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cowboy rich

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Everything posted by cowboy rich

  1. Well here's what I'm gonna play along with. sorry pics are bad
  2. I'm on the truck side of the models so I don't know diddly about planes but what I can say is I would be very surprised to hear that anyone here hasn't had problems with some of their projects. Don't give up, if you ask the question, someone here most likely can help, it's a very helpful group. These folks have gotten me through a couple of my trucks with everything from making it "fit right" to paint and glue on glass. Dont give up on it there's plenty of help here. Rich
  3. X2 you must not have even rolled your eyes at anyone this last year or so!
  4. I did one years ago using the tanker kit Like terry did but mine was full frame after some local trucks at the time. Terry did a much better job than me however.
  5. Mine don't roll, travel for work and live full time in a fifth wheel trailer moving about every 6 months... I don't want to imagine the carnage
  6. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas
  7. Very nice JT. That build bug is getting to me as well now that the white stuffs around. Glad to see your back at the bench
  8. I am certain I DO NOT want to know what goes into the "sauce"
  9. that is funny! Do we finally have truth in advertising?
  10. it's exactly what you said its beef renderings, for the U.S. Market it is shipped to China, processed and brought back because Imported products don't have to meet the same standards as domestic.
  11. Well here's what I woke up to, about 6" and 5 degrees F. Hard part around here is it was 65 yesterday!!?? I work supermarket refrigeration so I can handle -21 and below, but I've never lived someplace with these swings in temp.
  12. There's a list of colors on here that I've seen but not having much luck finding it
  13. Count me in, gives me a good reason to get on my 1/16 359/condo sleeper.
  14. I know with the exhaust question the 3 we had it was weed burner set up because ours all ran in orchards in WA. state so upright exhaust could harm low hanging fruit Looks like a nice tractor, I want one! Rich
  15. I had that white stuff falling all morning, went to work at 4 am snowing and 1 degree, got home at noon 54 degrees? Colorado I guess!?
  16. I haven't piped in much but I have been concerned so here's a big AMEN from me
  17. Coming along really nice Tom I also like the color Rich
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