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Dave Van

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Everything posted by Dave Van

  1. Texture issue????? Shot mine with Dupli-color gray sealer (not the thick primer) did my normal wet sanding with 800 grit.......and even with old arthritic hands preped in minutes and ready yo paint. But I am HIGHLY skilled.........
  2. Been using one since Mattel introduced them!!! First as Mattel intended to make toys....then canopies for planes. I now have 3 other commercial Vac machines. HINT...apply a small amount of Vaseline inside the tube under the platform that create the vacuum....it will make the unit work better.
  3. Nice neat clean work......... I see a few decals I did the artwork for too!!! Nice to see some used!!
  4. Detail under the body did vary wildly. JoHan could compete with the big boys easy.....when they wanted to. Check any of the classic Caddy kits. And the engine and chassis on the 1972 Gran Torino is mechanically great even though it lacks some engraving......almost like they spent so much time on some details they stopped short. The promo based kits can be simple but I'd buy EVERY old simple JoHan kit made if offered again. (and hopefully yje 59 Rambler will soon)
  5. GREAT engineered kit.......but replica stock builders don't care.......again subject matter....
  6. Don't forget the front seat fold forward to get into the back!!!! And there is a tire rack built into the trees!! Cool kit. The classic car kits are works of art too....
  7. Yes...and pretty decent kits too!!!! I was with a group that looked into getting those tools for production....but it never happened.
  8. Subject matter + OOP + demand = costly. Also add nostalgia. JoHan kits back in the 1960's were looked upon as 'boring' and often ended up at stores like Pic N Save for 99 cents. That price was easy to talk Mom into where $2 wasn't. So there is a connection to our warm past along with some cool subject matter.
  9. THANKS AFX.........sometimes you forget how utterly FANTASTIC the entire YES catalog is........I include Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe too..... I have had a terrible 31/2 weeks with hospitals, deaths and more hospitals. If I could I'd lock myself in a room with all my YES and stay for a week. I'd feel better..... Jon Anderson has not been well for a while....hope he's better...
  10. Still have a few YES 8 Track tapes hanging around.......RIP Chris Saw YES in concert many times.......hoped once more.
  11. WOW....nice work! I built one back in the day...another in my stash.....
  12. Man I wish I had these problems........ All I have on my plate is a Father in ICU since 6/19/15 asking me to pull the plug on him..... Sorry about the major bumper issue....... GET A LIFE.
  13. COOL....Not built many ships....but did build a few Revell from that era. Don't have any built now.....but a few in the stash.
  14. I am about 99% Tamiya and Dupli-color touch up spray cans. I don't get to exotic......
  15. R2 will not allow Model King to do private issue kits any longer. Too bad as we had some great ideas for some kits.
  16. All my paint jobs go through my food dehydrator no matter the type or brand. baking metal in an oven can cause color change.
  17. Then R2 is the only one to answer.......
  18. Prayers to your entire family. Dad is still in ICU and being ignored. Found the hospital was given a score of 35 out 100 by US News & World Report. Beware folks......it's coming to your town.
  19. All Dupli-color products I use dry well in my dehydrator without issue. I have not used THAT clear in question......but used about every other product they have.
  20. I am sitting ina ICU waiting room as we speak. Dad got a bunch of blood clots in left leg....so many he lost the leg. Sent to a hospital 2 hours from home. No sleep only have this computer so I can keep family updated. Yes.....keep family close...check on all of them. BUT PLEASE keep them healthy and out of all hospitals. Affordable health care act has killed patient care. If not for my wife who worked ICU for ten years...Dad would not be going home.
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