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How do you pick which model you will work on next

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Boy that's a tough call choosing a model kit to build out of many. I have a lot of choices and a lot of cars I'd like to build (and finish). I was hoping to finish two more by the end of this year, but right now it doesn't look like it's gonna happen. One of the clubs that I belong to has "resin" for a theme and I do have a few resin kits that I'd like to build someday, soooooo I believe my next choice will be a resin kit from my stash and probably an AWB one at that. We'll see???

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Since my goal is to build as many cars from the 1950's that I can, I pretty much pick one of the 50's cars that I have in the TO DO pile...... either a plastic kit, a promo or a resin kit.  I occasionally stray from the 50's cars and build a Street Rod.  Right now I'm working on a 1950 Oldsmobile.

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I rarely finish anything and start new projects all the time, Ive got basically everything on hand with about 2500+ kits so if I see a car I like, or get an idea/inspiration I pull it out and do a bit,and then write a list of what else I want to do and put it in the box and shelf it until I want to come back to it. I also keep a notebook with me most of the time, at work etc, and if I get an idea I write it down.

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Sometimes i sit for a couple of nights before i make up my mind, it is usually what INSPIRES me.

Same here. However it also depends on what I have finished recently. If I finished a model with a lot of mods and scratch building, I would me more inclined to choose a subject without many modifications. I also shift from one genre to another for the next one. I go from protouring, to a hot rod, to a muscle car, to a drag racer. This keeps things fresh.

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Sometimes I'll build for a club or NNL show theme,sometimes an idea pops into my head, and sometimes I decide to try to finish a stalled build.

Since I'm not one to build all the same type of model all the time I usually change subject once a build is finished.I just finished a '53 Hudson and now I'm part way through a Pro Street '67 GTO.I may do a Formula 1 car next,or a 1/12 Tamiya bike kit,or a street rod,or...............? I don't know yet.

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After a long absence from model building, retiring, and just about finished a house reno', I'm aiming to build as many cars that Mr Dan Gurney drove, as I can. Dan the Man drove a huge range of cars, so there are many to choose from, and gathering the info for each is also interesting.

First one will be Old Yeller as a scratchbuild, then the next will be the one I've got all the info and stuff to build it with.  Then repeat!!

I'm into Studebakers as well, so the odd Stude might sneek in there too.


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I like to pick my next model based on the parts count and challeng of the build if I am the mood to just build a Shelve Model and get it done quickly with less detail and what hav-ya then I go for small parts count 

My latest choice was the Fujimi Ferrari 250 GTO with over 200 parts ? Lots of P/E Parts so iam sure after this build I will go with a couple easier Builds ?

I also like to keep in mind to build some of my best work for the NNL West coming here in March of 2016 ??

Has I always Hope and look Forward to having them  photographed and published in Model Car Magazine ??


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Inspiration. Others have mentioned it, and in my case, it's a thought that will come to mind and go "Hmmmm........I should try my hand at this one!" Of course my "Obsessive" nature takes over, and I'm soon changing this and that. I've already got my next couple builds lined up-------one them will be GSL bound hopefully in 2017 as I'm making plans now to get to that show. ;)

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   I'm into Studebakers as well, so the odd Stude might sneek in there too.


I've got a '58 Studebaker Golden Hawk I've had 98% done for years, that calls my name from time to time. It was fully built and finished, but a cat I had at the time (early 2000's) knocked it out of its case on the shelf and it got wrecked. :angry:

The hood got damaged and I've just not had the ambition for whatever reason to fix it. Someday I will, but not without making some other changes as well.

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I like this.  I would imagine we've all been there at one point or another.  Many things that others have said ring true for me.  I have all of my models on an Excel spreadsheet.  I have had my wife and two kids each pull a single digit number out of a hat and use a combination of those numbers to select my next project.  I have seen other modelers builds and used that as inspiration.  Sometimes a new kit jumps right to the front of the line.

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My area of modeling interest matches my full scale automotive interest which is early Ford hot rods, typically in 60's or older period styling. I'm always thinking about different cars and how I'd build them. Ideas pop into my head at random while at work, driving, eating breakfast, laying in bed, taking a shower or even sitting on the throne. Naturally, there's times where real hot rods provide inspiration, too. 

There's also times when sitting at my work bench that I'll start screwing around mocking frames, bodies , engines and wheels together and next thing I know a new project is born that I hadn't considered 5 minutes prior.

The only problem is that the ideas come to me a lot faster than I can build them so it takes a lot of discipline not to steer (too far) off course. 


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I also have several projects in progress at any given time and switch from one to another when I have a problem and need a break until what's left of my brain comes up with a solution.More than once I gotten frustrated with what I'm trying to do and will just stop for the night then wake up the next morning with the solution to that problem.I guess some part of our brains keeps working on it's own.

My "what's next" decision is usually based mostly on what has inspired me the most be it a magazine article or a photo on Pintrest.

Edited by misterNNL
My Kindle changed the spelling of a word!
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If you come up with a total number of kits, be it 10 choices, or the multi-hundreds in your stash, you can go to the Random Integer Generator and instead of having it pick a number, you can have it spit out a list of randomized numbers thereby giving you a "build sheet" for your entire collection!

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