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Everything posted by sjordan2

  1. DECEMBER 2: According to a friend of Harry's on Facebook, he was released from the hospital to go home. He is unable to take care of himself, and his insurance company approved putting him in a rehab facility, where he is now.
  2. The 1/16 SS100 is nice -- Harry did an excellent job on it.
  3. Thanks for taking my mind off of politics -- but you didn't have to go that far.
  4. I tried to PM Gregg with this, but I don't find the means to do so. I must be blocked.
  5. PS.. Harry has said he always leaves a Forum window open on his computer, so I suppose that's why he's shown to be online.
  6. I don't know how to link a Facebook page, but here's the post...
  7. I just saw on Facebook that Harry has been admitted to the hospital with congestive heart failure, pneumonia and sepsis, and they're holding off on chemo.
  8. Avidly waiting. You might post a shot of the 1:16 you did so everyone can see what you're dealing with.
  9. The real improvement was made at the factory -- bumpers on both the Gullwing and cabriolet were optional, and they looked better without them. Of course, that made them more susceptible to dings and dents.
  10. Wishing you many, many happier birthdays.
  11. Terrific work. This is 1/144 scale, designed by Greg deSantis for Pegasus Models, and "inspired" by the Disney movie (with enough differences to avoid Disney's copyright police). If you can find kits or built-ups accurate to the movie boat, you're talking mucho dinero. A detailed build review, with interiors, can be found when you search at swannysmodels.com
  12. Little-known useless fact: Contrary to any inclination by others, she insisted that her name be pronounced "Dah-mure." Go figure.
  13. I'll be watching. Wish I had a Beck Spyder. How's yours coming? What upgrades will you make? The first thing I'd do is to accurize the nose air intake.
  14. Red wires are definitely the best choice. Did you primer them?
  15. Well, it's certainly fun to watch.
  16. I built that kit long ago. The version I had didn't have any plated parts, and there were no model plating services, BMF or chromelike paints. I had to use putty to put treads on the two-part plastic wheels, and everything came out great. Wish I had kept it.
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