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Whats your work area like?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The new joint,... for now, managed to cram this into the second bedroom of an apartment,..

Spacious enough,... I need more shelves to clutter up:lol: .....Lost the Bar Fridge in the move:(


Got some time off, and am going to put this to good use.

Cheers everyone, Have a Happy Merry  Ho Ho and a Good New 365:blink:

Edited by Belugawrx
cause I forgot about the bar fridge......now I'm sad again
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When I got back into the hobby in around 1995 I was building on the kitchen table. Later that year I built a custom desk & that became my work bench as seen in the 1st picture.

In 2001, we bought our first house & I got my own room. 2nd picture shows the same desk/workbench as it was in 2004 right before I put everything into storage.

After having all of my modeling stuff put away in storage, I started to put the hobby room back together again in late 2014. I put the room back together kinda like it had been with shelving on 3 walls for my collection. I then threw together an L-shaped table to work on.

Last bench pic is from mid 2015. I was in the process of fixing my older builtups. Being in storage wasn't good to them.  The other pic shows my old Testors paint station that I just got put into the room along with the storage cabinet under it that I have had since 1969 that my dad built for me.& my model display cabinet that has been around since the 70's when I built it as a bookcase for my mom. Enjoy the pics. I love seeing all the cool spaces!





older model builds 003.JPG

4Sale 006.JPG

4Sale 007.JPG

Edited by Lordmodelbuilder
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Well I spy with my eye, -another, with the Testors paint rack set up! (Aren't those nice!? -For those of us with enough paint to fill it!) I have 5 of the Testors paint racks! One full, the other 4 wait to have a place to be put right now! (My shops a wreck).....

Amazing how all of us have the same elements in our work areas!

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Well I spy with my eye, -another, with the Testors paint rack set up! (Aren't those nice!? -For those of us with enough paint to fill it!) I have 5 of the Testors paint racks! One full, the other 4 wait to have a place to be put right now! (My shops a wreck).....

Amazing how all of us have the same elements in our work areas!

For the most part, many of us do have the same stuff in our work areas. I however don't have room for a spray booth or a dehydrator and I seem to do well without them. I also don't have room for a paint rack, or many paint racks either. I also seem to get by with a minimal amount of tools as well, which works for me. While we're in the same hobby, many of us accomplish the same objective in different ways.  

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For the most part, many of us do have the same stuff in our work areas. I however don't have room for a spray booth or a dehydrator and I seem to do well without them. I also don't have room for a paint rack, or many paint racks either. I also seem to get by with a minimal amount of tools as well, which works for me. While we're in the same hobby, many of us accomplish the same objective in different ways.  

Thats why I said "elements". a lot the same, used, stored differently.... to get much the same "end-result".


I forgot to mention, I myself, buy when I see things at good prices (EVEN if that means I make a second trip) if the price is just "that good" so, being I shop when price is almost un-passable, I then must "store" items......  Hence paint, glue, parts, even tools (if found) for future builds and use. Things I know, I'll use!


Edited by 426-Hemi
See "Edit:"
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Well I spy with my eye, -another, with the Testors paint rack set up! (Aren't those nice!? -For those of us with enough paint to fill it!) I have 5 of the Testors paint racks! One full, the other 4 wait to have a place to be put right now! (My shops a wreck).....

Amazing how all of us have the same elements in our work areas!

Where do you guys find these testors paint racks at for I don't have one yet??? O.o

and btw wasn't there a thread already of WORKBENCH SATURDAYS that show pics of your benches on to?

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I myself have had a GREAT relationship with the local hobby shops "Manager" for over a decade, when he got new shelving to reset the store, I was asked if I had interest in the old ones.... Naturally, the old ones used and pretty much beat (paint wise) but sturdy and all structurally SO, I took 'em, ALL for the taking I had to take them all to get just one but I had no issue with taking them all like that as they store pretty easily and at the time I got them, I myself was resetting the work benches in my shop so...... -And he knew that! Dave, the store manager, knew I had TONS of paint, I was always in there buying from him too! I got deals on all the Testors paint. I got Testors Model Masters "Metalizers" 5 for $1.00 in the end as it wasn't selling, and it was old (by a few years of shelf life) and for $16, I bought all he had! Right after that is when he seen me on my next visit, "Hey Johnny, ya need some paint shelving" I hear this and my ears begin to grow pointy LOL "Why yes, what ya got in mind Dave?" LOL -And thats how I got the racks I got!

The other bit of advice I could tell you, is watch for stores closing, (I HATE THAT, but....) thats one good way to get old paint racks, OR a hobby shop thats moving/relocating, a lot of times (at least in my area) they sell off the empty racks, and get new for the new location.... These times, you might nail a rack for $5.00, maybe even less depending on how fast they wanna empty the place out.....

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I have a room dedicated to the hobby. It's attached to the back of my garage where I work on my larger scale hobby things. I've been away from the bench for well over a year with some health issues, but I've cleaned up the room and started building about a month or so ago. Some of the pictures aren't too good because of the sunlight that had to be shaded when I took them.





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Where do you guys find these testors paint racks at for I don't have one yet??? O.o


I had always wanted a paint rack but could never locate one anywhere. Last year I happened to mention it to a friend, & she just happened to have one!

She had owned a 2nd hand crafts store & when they closed, it went into storage. She was nice enough to give it to me along with 5 model kits that she had saved all these years.

I cleaned the rack up best I could. Still might have it powder coated as I have a good friend in the business. I am however looking for the complete paint labels for my rack. A couple of them were torn in half & missing & I need to replace them. Anyone have a picture of them so I can see what the paint colors I am missing are?

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