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How many builds do you work on at a time?

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Put me in the "one at a time" category.  I think it has as much to do with bench space and organization as anything.  I have a certain place for the tools that I am currently using during a build.  Same with paints.  Scratch building materials have their place on the bench.  Reference material, instructions, so forth go in a section of the work bench.  I don't like having to move things to make room for other things.  Once a model is done I will put everything back where it goes, clean the bench and maybe check supplies to see if I need to get more.  Out comes the next model and I'll start pulling the paints, etc that I need for it.  And the process repeats itself.

Great minds think alike John.  One at a time works for me, along with the "clean and organized" thing.

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I'm with the multi-build group.  I get bored with one.  Also, if I run into a problem that befuddles me I need to have another to keep my interest up while I think through the problem.  

I do keep it to no more than 3 because I don't have a dedicated shop so I worry about losing or braking things.

In the end, to each his/her own.  That's what keeps the hobby going!

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I may have 10 or more started,,,but I have to concentrate on 1 at a time on the bench or none ever get finished.

FAR to easy to get sidetracked and open something else to do a mockup on a new idea and the original build gets lost in the shuffle. before long I have 10 kits in various stages. This spring I've been pulling them out ONE at a time and finish ONE at a time till its done.

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Multiples here, and it's even worse because I also build...well, start anyway...armor, aircraft, figures, dioramas etc.

Sometimes I tell myself I'lldo a quick, "weekender" right out of the box.  That never seems to work.

e.g., I got the Heller '34 Hispano-Suiza K6 kit cheap and decided it would make a great quick build. As the car of a former famous Hollywood actress that had been abandoned when the engine blew. And was later adopted by a surfer, who installed a Chevy 6.

There is no quick way to do 6 or 7 varying levels of rust and have them come out right. And what would the adapter plate look like for Chevy 6 to Hispano transmission (which also controlled the servo-assisted mechanical brakes thru a bunch of rods and cables)?  I may ditch that trans for a High School Shop Class lash-up of a used hydraulic brake system.  Or something.

Then I re-watched "Sunset Boulevard" and got inspired by Gloria Swanson's Isotta-Fraschini. And decided the model really needed a cheetah-skin interior. And in just a minute, I will quit wasting time on the Internet and get back to working on it. In just a minute...

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I don't think there's a wrong answer here. It's a hobby so whatever makes you happy is just right. I have 3 that I've been going back and forth on right now. The time I spend in the hobby room is pure enjoyment so it all counts. If you crank them out 1 at a time, good for you. If you spend your entire modeling career just building engines and never finish a build, good for you too! Just enjoy it.

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I've realized I like sourcing parts, making lists of ideas, and cutting things up more than actually finishing builds. That stuff is just work!

So now I have about a dozen builds on the go, maybe more. Let's see...

-two builds painted, needing windows cut from clear plastic, and assembly

-one build partially painted, needs masking and additional paintwork, foil, and assembly

-one build with 95% of the mods done, needs paint, wiring and assembly

-two builds with 80% of mods done, need primer, wiring, paint, and assembly

-three long-term builds requiring a lot of scratchbuilding and head-scratching, I pull them out every few months and do a little work on each

-two builds that I just started, mods are about %60 done, nothing primed or painted yet

-two abandoned builds sitting in boxes. I might get back to them, but they're not priority.

-one build that I started this weekend because I've been itching to cut the thing up for years and finally couldn't stand it. I'll get it roughed in, then put it back in the box for later.

So if I buckle down and get some work done, I'll have 2 finished builds soon. A little more work, that's 3. The next batch will be the mostly-finished but un-painted builds, about 3 or 4 of those. Next, the long-term projects...

It's clear when I look at this list that very little is actually getting done....but that's the ENTIRE POINT for me. It's playtime, and incredibly enjoyable. Love it.


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If I ever build , I like to concentrate on one project at a time , sourcing parts , reference info , paint scheme ,  rounding up paint etc.... then the build. I might stop on a project and shelve it for a while , get out another new one or another stalled project. But only one on the bench at a time.

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I have severe AADD, so 20 or 30 would be likely.

This would be a fairly accurate description of me! I have a bunch of  models that will literally take less than an hour each to finish and yet there I am starting on another one and adding to the pile! 

Yesterday was 80 degrees and low humidity and I found myself in the garage painting 5 bodies! Two are for kits that I haven't even started the rest of the model, I was just excited to be able to paint! And because the paint jobs came out so well, now I will HAVE to build them!

The best solution for me is to focus on snap kits, then at least the kits have a chance of being finished! LOL!


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all of them. even the ones I haven't touched, I plan through in my head while other stuff is going on. And I get them "finished" fairly often, if "finished" means I don't ever plan to touch it again unless it needs repairs. got a half dozen under the workbench that i'm actively working on; one has the body gassing out waiting for trim painting, glass installation and interior work. several others are in various stages of completion, one or two might end up in "parts limbo" while I search for critical parts. But I always have something I can pop the top on, do a little cleanup here and there, paint on, etc... 

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