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Everything posted by kruleworld

  1. very fine work. i like them both
  2. Many diorama builders who use it to fix material to the base. Look up Luke Towan on youtube.
  3. https://www.micromark.com/Magnetic-Gluing-Jig-10-1-4-Inch-Square
  4. holy cow! that's an amazing collection
  5. looks good. i love that aggressive nose down look I modified a 70 AMT kit into a 74 by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/87459383@N07/]aus_mus[/url], on Flickr
  6. Nice weathering. it really needs a diorama to finish it off
  7. This is a cool build and upscaling is a good source for ideas. i've done Matchbox's Dodge Dragster
  8. awesome build. I remember the episode. "It's just a silly cartoon" There's plenty in their for adults. Especially if you're a geek.
  9. AMT have fixed the later Dukes charger release to have the correct buttress rear window. Since Jim B has the version with no Southern Flag on the roof, it's a newer release. @doorsovdoon Awesome build and nice weathering.
  10. I find i have to lube that part a lot as well. Nice that you were able to fix it.
  11. I've had no issues doing this. The trick is to sort of blob the tamiya paint on and not brush it around.
  12. These are cool and made well. They'd be good for cosplay for sure. i've done a lot of 3d printed props, but not much star trek stuff. only thing i've done so far is the EMH Mobile Emitter.
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