardtop), adding posts and rear, side-window glass, and as a circa-1972 car; 5 years old with its second owner who did a few performance upgrades to it. Interior is flocked, engine compartment has been upgraded with some additional panels and details, chassis has been upgraded with some additional panels and details as well. I deliberately build this car with a slightly-tall stance to it as my reference pics research for 1:1 '67 GTOs seemed to show that many of them "ride-alittle-high". Tried to give it the weathering of a 5-year-old daily-driver. My body paintwork is far-from-good as this is the area where my model-building skills can use the most improvement... still gotta add my driver's side rear-view mirror to call this one complete! Comments, criticisms and suggestions are all welcome.
  2. I also have this kit in-progress but it hasn't been out of its box and worked on for several months now. Two things I do seem to remember from previous builds of this kit I did year's ago... 1) The track-width of the completed front suspension runs a little wide with the front tires sticking outside of the front fenders; I wanna try to narrow-it-up on my work-in-progress. 2) That front suspension also sits a bit high making the finished build have a nose-up stance to it.
  3. Nice build; the post-race weathering effects are quite good! Two questions- 1) How did you create that dent on the passenger-side door/fender? 2) Does this build have mis-matched tires, and if so, is that part of the post-race effects?
  4. Doesn't have to be revolutionary or groundbreaking for me; I just have a dislike for one-piece chassis and prefer to replace them with detailed versions in all of my builds.
  5. Rich... Agree; the '66 Impala stocker is my favorite in the series, (although the "stubby" but nicely-done illustration of it on the box art makes me chuckle)!
  6. Chris... thanks for those wheelbase measurements. I'm not surprised at all by how accurate that measurement is when compared to the 1:1; those "kit-makers of old" really knew what they were doing! Now the challenge will be finding a more detailed chassis that doesn't hafta be stretched a long ways to make 126"! I've done these type of chassis-stretches before, but I'm not sure I wanna do another one for this '66 Wildcat kit.
  7. I'm curious what the 1/25 wheelbase measurement is on this kit... (its 126" in the 1:1 world). I have never liked one-piece molded chassis with no separate suspension pieces and might get this kit if I could find an accurate/more-detailed chassis to swap underneath it. Anybody have any chassis-swap suggestions?
  8. The big issue in my eyes with the Revell '65 Chevelle Z16's roofline is how straight-n-flat the roofline right over the doors is; a straight horizontal edgeline that has no tamper-towards-the-rear like the 1:1 has... it blatantly stands-out to my eye.
  9. Lotz of great work here... I especially like that tasty little Porsche 904!
  10. Lots of excellent work showing here... all nicely done!
  11. Stunning build here of an iconic racing machine!
  12. '70 Grande

    Honda F1

    Beautiful build ! What scale is it?
  13. Almost 20 builds... that's more than I completed in the last decade! Great stuff here with a nice variety of subjects... well done!
  14. Wow! This is an incredible build! Your paintwork and kitbashing to get that combination of sub-assemblies together is awesome!
  15. Well done! This kit has some issues, and frequently, when built, looks a little "off" to my eyes, but your build looks very good and doesn't have that "off-look-symptom to it! Takes me back to the 1970's... nice job!
  16. I agree; a very nicely done build! I have built this kit more times than any other kit out there, (4X if I remember them all)! It qualifies as my all-time-favorite kit even tho it has those mid-1970's kit production issues as you mentioned. I like your color choice of the Red interior with Inca Gold outer! Your detail-painting and engine work look exceptional, too!
  17. If you are gonna build that USPS version, make certain it has some nice-sized fender- dents like shown in that 1:1 pic!
  18. Looks good even after all those rebuilding and paint struggles! I've always loved this kit; had one in-the-works for over a decade now... I need to pull that one out and finish her up!
  19. Owned a 1:1 baseline 1970-1/2 Camaro; it had the 250ci straight-6. That straight-6 from the '69 Firebird kits would take a bit of work to turn into an engine that looks like the Chevrolet 250 from my 1:1... I really don't think that'd be the best place to start.
  20. I'm curious if the Turbo 4-cylinder is made-up of the same engine parts found inside this 1/25 AMT Ford Courier Pickup kit issued a year or so after the Pintera kit.
  21. Excellent build! Looking at that side-view comparison image with the 1:1, I think your build has a better looking stance than the 1:1! Great job!
  22. Okay, so I made no progress on my 1/25 MPC '67 Pontiac GTO project a month+ ago, but I'm hoping it can be reinstated as a "Bring-out-your-dead" project for the December deadline; I'm really gonna work on it this time and get it all finished-up!
  23. Excellent build! The paint and decal work are exceptional, stance looks great as do those wheels and tires! It is easy-to-see that alot of work and effort was invested in this build... it all paid-off!
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