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Auto modelers - Left or right brained?


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I'd like to try an experiment and see how most of us fall on a left brain (logical) or right brain (artistic) test. My instincts say that most of us would fall somewhere in the middle as scale auto modeling is a mixture of both engineering and art, but I still think it would be fun to check out.

If you're willing, go to the following link and take a 12 question test. There are NO ads, my anti-adware/spyware software had no issues with the site and there are no questions that require your identification. It grades on a left to right, 1 to 100 scale. I was scored at 63, which is slightly right brained and no surprise to me. Please post up your results.


Edited by Jantrix
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You're intuitive and spontaneous, preferring to take a much more "hands-on" approach to life. There are times when you may be a little scatter-brained and disorganized, but it's not like you do it on purpose - with so much out there to explore and so many things to do, it can sometimes be hard to keep track of everything!

That works. I'm more the idea guy who likes to change processes, but I'm not the one to actually do all the detail work to do so! We are the folks who have great model ideas, but once we can envision how they will be finished, we're off to the next great idea!

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Being ruled by emotion or impulses is not in your nature - no matter what you do, it's always "think first, act later". Although this may indicate that you're not much of a risk-taker extraordinaire, it does imply that you can be trusted to always have a "Plan B" and to be ready for whatever obstacles come your way. While some people may have difficulty making sense of this fast-paced, topsy-turvy world, your logical and rational nature helps you put everything into perspective. Life's "big picture" is important, but it's the little things that matter most to you. No matter how complex your life gets, you always manage to figure things out and set them right again.

That's me in a nutshell. Fun test Rob, thanks for sharing.

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Just went back and reread the first page and it is not surprising that the majority of us are in the middle. The test shows a standard bell curve and about 15 points either sided are the majority. of the population. To find most of us in the 35 to 65 range means that we are representative of the population in general. No surprise.

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67. The general description after the score seems to fit me pretty well, though I'm significantly more detail-oriented than it would suggest. Anyone who knows my real-world work would agree...though I see the details as simultaneously parts of the overall goal or project, and tend to weight them about equally in my mind.

And there's no question that although I can be very logical about other people and projects, when managing my own life, I tend to shoot from the hip. This has had some very expensive consequences, and I'm working to tame the tendency somewhat. B)

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