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High octane

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Everything posted by High octane

  1. The contest & swap meet will be at the American Legion Hall at 111 South Second Street in Delavan, Wisconsin on Sunday July 11th,2010 For info: call Rich at (262) 728-5003 or Kieth at (262) 728-1483 The hours are 10am to 3pm.
  2. Looks great Drew, a really nice job on that build!
  3. Jim999, Yes I was a member from about '75 to the end which was '86 if I'm not mistaken. I remember your dad well and he was a great guy. I was even at your house before your dad and mom (Marilyn) divorced. Your dad did a great job putting on the swap meets by himself at the Hillside Holiday Inn when the club didn't want to do it anymore. Craig and I ran the model contest for your dad at the shows. I still have a couple of his business cards that say Chicago On Wheels.
  4. EXCELLENT work on that Suburban raymond, it is just awesome!
  5. Wow, what an AWESOME build, however it would look a lot better on MY shelf! LOL!
  6. Good luck Johnny, I had two knee replacements and I'm glad I did. I have a buddy who had a hip replacement and went back to work doing construction work. I'm sure you'll do fine.
  7. Bryce, Really nice job on that Mopar. The work is outstanding and "the look" is just right/
  8. Troy, WOW, that's wild! Really nice job on the Charger and of course the interior also.
  9. Ed, Rod & Kulture is an excellent magazine but they are issued quarterly and not bi-monthly. I just dropped my subscription and now buy it on the newstand for $1 more. Go figure???
  10. Steve, You did a GREAT job on that gasser and I hope that your arm is back to 100% real soon. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Mike, I have been getting Hot Rod Deluxe for some time now and you're right, it does have excellent photos of rods, customs, dragsters, and gassers from "back in the day" and can provide great ideas and reference material for a large number of model car builds.
  12. Really nice job on that War Eagle John.
  13. 58 Impala, I use 5 minute epoxy and it works great for me.
  14. Wow Dave, awesome work is an understatement!
  15. WOW, what an awesome looking Pontiac!!! And of course it would look a lot BETTER in MY garage!
  16. Wow, really nice car and AWESOME paint!
  17. jamie, I picked up a can of Spaz-Stix today at a hobby shop and the retail price was $12.49. I was able to get a 20% discount and they had a sample of the paint on a rear differential and it looked real good. I was also told to spray it over Krylon black paint.
  18. In April I had talked to someone who worked for Revell and he said that the Chi-Town Hustler won't be on the shelves until Aug. or Sept. As you well know, that could change also. BTW, the test shot of that model looks real good and yes it does have the offset engine and drivers seat.
  19. Vaughn, You and the other members of your club did and AWESOME job on that Texaco station!
  20. Zack, It would help if we knew what color the hearse is going to be, thanks.
  21. Wow Bernard,looks like you got yourself into quite a project and a good one too. I'll be watching your progress as it looks great already.
  22. Don't get your hopes up for a manufacturer to sponsor or run an national model car contest as it's just not going to happen. The modeling "boom" of the 60's is long gone. There were more builders "back in the day" than today. Now most of the builders are 40+ years old. The hobby business is a far cry from what it used to be and today it is a bad business venture. Many and I do mean many hobby shops from the 60's & 70's are long gone and the ones that are surviving are big into R/C because that's where the MONEY is! In the 50's, 60's, & 70's there were many "combo" businesses, like a camera store/ hobby shop, a Schwinn bicycle dealer/ hobby shop, pet store/hobby shop, confectionary store/ hobby shop,etc.. Manufacturers are not making tons of money on plastic model kits and are not going to use a contest to promote their business as all the model builders are fully aware of who makes model kits today. They don't have to advertise today like they did back in the 60's. Take your rose colored glasses off because a national model car contest put on or sponsored by a kit manufacturer is a far fetched idea.
  23. Jim, My local Hobby Lobby has had the same old stuff for I don't know how long. And the other day I stopped at my local Micheals armed with a 40% off coupon and the same scenerio there too. I couldn't buy anything off their shelves if I had an 80% off coupon. Just the same old kits. Of course the employee working on the model car shelves said that they will be getting new stuff soon. Yeah, probably about the same time I win the lottery!
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